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Harry and Meghan Interview with Oprah


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And you are entitled to hate me! But I'm sorry, I lost my last shred of patience when you spent the last several pages posting screencaps of other people's tacky opinions on a pretty serious issue. You take care.

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None of was at all surprising, but it is good that they put it out there. This sort of thing happens on a daily basis outside of a monarchy and it does not get discussed. Plenty of white families will have a conniption if any relative marries a person of color. I know a woman who has biracial sons and she said that her conservative Mormon mother initially told her to have an abortion instead of having a baby by a black man.

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The Letters Patent of King George date back to 1917. They are the reason that Archie is not styled a Prince. The Queen had to issue her own Letter Patent when George was born to provide for William's children to have titles. None of the Queen's other great grandchildren have titles (Princess Eugenie and Princess Anne's children Peter and Zara all have untitled children) but because William's are in the direct order of succession, the Queen made an exception for them. 


Harry and Meghan lied about their security in Canada. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the Canadian federal police agency) provided 24/7 protection to them while they lived on Vancouver Island fully at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer. However, that was provided under a mutual recognition arrangement with the UK's Metropolitan Police, so once the UK pulled their officers, the Canadian government advised Harry and Meghan that their police protection in Canada would end unless they paid for it privately. That is when they went to California.  


The only correction I'd make there is Harry inherited 10.5 million UK sterling from his mother when she died. That is equivalent to $27,000,000 USD in today's money. 

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I think, as others have said, a good portion of the British press and public will continue to reject the wake-up call and them. It's too much cold water thrown in their face. The press in particular will never let it go for deeper reasons, because these two played the American media game and not the UK one which is possibly even more insidious and labyrinthian. That's an unforgivable sin in that world.


Still, the injury is going to resonate and fester for years to come. And while there will always be divided opinion about Meghan in the States in a way there really wasn't with Diana (who also became very skilled at playing the game and working media refs, but who above all was white, and we now live in a time of culture wars as well), I think you will continue to see a very sympathetic international reaction and among the British youth perhaps which the royals will have to contend with for a long time. This is going to stick.

Edited by Vee
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I kind of disagree with this, at least in my opinion I feel that Harry and Meghan are the ones who are the underdogs here, while the BRF has often been seen as holding all the power. I really just listened to them, and I feel I was pretty impartial overall. If anything I think people are predisposed (in the UK at least) to hate Meghan. I really didn't care one way or another, until I started seeing the overt displays of anger by the British people about how Meghan was a terrible person who couldn't you name it (dress, be presentable, do her duty, care for others, do her bit to the royal family, etc.). That made me skeptical and curious, and I figured I would watch out of curiosity.


As such I kind of disagree that everyone's minds were already made up. Even to this day we still get British tabloids saying that Meghan is doing "damage control" and is Beelzebub, and Harry is stupid for liking her. It's like they have a never ending press machine to drag her and him through the mud. There are still endless comparisons made to make Kate look better by comparison. The power play here was never in Meghan's favor. It isn't in Harry's either. If people like them, it's in spite of the media narrative and powerhouse PR of the BRF. 

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In the minds of the British press and a lot of the American right (as well as just some garden variety American misogynists and/or racists), Meghan is the scheming bridezilla who ruined a wonderful fantasy kingdom we've all enjoyed from afar for years. That will always be the image some people have of her. For some it's fun to turn any young, happy and driven woman into a shrewish meme. If I needed to have that fix, well, I've already seen Heathers approximately 50 times.


I have no doubt she can be difficult, and I've found some of her and Harry's moves rash and tone deaf at times. But I can't blame young and frankly, very naive people in love for being rattled by the situation they found themselves thrust into and the unbelievable burden put upon them to suspend their lives together and subsume it into "the Firm". And the stories she and her husband have told about how they were treated both inside and outside of the family are just too heartbreaking to ignore, not just the big stuff like the tabloids making all sorts of animal jokes but the smaller, passive aggressive things like asking after Archie's pigmentation. That's all too real. A lot of people will recognize stuff like that from their own lives and remember it.

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Yes. Meghan is viscerally hated by many people, especially in the UK. The sheer bile toward her, for no reason (other than the obvious) is one of the reasons that I can't really "both sides" this. She has little of the public support Diana had. One can say she's a rich actress and married to a rich man, let's care about other matters, and I would say that's a fair point, but this isn't just about her - it's about levels on levels of ugliness and bigotry that are plain as day, and which people are eternally gaslighted into believing don't exist.

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I think public opinion on Meghan internationally is evenly divided. There's still a tremendous amount of interest and sympathy. I think she has a fair amount of the support Diana had globally, but it will always be cleaved in half because she's not white and because of the contrarian and/or cynical sociopolitical climate we now live in. More people in this country despise her than they ever did Diana, but nobody stops watching and the offers and sympathy keep coming.

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