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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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In reading that article, it sounded like they were aiming for those scenes as the finale for season ONE, but it didn't work out, and they had to redo it all. So it sounds like the situation was deteriorating at PP before they shut down production on OLTL during AMC's hiatus. :(

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Score one for Prospect Park. PP had filed an amendment to their lawsuit asking the court to extend the licensing agreement and excuse licensing payments to ABC while the lawsuit moves forward. ABC had responded by filing a motion to strike that amendment, saying that PP was asking the court to rewrite the contract.

The court ruled today, DENYING ABC's motion. In other words: the agreement PP has with ABC is essentially frozen at the moment, and PP doesn't owe ABC anything in licensing fees until the suit is settled.

ABC has 20 days to respond to PP's amended complaint from November, and there is a meeting between the parties set up for March 13th.

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;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( ;'-( There was a party? Anymore pics from anyone? This is so beyond sad. That reboot was near flawless and deserved another go round. I am SO freaking crushed still and never getting over it.

I just miss AMC so much.

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I'm kind of neutral on the whole thing. I loved with PP did with AMC and I hope they can bring it back but I'm just going to consider the show gone until I see some real reason to think that it's coming back. If it does, I'll decide if it's worth trying again. I admit that I'm not in the mood to try and pull these shows from the cold dead hands of the pearl clutchers and Facebook fans who just don't want anything to change.

I do hope the lawsuit is resolved in PP's favor. Mainly because after everything ABC did to these shows and the genre, they simply don't deserve to win.

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