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I just seen the line up for next weeks episodes, monday they are showing 2 30 mins episodes of the first and second finally lol ive seen the first episode many times but the second ive always been. Curious about.


Also they are show the 1984 episode where Katherine has her facelift, the. It said cricket and her modeling gig at habit.cant Can't lie im still shocked to see cricket on soo earlier then 1986.

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Can anyone fill in the 1992 gaps for me? 


I think the last episode I saw of the Victor/Nikki/Jack triangle was Jack overhearing Nikki say that she'll always love Victor. Then I think the next available 1991 episode that's available is Nikki going to talk to Jack who is staying at Ashley's because he moved out. After that we see them back together. What transpired in between? Is that when Jack saved Victoria?

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I think Jack saved Victoria in 1990 when Ashley Milan was still playing the role. This is partly why Nikki forgave him for trying to use her as leverage against Victor to get Jabot back, which was Jack's initial plan.


Nikki got pregnant just as she and Victor were working there way back to each other. She reconciled with Jack, but my memory is hazy about exactly what happened. I do remember an episode before Nikki told Victor she was pregnant, but after she told him she was returning to Jack. He was angry at her and told her she was looking fat lately. MTS had this look on her face that was priceless and even I was like "Oh damn Victor" 

Thanks for sharing. I don't have them so appreciate it


So Skip had a temp replacement, never knew. His replacement seems a bit awkward, like they just grabbed a free crew member on the day and pushed him on set.

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Tim Dunigan, who seems to be best known for a show around this time called Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, which also starred Jessica Steen (who would go on to do some very grueling temp work on Loving as Trisha Alden). He does seem a bit wooden, especially early on, although I wonder if part of that is down to the very heavy dramatic material he had to play for his episode (not sure if he was in any others). It's classic Bill Bell pamphlet conversation, but Christopher Templeton does a great job and it's a perfect contrast to all the melodrama going on elsewhere in the episode. Bell had phased out the blue-collar elements of Y&R by '83 or so, but this was a way to bring some of that everyday life back, in a more fashionable form.


I'm glad I got to watch both of these episodes, but especially that first one, as it seemed to be pretty important. The scene with Nina realizing Philip was the father of her child was brilliantly done - Katherine not even having to say a word because Nina could tell just from what she wasn't saying and how she wasn't reacting that it was true. Such a great way for Jeanne to show her acting skills beyond the usual, and Tricia was also first-rate. And then you had the beautiful, emotional showcase for Jill at Jabot, connecting with her son. 


You also had the quieter Nikki material (Roberta and MTS always work so well together, I'm sorry we lost that relationship in recent decades) up against the insanity of Leanna and Victor. I knew that Bell was still doing his gonzo fantasy scenes up to the early '90s at least, but never knew of this completely bonkers sequence with Leanne in fetish gear, whipping a shirtless Victor! I'm half-surprised Braeden was willing to go along, but I guess he thought if you have a great body you can show off and you get to act out some kind of BDSM fantasy while being paid to do it, who would say no? (Armie Hammer sure wouldn't...) Then as if it wasn't nuts enough, you have Leanna taking off her big GLOW belt and beating the hell out of her mattress!! It's a credit to Barbara Crampton that she somehow made all of this work. The acid trip sequence reframing their office argument was genuinely disturbing - well done. Victor's amusement and interest in Leanna after she blew him off reminded me of how Bell balanced Victor's cruelty with his genuine fascination for women - when they challenged him, he would be charmed. Something later producers, especially MAB, replaced with sadism and bile.


The second episode was quieter, but I thought she was even better there - her work in Leanna's manipulative conversation with Nikki was absolutely masterful. (I guess they had dropped her obsession with Steven by this point as she had no reaction when Nikki mentioned Ashley's name) 


I think my favorite part of the episode was getting to see one of the vaunted Abbott breakfasts. By the time I started watching those had been phased out somewhat. This was a lot of fun, especially their teasing John about marrying Jessica. I will say that I paused when John and Ashley said the table would be getting too crowded and John jokingly warned Steven - it made me wonder if Bell knew even at this time that Steven wasn't long for the world. 

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Barbara was very underrated and I'm sorry Bell didn't know what to do with her in the last couple years she was on. The energy she brought was so enjoyable. I still rememeber her first scenes with Eileen and how professional and calm and adoring she was, but how much she hated Ashley and literally wanted her dead and plotted to make it happen. Barbara really brought it, back when Leanna was a more complex character. Yeah the BDSM scenes are so odd and yet amazing. They went to a lot of effort for some brief sequences. Leanna has more intense ones after Victor asks her to marry him or maybe just after they are married.


I often wonder when Eileen gave her notice to the show. She stated she gave them a looooong notice period. So I wonder if they already knew when they married Steven and Ashley and that's why neither had much story in 1988. Leanna seemed to get over Ashley and Steven after she returned from Hawaii after her appendicitis. Bell moved her on to Victor more at that point. Also Ashley and Victor were very much done and it seems Bell didn't want to make any big moves when he knew Eileen would be gone soon. I think the writing was on the wall for Rod Arrants long before it happened. I think Bell kept Ashley in limbo until he got Brenda, he then wiped the slate clean, he put her on the backburner for about six months then threw her in with Brad and Traci.


Every time I see Phillip it reminds me of what a big mistake it was getting rid of him. He really should have fallen back into drinking, divorced Nina and been a complete mess while she was going through her stuff with David, then with Cricket and Danny's help gotten sober fought Nina for custody while she was on trial, but ultimately changed his mind and the pair should have been on the road to reconiliation until Phillip meets Victoria. He really should have taken Ryan's place in that whole story. They were about the same age and with Phillip's past drinking problems Victor and Nikki would have been dead set against it. Pitting Kay against Victor and Nikki and putting Jill in the middle of her boss and son, not to mention having Jack and Jill side with one another. This also would have made Nikki's drinking story a way for Phillip and Nikki to bond, thus giving Nikki more reason to support the marriage. Just the richness of history at play and the dynamics would have been amazing.


Gotta say sometimes I miss certain elements Brenda brought to Jill that Jess didn't. But watching episodes like this, I know Brenda was capable of delivering, but she wasn't doing justice to that part of Jill by 1987, she lost any subtlety. Jess was brilliant and brought so much depth back to Jill. 


Yeah Tricia and Jeanne, what a combo. That scene was solid and really it is those types of scenes and acting on the show that I love so much about Y&R.



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Just uploaded a few videos to YouTube which I will also add to the vault.  Thank you so much to @Y&R fan of oldies for sending me these VHS tapes, these were some really good episodes! BTW, if anyone else has VHS and no way to transfer them, PM me, as long as they are NTSC videos (North America), I can convert and upload them for you. 


This is all there was from the 90s, I'll follow up with some 2001-2006 episodes and the rest of the CBS soaps.


January 3, 1992

This one is freaking hilarious. The gang gets stuck at a porno shoot with bad guys, and hijinks ensue. There's also some extremely dramatic Nikki moments. I know this one has been on YT before but this one doesn't have subtitles at least!


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October 3, 1997

Nina pulls a gun on Tricia, then confesses to Ryan the gun was meant for her. Tricia Cast is awesome.



September 10, 1998

Jill crashes Katherine's gala to serve her papers for ownership of the Chancellor Estate. Another classic with great views of the backyard and the rooms of the mansion.



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