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Does anyone feel bad for Jillian? Like at all? Poor, poor Julian being robbed of time with his son. rolleyes.gif When the show started yesterday with him crying over not knowing what was happening with the baby I just wanted someone to put a bullet between his eyes. Not to mention deVry is horrible. They should've killed him off instead of Duke.

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William Devry is the Eric Martsolf/TSJ of GH. Like Martsolf and TSJ, Devry is good at being a smug arrogant pig but nothing else. And just like with their characters, the show ants us to feel bad for him and root for him because he's hot.

Billy Miller is the David Gregory/JPL/Shawn Christian/Guy Wilson of GH where he can't act at all no matter how much hype there is. And how we're suddenly supposed to weep for him.

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Jillian is a waste of airtime. The character has no balls at all. WD doesn't even care how the character is written as long as he is one of Craptini's pets. He tries so hard with his shirtless pics on Twitter.

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William is awful and smug, something he cannot hide. Jillian needs to be age appropriate, so when Anna and Duke talk about what he did to them 20+ years ago, the viewers see a 60 year old man capable of those things. He had PS is such a cop out to cast someone with good abs and looks good in man panties! Nothing has been believable about Jillian/Anna/Duke. It's been a joke from day one, but now WDV is showing that he is not a good actor at all and just makes Jillian unbearable!

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Well... He was younger than them onscreen and in real life back then. But it's still bad, bland casting and poor storytelling.

I used to think the original Julian was quite attractive, and I also enjoyed Cheryl and their chemistry. Other than Holly and Anna Cheryl is the only relationship Robert had that I truly enjoyed.

I loved the original Jerome storyline, and that entire family. Olivia was an excellent foil for Anna. I just can't tie DeVry into that at all.

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If Duke's death is the impetus for Anna to rid the city and our damn eyes of the mob crap on this show forever, it will almost be worth it. Almost. Anna has vowed war on Julian, I expect to see him dead as a result. I expect - and shouldn't receive - anything less as a viewer. At least it looks like Carlos is gone soon.

I think they're going out of their way to show Duke's death as "real" as it gets, showing the cold body, and then showing the body again six hours later with Anna never leaving his side. Plus I hear there is an open casket at the funeral. But with Obrecht involved, who knows. I feel like if Anna shoots Carlos dead vs. just throwing him in jail, Duke is likely permanently dead.

I think so yes. Monica will reappear this summer though, I heard Leslie was in some upcoming scripts. Mac and Felicia are at Duke's funeral. Kevin? Probably won't be seen until/if they write Lucy out permanently.

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2015 has not been a good year for the vets. With the exception of the three contract vets , Bobbie and Ned.

We hardly see Lucy, Scott, Felicia, Mac, Heather and Monica. I hope this will change soon. With Genies return and the rumors about other people being back also.

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Hopefully Carlos is done. I feel like there's not much more left anyway and he should have been gone a while ago. I wish he'd take Jillian with him and agree with you that Julian needs to be killed off. That's where this should go.

I was suspicious of Obrecht's involvement too. I missed a bit but know they seem to try and be painting this as a real death for Duke. We'll see. I'm not convinced but I'm not going to be expecting a resurrection, either. I think, sadly, Duke's dead dead so Ron can push Sloane and Anna. Why? I have nooo idea. Sigh. But are they really?

And I've missed a bit but Ava? Silas? Where are they?

This show's cast is insanely huge. And it shows. Horrible balance.

I'm glad Mac and Felicia get cameos at Duke's funeral. I actually don't expect Kevin in the slightest, but was just throwing his name in there. And any idea why they refuse to include Leslie/Monica? She should be included the way they include Jackie/Bobbie into the storylines. Although they were doing good with using Bobbie more they've dropped the ball again. I imagine Monica will be a part of the Jakeson reveal and then she'll go back into hiding afterwards.

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You're right--Olivia was awesome! I remember a scene where she held Anna captive but the scene stealer was the live rat Olivia was holding while she was addressing Anna. I can't stand rodents of any kind--one of the scariest scenes in soap history for me, hands down.

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Oh look, it's Carlos. I actually managed to block him out until today. The character is awful, the actor is awful, he's pointless, and he doesn't have the decency to run a comb through his hair. He's so hard to look at and seeing him with just a towel...cringe...

Being in scenes with Sloane seems to make Anna/FH more lethargic than usual. Certainly can't blame her. He really sucks the life out of everything!

Billy Miller can't even do basic emotions. He can't even be convincingly smug, which is sad and frightening on so many levels.

Maybe I'm just shallow but I'm still loving Julian. Just wish they'd stop trying to make him a big hero. DeVry has charisma and he plays a good !@#$%^&*]. That's about all he's good at, which is another reason why they really don't need to whitewash him. His acting last week was shockingly bad. Especially when Olivia's water broke. He was clearly sloshed...

I don't buy Sonny's concern for Olivia or the baby.

I actually don't mind Rebecca Budig, aside from the fact that she usually talks too fast. And Hayden's about as fond of Lulu as I am. I loved her shade towards Lulu smile.png

Valerie is horrible. Nevermind the fact that she's an Iggy Azalea carbon copy. Ew!

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