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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of February

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There is one thing I've never understood. How could Cane pass as Phillip? Isn't Phillip like 40? Cane doesn't look near old enough to be Chances father...And he would have to be the same age as Phillip, or at least presumed to be...It doesn't make much sense.

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I'll bet one issue of Restless Style that they cast Collier (I actually liked original race car Mike best.) There is no room in GC for a cowboy and the whole rural thing sucks on soaps. 35 is way to old for Lilly and will come off as yet another Khali father figure. Cane was her only good match, ever, and even that was painful. This sort of character might be a match for Diane or even Cloe.

Hogan will just paste and copy old scrips. Maybe they sould let Susan Danby try out for HW. She seems smart, and creative.

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Ain't that the truth? Gloria has been stealing Jill's wardrobe since she blew into town in '05. The odd time Jill gets to shimmy into something fabulous (shoulder pads are her friend) I always wonder if Jess Walton stole it from Judith Chapman's wardrobe hanger without anyone noticing.

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I thought today's ep was very entertaining. I love what everyone had on. Though Nikki looked cheap. Diana looks like she came from her trailer park. Today was not a good day to be Nick Newman. Kevin and Chole was gross. Kevin YUCK!!! Those bare chicken bone legs. I thought it was a fake leg his legs were so shiny

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Everytime they have Chloe make out that Kevin has some kind of irresistable magnetism in the bedroom, I feel nauseous. This character is a dead-end and should have been let go 5+ years' ago. He has no sizeable fanbase from what I can see. Heck, even Lame -- which I hated -- had a core group of tweens who worshipped their sickly wuv stowwy.

Nikki looked like she was trying out for Moulin Rouge -- 30 Years Later. I still love her and Deacon, though, and the fact that she told Victor to get lost.

Maura played it very well yesterday, especially considering Diane rolled out of bed with Nick just to accept Victor's proposal. I could understand her motivations, her need for security. Nikki got together with Victor way back when for very similar reasons.


Be warned, you guys. Today (Tuesday's) US episode is like "A Very Special Blossom." It's all jump-cuts and musical montages and Cane's funeral. Granny Cooper [ © Bellcurve] is especially self-righteous and preachy.

Oh, and there were at least three instances involving NotMalcolm where Kristoff and Beth Maitland looked like they wanted to smack him. The look Maitland gave him as he huffed n puffed about "mah daughter" being alone in the church (and "those precious, precious baybees") was :lol:

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OMG, that funeral today was absolutely RIDICULOUS! A 5th grader could have written that episode from what I saw, which wasn't much (watched a bit live, will prob torture myself later with my DVR'd version). But thank GOD we have Lily, in all her wisdom.

Lily (upon seeing a bouquet of roses): Cane hated cut flowers. He thought it would be much better for them to just grow and that we could all get so much more enjoyment out of them that way. He hated killing something while it was still vital. And now he... (breaks down)

I'm sort of paraphrasing, but you get the gist and the awfulness of it I'm sure. Was Nina even at the funeral? Saw P3 there, but not her. Why would Traci come in town for Cane's funeral? I love me some Beth Maitland and all, but seriously, why?

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Today's show was [!@#$%^&*] painful.

Normally we just have to deal with the Winters clan, but today, it was basically the whole damn cast gathering around to bring Lily's whining ass chicken soup.

Whenever something "tragic" happens to Lily, all of the Winters are held up in that apartment waiting on her hand and foot. As if that wasn't bad enough, they're now even flying characters like Tracy in to join the chicken soup troop

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