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Days: March 2019 Discussion Thread⌛

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I think if the shows wrote gay male characters as men that just happened to be gay.. instead of it being the defining characteristic.  Of course, that's easier said than done in a medium that seems to have a mandate that only couples and their love lives be the focus over other aspects of their lives.


It would be interesting if the show had a male character that happened to be gay that was an expert on his friends love lives, being the tag along.. being the single friend, etc... and have it revealed that his/her fear of continual rejection has motivated them to blend amongst the non-gay community because they expect to not fit in because of the fact they're gay vs trying to blend into the gay community and being rejected there.  I've known a few gay men that prefer hanging with just heteros because they know they're different and they can justify being rejected because of that vs if they frequent gay male establishments and getting rejected.  It doesn't make sense, but in a weird way it does.


Of course, that would involve having writers that would be able to write complex/naunced situations... which they can't even do with their veteran characters with tons of history to draw on.

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Yeah. They really need to stop that. It plays into that hetero fear among straight men that all gay men want to sexually attack them... even if they're 350 lb. slobs that no hetero woman would want to touch, let alone a gay man. 


That's what they're doing with Will and Sonny. The problem is, they're not sexually appealing to anyone, male or female. They're just... undefined eunuchs. 

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I didn't hate or like Marlena's very special episode. Reminds of when  OLTL Viki  went to heaven. But on a shoestring budget. Will & Leo scenes were hot. Leo even kissed Will twice. Chandler was awake. For the first time i see chemistry between these two. Since Sonny isn't there. I wonder why the old flashbacks of when Marlena was possessed looks grainy? 

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Ron needs to focus on writing for character..not be inspired about situations from other shows.  Maybe if the show delved into the changes in Marlena post posession..it would have been interesting...seeing how Marlena had to deal with all of that..how she had to question if there was innate darkness in her that she kept hidden..and could be why Kristen could push her buttons because Kristen represented a part of Marlena that she wanted kept hidden from others and herself...etc

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Quelle surprise. What the [!@#$%^&*] doesn't this hack rip off of Viki's legacy created by writers long before him? His recycling of the original DID storyline on the same, then TWO

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OTHER  SOAPS  had me convinced that these showrunners just don't give a [!@#$%^&*] about the integrity of storytelling anymore (as if I needed the convincing). Could you imagine JER taking over HW duties at OLTL and AMC and having Viki and Erica possessed by the devil? Inconceivable.

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I sort of liked the Marlena episode.  It just could have been a lot better.  Tony/Andre and Princess Gina guiding Marlena in the afterlife literally like 6 months after the last time she was at death's door?  That really didn't make a lot of sense.  Stefano and her sister Samantha?  Yes, but I realize that's impossible, maybe they could have kept Andre and tried to get Staci Greason/Isabella for this one?  Maybe they could have just hired an actor to play a grown DJ?   Princess Gina (the real one-not Hope as Gina) has very little relevance in Marlena's overall life.   Oh well, I enjoyed the flashbacks and the silly look into the future.  The actors were playing it cheesy as hell and I at least laughed at that.

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Mala is WAY over the top as to how AMAZING Leo and Will were together. Yeah, it was interesting and Massey didn’t sleepwalk as usual, but this was still Boring Will. 


I dont exactly want want to see them again tomorrow with Leo as a bad boy and Will doing his Dudley DoRight routine.

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lol that's true. The gay men on soaps tend to be doused with an extra dose of boring and sexless qualities. I agree.


Chandler perks up around just about everyone BUT Freddie ... but I agree they're overblowing it. But I think it just proves how checked out he usually is with Freddie if it's noticed that much ... LOL

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I am behind on episodes and went to yesterday's episode since it was a special episode. It sure was an awful episode. The set was just atrocious. Marlena pushing Andre into hell looked so dumb. And why was Gina there? I guess she can go back and forth from hell and purgatory. 


Leo: Come on Will I'm thirsty!

Will: Well have some water.....SPLASH........LOL

Leo: You beast....I like the way you play.......... kiss again....


It's obvious either one or both....the writing for Will and Sonny is downright boring and or.....Chandler is bored having Will and Sonny scenes......

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