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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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It's good that so many seem to have found other things to do. I hope everyone has been fortunate to find another job.

If somehow the shows were to find a way back, I just wonder how difficult it might be to lure any of these actors back, especially the vets. Some of the actors were sanguine in their comments realizing that it's a risky business and were gracious in their sentiments despite the outcome but it seems dubious that some of their vets would be open to a 2nd go round with PP given the past's false starts.

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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I would think they would want at least some promises concerning communications at the very least. Debbi Morgan had to practically beg them to give her news. It's crap to not give fans news, but the actors are different. They deserve to know the truth about their jobs.

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We know PP was bad at communicating with the fans, and that they apparently didn't communicate well with TPTB on the shows or with the actors, but I wish more people with knowledge of what happened would actually talk about it in detail because it's hard to get a feel for what happened with PP and how it compares to what other production companies and shows have done. Because you've got people like Debbi who were apparently upset enough that they chose to sit out the Emmy season when they had great work to share... and yet, actors being treated poorly is hardly newsworthy. I mean, ER found out she'd been fired from Y&R via twitter, and stories abound of actors finding out via social media or trade publications that they've been let go. Heck, AMC moved everyone to LA and sent Susan Lucci on her book tour to tell everyone how great AMC was doing, only to pull the plug on the show a few weeks later. So are some of the AMC actors just really upset because they'd already suffered through the ABC cancellation and were thus expecting something really wonderful from PP, despite the uncertainties of the new medium, or was PP really THAT bad in comparison to ABC or everyone else out there?

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I don't bc PP killed these shows again with this silly lawsuit and they dragged AMC down with it in the process. While I appreciate the initial effort in bringing them back, I can't ignore the poor mismanagement and greed which negated all of that. Just my two cents
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Mismanagement and greed pretty much defines the last 20 years of ABC. Not to mention misogyny, lack of diversity, ageism and audience disrespect. PP's management may have been incompetent but ABC did more to destroy these shows and the genre than PP ever could. They destroyed them when they had them then when PP took them ABC tried to destroy them again. ABC is the abusive boyfriend who would rather see his ex dead than with another man.

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People always seem to forget that ABC CANCELLED THE SHOWS. Killed them. Deader than Dead. And then their greed prompted them to sell the carcasses to a production company who attempted to bring them back, because they thought that it was a good business proposition. No one was acting out of charity. The continuing vitriole toward PP because they dared to want their characters back after they paid for them and Ron and Frank did everything in their power to gut them and crap all over OLTL in the process will never cease to baffle me. Resurrection isn't an easy task.

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be that as it may, the hope was that things would be different and to an extent they were but that doesn't change the fact that PP killed any chances if these succeeding, not ABC. This lawsuit is frivolous and the reason why they stopped production and it was PP that initiated it bc of the potential dollar signs bc they screwed up with their unrealistic expectations and goals going into this. This isn't about me supporting ABC could I could care less about them. It's about not supporting this PP nonsense. They don't get a free pass by default bc ABC was worse. And let's face it; this was a power struggle over OLTL which did not involve AMC but they let it get brought down in the crossfire. That also rubs me the wrong way

i haven't forgotten diddly squat. See the above for my actual thoughts on the issue
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I completely feel you on the bolded part. I hate that AMC got caught up in the pissing contest and that's another reason I don't want ABC to get the rights back. If they do, Cartini will lay waste to Pine Valley just to stick it to PP. That's the kind of petty bitches they are.

We'll have to agree to disagree because I don't think the lawsuit is frivolous. We saw with our own eyes how ABC withheld the URLs from PP. There was no business case to do that. Just spite and sabotage. I don't buy everything PP is alleging but we saw ABC act in bad faith in one regard so between that and their history of "mismanagement and greed" which we've also seen over the years, I don't know how one can say the suit is frivolous. Overreaching perhaps but not frivolous.

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PP is better mostly because PP actually gave a damn.

People want it both ways. They want to gush over how ABC must get the shows back so "Cartini" can do them right, yet they want to blame PP for any problem these shows had.

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