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DAYS: Actors released from contracts

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Thank you Sindacco. I really wasn't sure and couldn't remember if we ever heard for sure (and it's probably possible I just don't remember lol). It seemed a bit sudden at the time I thought, he "wasn't leaving" then voila he did, so I wasn't 100% sure. You never know with this show, lol!

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Ya I remember he and Marci Miller taped their last scenes on the same day.  It was really shocking because they were really enthusiastic about "Days" publicly, but then it felt obvious that they were waiting to leave and try their luck outside daytime (I think this happened around the same time as how Pierson Fode similarly left B&B).

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Ahh yes. It definitely felt that way. They were all gung-ho DAYS but then "bye"! lol. It just left you feeling ... were they dumped and allowed to spin it? Was it mutual? Did they bolt? I'd say they made the right call, even though I miss Christopher Sean (nothing against Marci Miller, she was just too blah to me as Abigail and it wasn't the right role for her, and I didn't love how she played her, when she had the fire in her to play it differently; anywho ... but I also blame agenda driven Dena Higley's writing too, I saw a vast difference when Ron took over). Not sure where Fode is at the moment ... ? lol


(and of course their gungho attitude towards DAYS is likely because they enjoyed their time their and maybe didn't exactly want to leave but knew they needed to, so I'd imagine Christopher Sean would return if the timing were right and he were asked)

Edited by KMan101
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Oh I think they were looking for greener pastures.  Christopher Sean very deservingly believes in himself... so I don't think he'd return to "Days" in a long-term capacity unless he felt he really exhausted all his options, which he hasn't.  But TPTB should have done so much more with him.  They really bet on the wrong horse.  CS was fantastic and we all talk about his spark with CM's Will and how hot they were together, but his initial story with Sonny in 2014/15 was really compelling and it became very unclear who the "root-for" couple was, which is the best kind of triangle.  Then FS left, GW was fired, and CS was back-burned.  Such a waste.


I can go on and on about Marci Miller... I thought she was the best young actress that "Days" found in many years... but the Higley writing was f*cking trash with Dario/Abby/Chad/Gabi (was it endless baseball or basketball flashbacks?  OMFG lol), then we had to endure Stefan/Gabby/Abby/Chad... and Miller played a completely different Abby from Mansi, who became so beloved in the role.  And even though Miller's Abby was actually more of the traditional long-suffering soap heroine *I* wanted Abby to be, Mansi's fiery, unpredictable portrayal just fits better and when she came back at the end of 2018, it felt SO right.  But now we don't have a full-time Abby, though (I think she's really needed) and try as Ron Carlivati may, Sarah is NOT cutting it as a(n older) replacement.  I'm surprised they don't interact, lol.

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Okay...I came across the interview these two had in SOD and wanted to go through this thread to see what was touched on and what wasn't. And...


...yes it did find out by running lines together...6 scripts...at the end of the 6 one they find out they left. The actors themselves were surprised. Then (understandably) they got in their feelings. They finally got the news when they walked up to a random producer. 


...it seems like here their exit sounds like it is going to be together. But if I am remembering what I read correctly that IS NOT going to be the case. FIRSTLY it sounds like CM might be around a little longer than FS, SECONDLY it doesn't sound like a happy ending. More like Omnious. THIRDLY CM still did feel by the time he leaves that he was sad because there was a strong air to unfinished business to whatever was written for their exit. 


So are we sure that their last air dates (not Aug 31) is on the same day or is CM still going to be popping up, or I guess I should say he will still be airing scenes in some form. 


And now I'm wondering how they are going to exit that would leave a bad taste for CM at least. I would like to think RC won't write out Will by killing him again...not that he shouldn't done that before on GH with Duke and AJ. But I am wondering if he might kill off Sonny. I just don't see it as a QUIET exit. 

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I'm sorry I'm not sorry that they are leaving. I feel like I am watching them rehearsing the material and not taking it seriously and then boom its the finwl product. This has gone on for months. The show itself is dying unless its doing that well on streaming and if a new viewer comes in and sees that they won't come back. I would rather they recast Paul and add a new gay character and recast Will down the line. 

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Absolutely. They are one of the main reasons I find it very difficult to watch the show these days. Actually, I wish they'd take more than just those two with them. We are due for another St. Valentine's massacre a la 1980. 


And I agree with CM and, to a lesser degree, FS always looking like they're about to bust out laughing at any moment. I get that the material these days IS hard to take seriously but you should at least make some effort to be professional. I find both of the characters insufferable and I think the actors clearly are wanting to do other things. 

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