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In rewatching some late March early April 1998 episodes from the vault, I think Neil/Dru and Malcolm/Olivia were mismatched.

Neil was being really unfair about Drucilla taking a six week modeling gig. Similarly when they first got together he was pressing her to only focus on ballet, because some people only have one true talent in life. Given how square Neil could be, I think he'd have better fit with Olivia, and Malcolm would have meshed better with Dru.

I really like this era of Dru. She'd grown out from wild girl from the streets early days, but wasn't as campy as her post 2002 return.

Edited by ironlion
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I was thinking about the famous scene a couple of years (and a recast) later when Katherine asks Jill to accompany her for her mammogram.  As I recall, there was a mysterious phone call, an intercut scene of them both getting ready, and then the reveal that they were both at the doctor's office that was so surprising.  Y&R got to educate the viewers on the need to maintain breast examinations, and the characters evolved to a new dimension.

For me, the reason that scene worked was that it showed that there was some admiration behind their rivalry which is why they got underneath each other's skin.  Phillip may have had other affairs (certainly neither member of that relationship was a stickler for keeping their vows), but it was the idea that Jill betrayed her friendship with Katherine by sleeping with Phillip that drove them both a little crazy.  Even an actress as effected as Brenda Dickson, with her stickado line delivery and ridiculous wardrobe, was able to convey the complexity of their relationship, in contrast with her feelings about Jack or John.

That's also why the later retcon that made them mother and daughter was so egregious that I stopped watching the show.  Begrudgingly going along to a doctor's appointment is one thing, but calling her enemy "mother" when Jill was in her 40s was so dumb that I couldn't take it.

Also, Jill's lawyer Michael Crawford was a fox. 

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The dynamic changed quite a bit when they both teamed up against Nina when Jess was there.  But I still enjoyed them, and Jess is a more versatile actress.  They vacillated between being on the same side and then fighting with each other.  Often with Rex trying to cool things off.

The scene where they are both at Phillip’s grave, I think it was Memorial Day, and they have a civil but then ultimately angry discussion was one where I felt Brenda shined as Jill, showing those layers in their relationship.




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So was Murphy a character and was he believed to be Jill's father? I have this vague memory from about 2003ish of Kay, Jill and Murphy (I think) in the court yard of the Chancellor home and Jill is being such a grumpus and Kay and Murphy are like characters from Touched by an Angel lol, telling her she needs to cheer up and let's be a family and just accept it and let's all be happy and I seriously wanted to throw my tv in the bin, haha. 

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No Murphy came along later when Kay and Marge had a car accident and Marge died and then Katherine thought she was Marge for a while.

You're thinking of Arthur Hendricks who was supposedly Jill's dad (but was Tucker's dad instead). In the end Kin Shriner turned up as his stepson and accused Arthur of murdering his mother. It was never confirmed one way or the other but Kay didn't trust him so he left Genoa City.

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