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GH March 2021 Discussion

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She truly has gotten nothing out of the pairing.  I don't know why the show can't find any way to use Liz other than giving her horrible love interests.  There are definitely Friz/RoHo stans, I just think a lot of Liz fans hopped on the Friz train because it gave Liz airtime and kept her semi-relevant not because it was a good storyline arc for Liz.

Perhaps.  There is clearly nothing left for filming lol.  Chad Duell seems so boring and almost asexual to me.  Maybe it's his sad, doe eyed expressions.  He always looks like he needs a hug.  I mean, good for him for getting it off screen.  But some days I think the show should cut their losses with Duell and hire someone better suited for the part of AJ/Carly/Sonny's kid.  Although, obviously, there are many people I would cut before him.

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I used to think his personality being more on the passive side was a good reaction to his family.  It gave him a level to play against Carly, Sonny, and the Q’s.  But he has zero romantic chemistry with nearly every woman he has been paired with.  Chase sure brings it out in him though.

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The thing is I thought Todd was by far the best OLTL fit from all the cast offs that appeared.  I liked Todd with Carly, but the YEARS and YEARS of trying to make ME and RH a thing and then letting MB and SBu also be a thing.  It's just mind boggling and I have no problem with any of the actors.  I like Sonny and Jason.  It's just none of them are likable leads and I can see that.  A crazy faction of fans isn't going to convince me otherwise.  

I think passive worked when he was first cast.  His exasperation with Carly would crack me up.  And I think he did fine with the rape stuff.  But I think DG was probably the better of the two adult Michaels.  I always felt Michael would be somewhat of a rage monkey due to his childhood.

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You can't build a show with male leads that are all problematic.  Mobsters, rapists, or just insanely boring (Finn, Michael).  Ingo/Jax should have always been the second male lead, but his charm has definitely worn off as well.  But if you are going to focus a show on Sonny, Jax vs. Sonny was the way to go.  At least Jax was heroic and rootable back in the day.  There has to be a good guy to balance Sonny out and it's not his saintly hitman lol.  But this is probably a highly unpopular opinion.  I think SK/AJ could have been a strong male lead as well.  Very flawed, but a likeable guy in the end that could never get it right.  

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Same here. I want him completely gone. Killing off Franco was the right decision, but bringing him back as Todd or somebody else is a big mistake

The more I think about it, the more I think that this was just a big F you to fans who wanted RH gone

This pairing ruined Liz, and it ruined Cameron too. It made her so dumb and so insufferable that I practically don't even care about the character anymore.

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I like them together, that's a nice paring. In terms of how much drama can be squeezed from that , IDK.


Someone said Michael Easton is in the wrong role, I agree. It's hard to think this guy used to be cool and tough Mc Bain on OLTL. As for Elizabeth, they need something else for the character to do other than chase men. Perhaps if they trimmed the bloated cast they could figure out what that something is. 


Overall, Frank needs to go. Maybe he and Ron C can make Y&R interesting but, Frank has overstayed his effectiveness on this show. This OLTL lite version of GH isn't working anymore. 

Edited by ironlion
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Lol same here.


That kid is breaking my heart. Hopefully, the show will realize how talented he is and give him his own storyline as opposed to just being Franco's boy.


I feel bad for Scott too. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I hadnt heard but Is the actor college bound? Maybe he requested recurring. Dunno havent read this anywhere


As for teens and teen stories like dating/sex: Could their real life folks be vetoing that. I mean they are all 18. This is when Frank would usually have the teens go shirtless but so far nada for Cam

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