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Revenge: Discussion Thread

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Ugh to this show! I know that was originally Daniel and now even more I believe that Ashley was speaking the truth when she said (via an E! article/red carpet interview) the creator is fan driven and letting fan outcome (mmmm gotta think of a better word) dictate where the storylines go. This in the end will piss me off royally. I like Josh Bowman as much as the next person but it wouldn't break this show if Daniel died/stayed dead.

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Total bait and switch. After seeing the pilot, I was hooked on what would lead to Daniel's death. "Choas" was the title of the episode - more like hot mess. So the Japanese guy, somehow managed to track down Tyler's car - presumably close to the barn - popped the truck in secret, grabbed the box, had it gift wrapped, so that E-manda could bury it on the beach AND then somehow ends up right by Jack's car to pick up A-mily when she left the beach - even though know one would've know she'd be there. My fear that this would spiral down like DH after the first season is coming true. Not giving up yet, but not as excited as I once was.

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"Though QV hadn't corrected him, there's a significant difference between the assumption of rape and someone flat-out saying that they were raped. "

Was the line many of us objected to. In this case there really is not a *significant* difference whatsoever.

Anyway--great episode, I should have seen the twist coming but didn't. Totally lost on the "mysterious oriental's" role in this episode though--did he shoot Tyler?

Edited by EricMontreal22
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I'm still willing to see the explanation. I'm not sure I believe Daniel was meant to originally die--wouldn't that have given away a big plot element early on? Doesn't ti make more sense that they'd want us to think that and then sweitch it? I agree about the Japanese guy though--but was that actually the box? Shouldn't Amanda have checked?

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When they cast Tyler, I knew he would be the one to die. The actor has those same sideburns Josh Bowman has. There's a lot that needs to be explained but I have faith it will be done well. My guess is Daniel got shot once then those 2 other shots were for Tyler.

Loving the addition of William Devane.

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I thought from the start there was no way that was daniel dead on the beach. none. they were not going to spend 13 episodes playing up daniel/emily/jack in a slow burning triangle only to kill him off midway into the first season. then once tyler came i knew it would be. i believe i even posted it on here, along with him being the one to take emilys box. this show is very. very predicatble - but its so much fun it doesnt matter.

there was clearly A LOT not shown, likely to slowly be revealed over the next 9 episodes or so. Think about it, they showed the first episode then went back 3 months or so to show you what lead to that party. I assume when it comes back it will jump forward a little to reveal everything that happened that night during the trial. its a good move, IMHO.

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I seem to find myself in both camps--I'm a little disappointed it wasn't Daniel who died but at the same time I think its nice little twist that Tyler is the one who died on the beach. I guess I knew Daniel probably wouldn't have died, but if this means what I've heard

then bring it on.

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Brilliant episode last night with that twisted ending between Ashley revealing her true villainous self, the Japanese sensei turning out to be the real killer on the beach, and Emily's breakdown. Too bad there no new eps til April, what screwy scheduling on ABC's part!

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A little disappointed that it wasn't Daniel that died, but Josh is a permanent cast member, the guy who played Tyler was only guest starring. And since this was a mid-season reveal, I should not be surprised it was Tyler, not Daniel.

Starting to love Conrad & Victoria together. They keep hating on each other, but IMO they still have SOME love between them. It is often the case that the people who can hate each other most, with most hating passion --- the more they can also love each other! There was some spark between them as they laughed about the size of their house before the bail hearing. BUT, I am sure it will be a long time until they come together again. They are not done with the passionate hating yet.

I hope fake Amanda won't be around too long. Be gone by season 2. I can't stand her.

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