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GH50: Discussion for the month of July...

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I would bring Georgie back alive at the end of the show - or, if possible, a short arc to bring her back. Say Frisco and Felicia's enemies have had her squirreled away, then send her out of town happy. What they did to her was just wrong.

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NOooooo Perish the thought!

Even though I can't follow Ron's style of storytelling (I didn't watch OLTL), Guza has his very own set of unique problems for me but at least I could follow him. The bottom line they are both lousy writers, hacking in their own special way and knowing what I know now, I wish Ron wasn't hired as HW for GH he's really burnt out to me and not offering me much.

I totally agree about Tracy in writing...like her, most of my favs are in this same boat of (wash,rinse, repeat) just doing the same thing (same type of storylines) over and over on the screen (with the same outcome) although I like seeing them ... it does get old.

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I have hated Georgie since she tied Sage up, locked her in a freezer or room and left her vulnerable to a killer - she never paid for that, but even I RME when she was killed off. That was Guza's most unnecessary death (it should have been Maxie) and worst than killing off my poor Alan. She could have gone off to college!

But would I take Guza back?! Hell yeah I would. In fact, I'd probably even offer him sexual favors to come back [and I've seen pictures of this dude]. So you didn't like who he featured or killed (look at who Ron's featuring now - his OLTL pets). At least Guza told stories, had a great group of script writers and didn't just drop actors/performers in scenes as his directors yelled "action".

Craptini has offered up nothing but a disjointed mess from day one! The pathogen story was pretty good and I found myself enjoying that. AJ's return? I found myself running home from work to see that, but alas, it was only a week long because we couldn't take too much time from Todd Manning! Now, he and Frank have shoe horned their pets back onto a show, one is the worst way, and worked the other characters around them! We won't even talk about this morbidly obese cast that just keeps growing where you can have as many as 45 characters in one eppy and NOT ONE DAMN "STORY" MOVES FORWARD!

So yeah, I'd certainly take Guza back over a hack who's more creative on Twitter than he will ever be as a soap writer! moRon uses GH as a toy to mock his detractors as he looks for ways to get The Soup's attention!

However, if given the choice, neither would ever tough GH again!

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You may want to cover your eyes for this, but the ONLY time I have ever tolerated John McBain was when he was with Evangeline Williamson, and they were one of the hottest pairings OLTL (or even Daytime) has ever coughed up. She brought out a fire in that monotone drone, and I loved it. Then, she/they got too popular, so it was killed for...

Otherwise, ME should have left "acting", packed his sh!t and moved to the Ozarks long ago!

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It's interesting to see people debate between Ron and Guza. It's like watching people fight over explosive diarrhea vs. projectile vomiting.

LMAO! Y'all know I love me some ME but I you and Carl express your dislike for him in such entertaining ways that I just can't hate.

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Britta does not have to surrender that child, but she can certainly be sued right along with the hospital.

I find it so disgusting for a woman to do something like this. I like Britta well enough, but this is just so low and for a man she barely had a relationship with?

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