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How To Get Away With Murder: Discussion Thread

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Except you're acting like this show is getting 0.2 in every demo and 500,000 views each episode.....hence why it's getting hard to take it seriously.

The best thing is for Wes and the idiot Rebecca girl to just leave at the end of season 1. Bring it someone more dynamic (and frankly attractive) to take his place. Also why haven't we learned anything about his backstory and we're so far into the season? It seems like we know a little bit about what drives all the other interns/students but next to nothing about the main guy.

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Were it not for Goddess Viola, I would have given this show up by now. This show is beginning to stink.

My biggest problem would have to be: how in the sam hell do you miss a fetus during an autopsy? Waiting for the right moment to shock and awe the audience? An autopsy is for the specific purpose of opening a body and finding sh!t, but they miss a damn pregnancy? That's just absolutely ridiculous! Quincy dug up quite a few bodies to find something that might have been missed, but a fetus?! WTF?! I was not shocked. I was mortified that someone thought this was good writing?! Ugh.

Connor, please die you uninteresting dumb son of a bitch!

Wes, any potential he had left the building! What a colossal self righteous bore.

Rebecca, didn't take long for this little trashy ho dope fiend to show her true colors - because every show needs a sarcastic foul mouthed ingrate to round out the cast. #FAIL


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LOL....yeah they spent all this time insisting Wes wasn't sleeping with the silent weird girl only for her to become a loosey goosey by episode end.

Conner was already a ho so nothing new as shown there. So is Asher. In fact Michaela has earned more of my respect for at least keeping it classy.

Even my girl Laurel succumbed....SMDH

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You said they have declined every week since they premiered which is not a fact. The episode I was referring to was the one that aired on October 23. It increased from a 2.8 Demo to a 3.0 and about 200k in viewers.


They also increased on November 6, and according to the overnights increased again last night. I am sure ratings will spike even further for the winter finale.


Edited by Eric83
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I enjoyed last night episode. From Michaela prenup issues, which Lynn Whitfield killed, to the shocking ending. I seriously think that Annalise might've killed her husband and planned the perfect alibi & people to take the wrap (i.e. Rebecca, Bonnie, and etc). I'm in the minority where I genuinely love this show. Only weak link for me is Rebecca. That trash is a bore.

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I feel like I missed a crucial part of the scene towards the end but I did like the fact that they developed her. Annalise firing the female assistant was PERFECT.

Frank's girlfriend should have been Frank's wife just to make Laurel feel even more dumb but that was a little shocking to me.

I'm def curious how it did in the ratings this week. The show is a winner tho and I will continue to watch. God knows it was more entertaining for 5 minutes than the 35 I wasted on Scandal hoping to see this stupid 50 Shades of Gray trailer that never appeared....

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How to Get Away With Murder garnered a 2.9, up 4 percent from last week's 2.8 adults 18-49 rating.

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Catching up, so please forgive the flashbacks LOL

They keep playing up the eroticism in a lot of the Wes/Annalise scenes. I don't know if they'll ever actually go there but it's an interesting little dynamic to have.

That was an awesome twist! I would have never guessed.

The episode with that line, her courtroom outburst and later telling Sam that she needs and loves him is easily an Emmy submission. THE best actress on television? Debatable. But definitely a contender. Damn, she pulls it off wonderfully.

It's nothing but prudish indignation. On episode 5, Laurel f-cked her boyfriend in the middle of the library while we got several shots of the pleasure on her face--the exact same shots from Connor sex scenes... and, yet, where was the OUTRAGE!!!! the INDIGNATION!!!!!???? the CRIES TO BAN THIS TO CABLE???? laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

You make a really good point about violence in TV. Somehow, it is viewed as more acceptable than sex and it doesn't make any sense.

Damn, it's almost as if you're willing it to do badly! Which it's not. laugh.png

LMAO. I thought this was hilarious. They did good work exploring and fleshing Asher out in that episode.

The trousers aren't flattering??!!! Do you see the way they hug that ass?

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Catching up, so please forgive the flashbacks LOL

They keep playing up the eroticism in a lot of the Wes/Annalise scenes. I don't know if they'll ever actually go there but it's an interesting little dynamic to have.

That was an awesome twist! I would have never guessed.

The episode with that line, her courtroom outburst and later telling Sam that she needs and loves him is easily an Emmy submission. THE best actress on television? Debatable. But definitely a contender. Damn, she pulls it off wonderfully.

It's nothing but prudish indignation (in the best of cases...). On episode 5, Laurel f-cked her boyfriend in the middle of the library while we got several shots of the pleasure on her face--the exact same shots from Connor sex scenes... and, yet, where was the OUTRAGE!!!! the INDIGNATION!!!!!???? the CRIES TO BAN THIS TO CABLE???? laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

You make a really good point about violence in TV. Somehow, it is viewed as more acceptable than sex and it doesn't make any sense.

Damn, it's almost as if you're willing it to do badly! Which it's not. laugh.png

LMAO. I thought this was hilarious. They did good work exploring and fleshing Asher out in that episode.

The trousers aren't flattering??!!! Do you see the way they hug that ass?

Frank is HOT. I love what's happening with him and Laurel.

Edited by YRBB
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