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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of February

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You know what pisses me off about this Cane crap more than anything? The fact that we had to sit through 4 years of sh!t storytelling for this character that we cared nothing about, constant rewrites and identity changes, implausible character motivations (like him not admitting right away that he knew Delia wasn't his when DNA showed she was a Chancellor), an saccharine sweet awful coupling with the other most boring character on the show, and all of his crap shoved down our throats as he was on the frontburner during all of it. And for what? For Cane to be killed off for no apparent reason, all of which boiling down to some underground cattle shenanigans(!) in Australia. Cane and all of this will only be remembered as the one and only time a character was killed off a soap because of cattle.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I really don't care or mind that he's gone, but on the other hand, I'm offended that I had to watch this sh!t for years and all of it amounted to absolutely nothing.

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Sometimes I wish that GH and Y&R would stop penning this rubbish and just turn the cameras 180 degrees on the backstage shenanigans and jealousies of their respective casts. Color me surprised that MF was once a scientologist!

A few observations from Monday's show:

-I like having Chance back. He's a nice guy who is *gasp* decent to the people around him and love and admires his mother. I think Nina should be admired!

-Feather obviously wandered onto the Y&R set thinking she was going to start shooting a Vivid DVD. She appears to be on the point of orgasm with every revelation. "Oh-oh-oh-OH-OHHHHHH Chance. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh God! Yes!" And I'm not sure why she is there and Chloe is not. Regardless of what a cow Chloe is at the moment, she had an extended relationship with Chance. He was a father figure to her daughter. They were engaged to be married. The actor is also the only guy with whom Elizabeth Hendricksen has any chemistry. Instead, they have Feather (with whom he had two rolls in the hay) at his bedside. WTF?

-Jess Walton and Tricia Cast = perfection. I love that Nina did this for Jill knowing how devastated she was.

-The scene with Jill and Colin just before they went to bed -- Colin is still shellshocked and in mourning but cannot show it.

-Lily & Daniel... yeah, it wasn't awful but the chemistry is gone.

-Billy as "caring father" juggling with baby Lucy's cold is just :rolleyes: As was his assertion that meekling "I can't live without a baby -- any baby" CrackToria was some kind of Mama Lion. For one awful moment in the shower room, I was worried that the two would forget the baby and start going at it. The toilet being the scene for so many of their "romantic entanglements."

-CrackToria must really be out of it if she asked Billy to promise never to die. Everybody knows MAB likes to plan for a legacy death twice a year.

-Team Jana! Kevin is an insensitive twat and honestly Jana should just take whatever money she can squeeze out of his thieving asss and steer clear of him and his wretched family of grifters. They just bring bad luck on anybody who marries into the family anyway (witness Lauren and every one of Gloria's husbands).

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She said she tripped when she was being interviewed by the police, I think she said on ice can't remember

"I guess I tripped or something" I remember that much.

Re: Kevin being insensitive I just don't see it

I mean Jana is faking and has been scheming all along, actually I like her always have but in this case I'm glad he told her the truth

I'm sure she'll come up with something else to manipulate him.

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Why have Chance or even Ronan when you can have Kevin.

That scene just shows how little time they spent with their other children. I can't feel sorry for them when they whine about not being able to be near Delia or Reed. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing Reed back with Victoria now that Maria realizes he was the kid in the Darth Vader commercial.

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