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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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I know it'll probably never happen but I was so hoping Faison would just end our misery and take out Luke.

I liked Anna/Duke/O.

Robin/Robert is always good. LOVE Anna finally seeing Robin.

Patrick and Sabrina both know in their gut Robin is alive, it's obvious.

And yawn to Juan propping Sabrina. At least he and Liz got a few scenes, I guess. But man, does Michael Saucedo age? Damn he looks near the same.

I lol'd how they had Emma ask about Juan so they could use it to explain who he was.

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The directing on the show has been poor with these reunion scenes. First was the Luke seeing Robin scene and both acted she has just gone away for a few weeks and he was surprised to run into her. Then the Robert/Robin reunion was strangely cold and chatty, and now the Anna reunion is going through what the Robert one did, in that here is the emotional moment and it is cut short and delayed a day. By tomorrow the emotional response from the audience will be tempered down by everyone seeing it 24 hours previous. They should have done it today in full, and attempted a big weep fest maybe juxtaposing Robin and Anna running into each other's arms with flashbacks of when they did that 25 years ago.

Other than that it was a fun, I liked how Luke just shot Faison no hesitation, and Dr O once again stole the show.

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LMAO. I cant with your response

So Robin and Robert reunited. What was up with that noise about people thinking they should recast him bc he wouldn't be here for this? Looks like they already wrote and filmed this onscreen reunion before any news of TR moving on. As much as Id want to see Robert, this was the main thing he was needed for and they had it covered.


What a gorgeous shot. "Wait? Sabrina has an ex? Like some other person other than Patrick wanted her?" :lol:

Did they really need to insert Ava into this Robin storyline? Im sick of this overexposed character

WTF was the point of Juan appearing if he wasn't going to stay for the wedding? Really, WTF? He stays in town for like a half hour and runs off. What a pointless cameo.

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I just started watching today's eppy, and outside of being a bit bored, I'm a bit curious as to why in the sam hell is Ava knocking on Patty's door telling him about Robin? How does she belong in this story? What's the connection?

Juan? PUKE! He looks 16 and a 5 year old actress is showing him up. Michael and Bex exchanging looks? GMAFB!

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On the plus side, her hair was fierce. I think they're overexposing her now cause she's probably not long for GH. I bet she's out by May sweeps.

I also felt the Robin and Robert scenes felt cold. Too much expository dialogue catching "each other" (the audience) up to speed.

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AMC viewers accepted Anna fairly quickly, especially with David. Alex was the problem.

For all the endless, endless gushing over how Ron knows soap, he never, ever writes emotions or heart. He spits on it. That's how you can tell he hates daytime. It's all stale camp, all the time in Ronland.

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