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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of February

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Why is Giggly Heffa helping Sharon and Adam?

Chase is back for good? Why and how did he get out of hiding? When did this happen and when did people find out he was alive?

Who is Blake?

Nate Hastings? Didnt Malcolm adopt him? I thought his name was Nate Winters

Jana and Chloe are fighting over Kevin? Like really?

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OMG, really? I loved that commercial!

LOL, Cheap, I love you. You obviously have been watching AMC instead of Y&R and, all things considered, you may have lucked out.

In answer to your questions:

1. Who knows? Giggly tried to justify it as pinning Adam down for murder once and for all, now she's all "AH AM A JURRRNURRRLIST, JECK. IT'S MY JUUUUUUB TO PROVE PEOPLE INNOSINT." As opposed to just a hack flirting with a defamatory lawsuit.

IMO, Giggly Heffa is obsessed with Sharon and poking her nose in everything and passing judgment on everybody.

2. Chance is back, to give Ronan half his liver. It's all very hush-hush -- well, as hush-hush as it can be, given that everybody in GC knew he wasn't really dead, except for Jill, Chloe and Feather. He'll be in witness protection until some boring trial. I don't know. I sort of fell asleep there. When Jill lost Cane, Nina brought Chance to her as an act of sympathy and comfort. And that's when we knew he was back.

3. Blaaaaaaaayyyyyke is Peter Leyden. Aussie. Working for Colin (Tristan Rogers), head of the cattle mafia and Cane's daddy. Blaaaaaayyyyyke tried to shoot Lily and the baybeees and ended up getting Cane instead. Then he fell down some stairs and died. The End.

4. Nate Hastings -- is he back on the show yet? And I assumed he kept his father's name.

5. Yes, really. These two pretty young women are boohooing over this one-time internet pedo and full-time mama's boy.

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Haha, you know me too well. I dropped Y&R bc it was too bad. Im off today so watched the first half before AMC came on

Who is Feather? LOL

I hope Cane is dead and this isnt some fake out

Yes Nate was on today. He looks good and interesting which means TIIC will find a way to waste him

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TEAM JANA! WOW! That scene between Jana/Chloe was brilliantly written. Emily O'Brien truly shines as a BITCH! I sure hope they keep writing her like this.

The way she said..."well, those of them that DID live." Ahh, such classic soap bitchiness!

Also, uhmm why didn't Chance acknowledge Chloe?! We have shot of her surprised ass face looking at him being rolled away, then we see him looking right at her as he's wheeled away and he's just like adjusting his head on a pillow. Uhm, WTF?!

Phyllis/Sharon/Adam/Jack...yawn squared.

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She's wrapping it up? Maybe I wasn't paying attention before but I have more questions now than when it first started.

I can't get over how much I'm enjoying Jill and Colin. :wub: It's been so long since she has been married that it's uncanny to see her going to bed with a man every night. And when Colin was speaking to Billy and made reference to Jill as "your mother" he really seemed like husband. They better not be planning to gun him down too. :angry: If they do I'm going to stop watching and call/email CBS them every time I think of the show.

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Well, I guess "wrapping it up" is an optimistic view...more like "moving it along" finally.

I've really only been watching since October, so I don't have a clue when it all started or the particulars of how many times Cane's past has been reconfigured.

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Dear God, I actually thought Roach Blair and Ronan had good chemistry today. Oy, I still hate the hell out of the doe-eyed Bug though.

I don't know which is more ridiculous, that two women want Kevin or that two men want ER's mousy annoying ass version of Heather.

Tricia Cast = AMAZING

New Nate is good looking, and he doesn't seem too bad. Day one and he's already better than Ike Turner (aka Malcolm)

Syphilis, Aunt Jack, ShitForBrains and Smirkadoodle....A big ol' snooze

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Emily O'Brian is one the most under-appreciated actresses on Y&R - and that says a lot in man-opoly city.

I've liked her from day one even when she was playing that nosy Parker waitress. So far she has delivered in all crappy plots she was thrown in, shockingly enough the most touching story was the brief friendship with Sabrina till date...

B*tchJana is likely to be great fun now!

OMFG - is it you? Welcome back SilkyCaramel (????) with the funny recaps and character names!? :)

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Oh, PLEASE let it be SlkyCaramel!!

Sheilaforever, I must agree with you about Jana. She is the only thing worth watching in this unpalatable story. I can even understand why she'd be crying over Rodent Boy -- she was married to him for a long time (in soap terms). He was so awful to her, though ("Yeah, not my problem anymore. Gotta go!") that now I just want her to get mad revenge on him. And BitchJana actually made Chloe (the most flippant, selfish grump on the planet) cry. Loved that evil little smile she threw Chloe as she left the Chancellor mansion.

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