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Days: November 2020 Discussion Thread

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Lol, obviously, not the OP, but I am going to assume they were talking about Elizabeth's rape.  Emily's rape was awful including having Nik cheat because Emily didn't get over it quick enough.


I would say on Days Kayla's rape?  Maybe Stephanie's wasn't that bad.  Jen and Sami's weren't awful, but I didn't think they were outstanding either.  God, a lot of Days ladies have been raped: Julie, Marlena, Kayla, Jen, Sami, Ciara, Allie, and that's just off the top of my head with current characters.


Not to mention Kristen was once trapped into sex slavery, Abby's basic rape by Stefan, and Nicole's porn issues in her youth a lot of these women have been sexually menaced.  It's pretty disgusting.

Edited by carolineg
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I think Kimberly Brady was also raped, and Hope having sex with John while brainwashed into thinking she was Gina is rape because Hope could not consent.  Wasn’t Laura also raped by Bill?


DAYS also has more rapists that became romantic leading men- Jack, Lawrence, EJ (which I get some fans do not think was a rape), Bill...I hope I am not forgetting anyone.  Jeez.


At least GH learned their lesson with Luke.

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 Kimberly was molested and then she had to sleep with Victor to save Shane or something like that so yes.  Laura was raped.  Hope technically slept with Stefano as well as Gina, so definitely rape.


Jack at least had a lengthy redemption arc. Days never sugarcoated the fact Jack was a rapist, but definitely over compensated by making him 'wacky' and comic relief.  Lawrence wasn't really ever redeemed.  He got Carly, but that didn't really turn out as a win for him.  And the less said about EJ and that mess the better.  I think the Laura/Bill thing went back and forth throughout the years as to whether it was rape or not by the writers.  Even though not a rapist, Steve was a pretty awful guy when he came on menacing both Hope and Kayla.  So Days really has had some shady male leads.


Days also has it share of female rapists that became leads with Kristen and Sami, so they are equal opportunity. 


I do applaud GH for staying away from rape for a long time after Luke and Laura.  If GH had Days rape tendencies Felicia, Anna, Brenda, and Robin all probably would have been rape victims.


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Glad to see JJ back but I'll have mixed feelings if they end up pairing him with Gwen. I kind of want to see that but at the same time I don't. A JJ/Gwen pairing will probably end up dumbing JJ down a lot but it could also spark a really good rivalry between Gwen and Abigail. 

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