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GH: Alternative

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I originally thought it was an ok idea. I mean what's to lose really. But I just don't feel they put any thought or concern into it. It was just lets put on who we want. John and Todd are just counterparts to Sonny and Jason and have just been brought on to give the same overexposed GH characters more story. Starr kind of made sense because GH had a depleted teen scene but the way it was done was a turnoff and I just don't think KA has that type of appeal. People who liked Starr and KA liked her because she grew up in Llanview.

It would have made more sense IMO if they would have brought over an Angie, Frankie, and Jessie to shore up a fairly weak part of the canvas. Jessie could have been the new McBain in the Police force.Frankie could have interacted with any number of females. But then I'm not sure RC really would have done right by these characters anyway.

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I liked OLTL. I liked the OLTL characters. I was sad when it was cancelled. But I HATE that they are eating up very valuable airtime on MyGH. When an iconic GH character like Robert Scorpio gets 6 measley episodes and annoying Starr gets a contract, something is WRONG.

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Well, "invasion" or not, Frank and Ron are proving fairly quickly that it wasn't just Frons who loved these characters so damned much.

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The Hubbards written by Ron?!! No! Absolutely not! He can [!@#$%^&*] up McBain, Todd and Tea all he wants but he isn't fit to say the names of Angie, Jesse and Frankie.

I luv you Jane but HELL NO!

This isn't so much a GH thread as a Cartooni hate thread. Drink up!

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On paper, I guess I get these selections - Todd was a fan favorite and his return was well-received, Kelly Monaco and Michael Easton were popular on PC, GH needed a young heroine. But the handling of all of this was just terrible, especially Starr. Tea's inclusion was unnecessary and horribly done.

RC is a bad fanfic writer, and once you stop jumping up and down saying "soapy goodness", there's not much left.

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I actually don't mind the OLTL characters persay. It's clear to me that GH's cast has no one who is really worth anything in terms of writing a story behind because most of these characters are straw dogs who never had purpose anyway. Look at the current cast list on GH and give me five characters who would be worthy of being front burner for this show at this point in the shows history. I personally can't find a single one. I sympathize with the state of the show and anyone who is supposed to make a weekly drama out of it. As far as I can see there was two options, either invade the show with cast offs from another soap (that fared better then the current one in ratings) or create entirely new characters to juxtapose Jason and Sonny. The latter has been done continuously for years to no effect. I really think what we are seeing in GH right now is just it's natural state of progression because it has been completely gutted over the past decade by multiple writers. All of the meaningful characters that once meant something to this show are long gone, dead or no longer relevant to the current canvas in it's current mob entity and that's not necessarily Ron's fault but the fault of his predecessors that led GH down this abysmal road. The reason GH is in such a sorry state is because we now have a show where none of the characters mean anything to anyone, anymore.

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If RC would balance the cast then I wouldn't resent the livers so much. But I'm still seeing Sonny, Jason, Carly & Sam but now the people who get the most airtime after them are Livers. Ugh. I want more Qs, vets, Patrick, etc. But one thing the livers have me doing is something I never thought I would do. I'm rooting for Sonny and Jason. I never thought I would see the day.

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This. I don't care how much or how little time each individual OL refugee gets per day; it's still a rare day they aren't on. In the meantime, there are regular GH cast members have become more invisible than ever. I would like to see more of them in the six months or so we have left.

I used to love OL. There was a time I would not have believed I would quit watching that show, but I did. I don't want to watch on GH what I disliked on OL, but there it is.

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I disagree. This thread will become whatever the posters decide we want it to be.

I got very tired of being told I couldn't talk about the OL actors/characters and the OL HW/EP on the other GH thread and I talked to other posters who felt the same way. That's why I'm here. I wanted a thread that isn't going to be censored or controlled by posters who feel that only their own opinion is valid. They are welcome to the other thread.

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I agree, SweetPea. It got to a point where if those of us who weren't thrilled, impressed nor satisfied with the inva-- I mean, um, inclusion of the OLTL characters and stories (complete with scene after scene of clunky exposition dialogue about what happened to these characters in another town on another show), we were being told our feelings about this "inclusion" were invalid and we should just get over it.

The bottom line is that Robin's death took backseat to the deaths of Cole and Hope. We got to see Starr go through her pity party day after day. Patrick, on the other hand, disappeared for two weeks. Then, only made unshaven guest appearances in his living room once every three or four weeks. Then, suddenly, he's snapped out of his grief, ready to live life, full of smiles and go-luckiness. While we got weeks of seeing Starr gnash her teeth and shriek about Cole and Hope, we watched Anna have exactly ONE moment of pure grief for her SECOND dead daughter -- which has totally been ignored. Yet, we see continuous mentions of OLTL characters' histories over and over again. It's unfair. GH fans get pandering "Holly, Anna and Robert all in one week! WE LOVE GH HISTORY!" and "The Floating Rib!" and "Felicia comes back -- to do nothing once every three weeks."

Enough! It's an uneven playing field. And all because it's just 4 characters doesn't lessen the fact that these 4 characters are getting their stories handled with care while the other GH characters AREN'T.

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What I don't understand is why people weren't pissed when the GH thread constantly went off topic about Jackie Zeman's plastic surgery, the Laura Wright hate/mockery, talk of Guza's hackery, etc. Yet now it's suddenly a problem with fans being annoyed by the influx of characters from that canceled soap that used to air before it.

There's some clear biasness going on here. Some folks need to accept that OLTL is canceled and dead, and living vicariously though GH is not going to help them or bring the show back.

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