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Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer


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Respecting people's race and sexuality is not "catering and coddling". Funny because now that America is realizing that people's difference shouldn't be scrutinized people who have never been bashed in the media have such a big issue with it. :blink:

And "shoved down our throats" is confusing. Who exactly is making you be trans?

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Didn't Caitlyn kill someone in an auto accident while she was still Bruce?

Seriously, there was no athlete or anyone remotely connected to Athletics in any way who didn't deserve this award more this year?

Oh, right, we're looking at PRO athletes here. Never mind! Carry on.

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Respecting all facets of anyone's personality is a matter of simple respect, even if we don't agree with it.

Applauding someone who is rich enough to not have to deal with the reality of the everyday hardships that most in her position have to go through is appalling. I'd rather see Caitlyn Kardashian (that's who she really is now, make no mistake) use her experience to truly help the cause of transgendered Americans rather than use it to cash in like the rest of the Kardashians use... whatever the hell it is that's so "appealing" about them.

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So because Caitlyn is rich she shouldn't be applauded for being brave enough to come out as trans? She was a sports icon and inspiration to millions who dealt with demons that no one knew about. But because he's connected to the Kardashians she's doing it for attention.

And my statement wasn't necessarily about her. Many people who are going in on Caitlyn are transphobes and just using the attention excuse to drag her. I don't understand what's being shoved down anyone's throats? Accepting people for what they are? Oh wow how horrible :blink:

And I don't understand why people are pressed over the Courage Award. They did it for RATINGS. All this outrage but do any of you even remember who won last year? Her winning doesn't negate the other people who were in the running for it. It's not even that serious but like I said many people are transphobes and are using these thinly veiled attacks.

And she should be prosecuted if she was negligent in that fatal car crash but that doesn't change anything else I said.

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How about famewhore-phobic?

Had Bruce taken part in any of the Kartrashian antics before he transitioned, I would have simply shrugged.

But he was involved in a vehicular death (and what jury is dare going to indict her now?), transitioned to Caitlyn, and now has a reality show when, frankly, she was far more interesting in the '80s when he was an Olympic athlete

Sadly, she's now just one more trashy member of the Kardashian family.

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People can say whatever they want about the Jenner/Kardashian bunch but using that as an excuse to go in on the trans community and cheapen their struggle is where I draw the line. Coming out as a transgendered person in a society that has very little patience or understanding for transgendered people is VERY courageous, and f!ck you if you think otherwise. It's not about the surgery or "ok how is getting boobs courageous?" It's about owning who you are and what you want your life to be in the midst of a society that loves to pride itself on freedom but will alienate your ass REAL QUICK if you don't fit into its expectations.

And don't get me started on the cheap ass exploitation of the young lady who passed away. Half of these people speaking her name wouldn't have given a sh!t about her if it wasn't for this controversy over a trophy.

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Personally, she did a nice job with her speech, and my opinion on the Trans is "congratulations for being who you are." and good for her to be a role model. Being gay and not having come out openly til I was in my thirties, I know the need for role models for all of us in the LGBT Community. As for the car accident, I'm surethat will be dealt with by the courts, when the time comes...

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A hero doesn't kill an innocent woman trying to avoid the Paps when she can't stay her ass from in front of the camera and then look for legal ways to not have to pay for her crime! Tell the truth that she was either texting and/or running from getting her picture taken until it would be most profitable for her!

Imagine being the family of the woman she recklessly killed :(

I'm with Detroit 300%!


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She is absolutely a hero. Anyone that famous willing to withstand the ignorance, the hate, and the ridicule for coming out as trans is a hero in my opinion. Trans people, particularly TWOC, are being murdered left and right for merely walking down the street minding their own business. I know it's hard, but we shouldn't let the stink of the E! Kardashian association (at times, an obviously unwilling association for Bruce in what little of the show I've seen) distract us from what Caitlin has done. If her transition opens minds, and tempers violence and self-harm/suicide to ANY degree, that's a hero to me.

I cannot help but wonder how the world would view her transition had there never been a Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Who knows how things would have turned out, but I surmise that Bruce would have quietly transitioned into Caitlin probably sooner. Of course the press would have eventually gotten wind of it and there would be interviews, perhaps not as splashy as the one with Diane, and there would have certainly been jokes and ignorant comments. But the vitriol? No, I do not think the vitriol would be there.

We have to understand, the trajectory of her life is hers regardless of her inexplicably popular children. At this point, there is no possible way for her to transition without it being a huge media sensation, she simply cannot do this "quietly" (though she tried in vain) and that's not her fault. Nor should she slink into a corner and transition as "not to call attention to herself" for the comfort of the ignorant. Trans people need this sort of attention. I guess it would be different if Oprah or Tom Hanks came out as trans. I think Caitlin is being unfairly punished by many because of her ex-wife and children.

Of course the car accident and subsequent loss of that poor woman's life is tragic. I'm not totally familiar with the case, but apparently Bruce was speeding to avoid the paparazzi. Princess Diana's car was also speeding to avoid the paparazzi which also ended tragically. The common denominators being fame, paparazzi, speeding automobiles, and loss of life. We vilify the paparazzi in one case, the celebrity in the other. Is that fair?

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