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GH50: Discussion for the month of July...

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Does anyone else think that they are going to say that Jason and Franco were twin brothers who had different fathers? I am wondering if they will make Trevor Lansing Franco's father, thereby making Rick Lansing his half-brother. It would make him Molly's uncle and it would give him a semi-psycho for a sibling. I think Franco is a believable member of that family.

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alot of the cast and those newbies are recurring and dont cost that much. IA theres alot but to be fair on TJ, he is a character that existed before Ron's run and several that you listed are recasts, not new characters. Also the OLTL actors arent getting the most episodes. ME had 6 and 7 episodes for May/June and nowhere near the top. Alderson had 10 in both months. We'll see how this month plays out for them.

No, it was Baldwin and Scott was her father even at the end of PC. He made one final crossover appearance a few months before it went off the air and his relationship with his daughter was acknowledged. Ron is rewriting things here if he ignores that and plays Kevin as her actual father
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Sonny and Shawn, for the time being, are my new favorite pairing! Does Shawny work for you guys or would you prefer Sawny? Mo was a rock star yesterday and sexy as hell. See how great he is w/out Konnie Zolciak?! SUPER SEXY! Shawn beating up FrankenToad?! SUPER SUPER SUPER SEXY! I swear that man's body is so damn awesome! I hate Blakemore's wife! I really do!

Don't you just love the way moRon has a way of turning you against the characters he wants you to love?! Smug bitch Sabrina is the absolute worst and Patty? What a piece of garbage he's become. I find myself wanting Britta to kill them both (and Patty used to be my man in spite of his love for that wretch, Robin). Sabrina has dragged Patty down to rat droppings!

Is Brad supposed to make us forget how putrid the 2 incestuous freaks are? Uh, no! People were comparing Michael and Fishface to what's going on with two people on YR (not sure to whom they are referring), but I seriously doubt YR just tossed 2 people in scenes together and told them to act tortured when there has been no story played out onscreen to justify either freak feeling the way they do!

Alexis is such a forgetful hypocrite bitch! She couldn't wait to crawl into bed with Sonny and she has completely forgotten all of her crimes. NUMEROUS CRIMES! The "we know and love GH's history" squad needs to do a bit of homework here because I really wanted Shawn to kill her! Ugh!

FrankenToad?! Not much to say here about this joke! I usually ff this lesbian clown, but Sawny was involved. Loved him telling the AUDIENCE "I don't know why I do the things I do". Ugh! Puke! I loathe James Franco, but his James Franco was not a whiney bitch looking for redemption. This is just all wrong! Yeah, folks are more than likely seething because someone dare to beat up a character [heinously] played by Roger Howarth, but look at the bright side - Sawny are saving his life. What's to come is going to be REEEEEEdiculous on so many levels, so I will save the rest of my commentary til then :)

Insomnia and Insomnia! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Chit, don't take this the wrong way because I do like you but you are the first person I've found online who still thinks Sonny is sexy, relevant and intimidating in about nine years.

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The Y&R reference is to Rafe and Adam where Adam was coming on to Rafe who was gay for business/personal vicious reasons. Brad is a pig...I cant believe how one gay man would write another one....just gross.

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True...most if not all the gay males I have come in contact with arent honorable or tactful....lol....so I guess you do have a point there...

They weren't...it was just a big mess of nothing that went nowhere fast.

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I agree with this completely! It should be a nice combo platter. Gay characters don't have to be good guys (they are human beings first), and that goes for black/asian/hispanic, etc characters as well. Minorities are relegated to being the "good" guys counseling the character who actually get meaty stuff to do.

This brings me back to when Basic Instinct came out 20 something years ago and people went nuts because the villain was a bisexual character. Hell, protesters threatened to "out" everyone on a list they had (Jodie Foster was on that list, so I guess "the list" might have been pretty accurate). All I could do was role my eyes as the same people who want to be treated the same as everyone else wanted different treatment in movie roles so that they could be seen in the best light... So many things wrong with that, but I'm sure many were young and realized how stupid they were [at least I hope].

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