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Y&R: MAB OUT! Hamner OUT! JFP IN! Griffith IN! Sheffer UNKNOWN!

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That would have been much better, absolutely...though I would have had Jill keep up the lie not for Kay's sake but so that she could have control of Chancellor Industries, the company she always should have had (from her perspective as Phillip's last wife at the very least)...THAT could have kicked the feud into the highest of gears and been amazing.

But no, we had Jill calling her "Mother" and the two of them having tea for several years. Just ludicrous.

Connecting Jill to Lauren was so weird, I think it was a desperate move to keep Lauren relevant, rather than Jill. Jill has family, co-workers and enemies on the canvas...Lauren is useless, she's got her husband and her "beaux-tique"...

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I never had a real problem with Katherine being Jill's mother, but it never led to any story. It was a gimmick.

Lauren has never had any strong ties to the canvas, just the men she's been with (her family long dead or written out), but saddling her with the Baldwin-Fishers sunk the character.

I don't think Lauren and Jill as sisters would have been terrible if it had led to any story. You can't have two middle-aged women in some petty rivalry, as that's not very entertaining, but they could have done something. Maybe have JoAnna return again and stir up resentment between them because she wants to take over Fenmore's. Or maybe bring back Snapper (Espy) and have him get involved with Lauren.

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I know she had some friendships with people like Katharine (although that kind of seemed a little random to me) but mostly I remember her through her relationships with Scott, Paul, and Brad.

I liked the stuff with Eric, at first, but they didn't seem to know what to do with her either.

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I say JFP and JG can do the following with impunity and she'd have this viewer's support.

Expose Lauren as a former gay man who had the sex change, and fooled all for years, except Michael. Now she has to go off the estrogen meds because of a chronic condition and she starts to revert to masculine features, deeper voice, boobs start flattening. She decides to come out about it and it encourages Michael to come out as well.

Kick off a gripping storyline about the sudden disappearance of Avery's glasses. It turns out Tucker has stolen them to add to his collection of bad ass eyewear, leading to the discovery that he's begun experimenting with cross dressing and has been shopping at Fenmores where he discovers Lauren's secret and they start a bromance.

Now: come on fans..wouldn't you tune in for that!?

BTW: is it just me or do others have this feeling .....Every time I see Avery in those spectacles, I think of that I Love Lucy episode where she puts on the fake glasses/nose to disguise herself to William Holden. Seriously.

PS: Jill would you please make Eric Braeden tuck his bulge between his legs and put on some depends so we don't have to witness that appendage hanging down the right side of his Levis.

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listen to NB soap podcast at the weekend.

he said says the show is going to get worst in the next 4-6 weeks on till JFP and JG take over.

and anything EB wanted MAB gave. know wonder EB is bitching about JFP taking over. EB needs to get over himself he is one of the show biggest problems.

I think the show would improve 100% if EB/Victor wasn't on the show. the character is boring useless and predictabe and too many characters have been destoryed to prop the character.

I'll kill off victor and the the three newman brats fight over newman


take in victor brother matt played by John enos.

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There was a Y&R before EB/Victor.

Victor is doing nothing for the ratings he's on nearly everyday with a front burning storyline yet the ratings are in the toilet.

Fans are sick of victor and EB.fans are hoping either he quits due to his contract crap are that JFP fires him.

Every storyline ends the same victor wins and every character in his orbit is ruined to prop him.

The only storyline EB complained about was the colleen transplant story. which has been completely forgotten on the show.

Wasn't the sharon/victor pairing EB idea and he actually pushed for it.

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I don't like Victor but he's been made too important to the dynamics of the show to just be cast aside. I know a lot of people online chastise EB and these bloggers IMO exaggerate what their sources tell them to get a rise out of readers, but he's far from the worst problem on Y&R and he does have a huge following. And there aren't any leading meN on the show close to capable of bringing what he does. Should he be transitioned down, yes, should he be written out no.

It's funny how people bitch aout EB on various sites but then go on to say how people like Adam, Victoria, Nick, Billy need to interact more with him. If these characters need Victor to make them interesting, what does that say about who's important.

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