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Y&R June 2019 Discussion Thread

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Exactly, lol. I know that the amount he paid for her loans was a large sum of money, but the cost of living in that penthouse isn't cheap either. And she sat right up and there and lived there with him enjoying the perks of that. Living with a man is a big step, even more so when he is paying all of the bills. She can take living with him in a rich lifestyle for free, but then balks at the idea of him wanting to help her become debt free. I understand she wished he would have consulted her first, but overall, I didn't like her attitude about the situation.


Plus, she doesn't seem particularly driven either. She doesn't act like she's anxious to get back to medical school and finish up her residency. Like you would think somebody who really wanted to work as a doctor would. And now she's running off on tour to join Jett and Ana, yet another thing Devon is financing. If she's that serious about becoming independent, she needs to hang around town and wait and see if she gets any of the jobs she applied for. Including the one at the hospital. Someone could call about wanting to hire her, while she's unnecessarily hanging out on tour. 

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Look, I'm not saying Lola (or anyone) should ho herself out for every dime Kyle drops her way, but it's ridiculous how she loses [!@#$%^&*] every time he buys her so much as an ice cream cone.

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Devon’s story has been the biggest misstep of Josh and Tony’s regime. It would have worked better to situate him in Chancellor orbit, move into the estate, and bring back Yolanda/Harmony. Have Yolanda attempt to make herself lady of the manor and get into conflict with Jill. Once that is established, bring back Mishael Morgan to fight with Yolanda as the rightful woman in power.

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I know it's an awful awful cop-out but it's such a huge mistake with Marla/Dina.  I'd retcon that the hot Silver Fox guy who was taking care of her was drugging her and it caused side effects that look like Alzheimers and have it stop. 

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I don't know how I'd do it but - I'd have her start saying things like "Where is my medication?  The ones that...Graham used to give to me?"  Just every now and then until Jack/Tracy/All start thinking things...and maybe bring back Graham (he's not dead is he?)?  And somehow have him admit what he was doing. 

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Adam is really sexy. I don't see much chemistry between him and Sharon, but I do think it's cute the way he smiles at her sometimes. And the way he talks is sexy. It would be interesting to see him interact with someone that he has good chemistry with. Today he did get under Sharon's skin a bit when he suggested she still had feelings for him and called Rey a "glorified security guard". And then she runs, acts frustrated for a bit and then quickly sleeps with Rey after her and Adam's heated argument. I do think they are writing it that she may still have feelings for Adam.


And lol at the way that Adam told that Kevin he didn't care about Phyllis. Kevin and also Paul today were acting like something romantic was happening between Adam and Phyllis. Adam doesn't care about Phyllis.  I also thought it was amusing how Adam said something like Victoria's ceremony was a "tacky new age deconstructed non wedding." 


Also, once again Nick looks ill equipped to be a businessman. He lets Dark Horse acquire a lot of debt and set it up to be taken from him. And he can't pull himself out if because he IMO foolishly gives away his extremely large trust fund. He could have pulled his own self out of debt had he not given all of that money away. Now he's running to Jack and Victor who can't/won't him. And Victor did bring up good points about how he started Dark Horse by hacking into Newman Enterprises.


I do wonder if Nick will end back up at Newman Enterprises working for Victor again. Especially since Victor brought up that suggestion today. 

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To be honest I would be perfectly fine with them having

Dina recover overnight

Colleen + Hillary come back from the dead

characters forget they had multiple, needless children and much more

...with no explanation given.

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I’ve finally come around to accepting that Justin Hartley’s Adam didn’t exist outside of the explosion, hell I think he only shared one scene with Sharon, and now I enjoy nuAdam as a better continuation of Muhney’s Adam.

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I was thinking with Dina/Marla - Jerry Douglas appeared as a ghost not so long ago to Jack.  Maybe have him appear to Dina and she recognizes him...and he tells her to let everyone know about the medicine that Graham was giving to her...she starts telling Tracy, Jack, etc. that she's seen John.  Jack would understand because John appeared to him too at times.  I don't know - trying to come up with some kind of idea to explain in order to keep Marla as Dina. 

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I didn't like the Summer/Lola scenes today. When I first read the recaps for it, I thought that Summer and Lola were going to both have a candid conversations about their mothers and come to some sort of understanding with each other. And while I wasn't keen on that, and don't want to see them bonding, that would have been better than what happened today.


On today's show Summer was concerned about being unable to reach Phyllis.Lola saw that and came over to the able and completely took over the conversation with Summer, making the conversation mainly about Lola and emotional issues and insecurities that Lola' s mother has. Summer barely got to talk and express her concerns about Phyllis who is missing and in actual danger. She didn't even get speculate where Phyllis could be at. Because the conversation resolved around Lola and Mama Rosales. Summer literally just existed in that scene for Lola to be featured yet again and to be a sounding board for Lola to talk about her family. Even though, Summer is the one who's mother is in real danger.  There doesn't seem to be really any bounds to the Lola/Rosales propping on this show.


Also, I thought that the scenes between Nick/Adam and Nick/Victoria were good. And I think that Rey is overreacting a little to Sharon/Adam. I don't think he knows Adam enough to be making as strong as statements as he made today. (Even if much of what he said was true). Plus, he was coming on a bit strong, considering that him and Sharon really haven't been a couple for that long. Though, I do still like him and him and Sharon.

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