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Pretty sure she never knew. I do believe Steven was about to tell her and Victor just before he got shot though


I have always wondered if Leanna was supposed to be the one who shot Steven. She was much psychotic when she first came on and Steven and Leanna's other doctor were extremely concerned when they first found her in Genoa City. Maybe that was the plan initially and Barbara worked out so well Bell changed course.


I always thought it would have been great if Leanna had turned on Victor during their brief marriage and made his life hell, but again, I guess Bell was trying to shift Leanna from psycho to more eccentric.

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One of those secrets that went to the grave, so to speak - just like John Abbott never finding out that Brent Davis was Ashley’s father.


Speaking of which, I know the episode with Brent revealing himself to Ashley is online. Did Ashley explicitly confront Dina about it after she was told?

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Actually I almost doubt Leanna was ever going to be a serious psycho. Reading old recaps from early Leanna always sounds so ominous but then when I watched a 1987 episode with her in it coming to Jabot posing as “Kelly Carpenter” even though it had a creepy stalker vibe the whole tone was silly, and even got sillier when Jack recognized her from the bar! Then there was this:


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You're welcome @BoldRestless


As of now, France is at June 20, 2017, Belgium is at July 6, 2017, and Switzerland is at July 11, 2017.


One of the French language channels in Canada is at June 18, 2012. Any Canadians here watching the French episodes in addition to the Global day-ahead episodes?


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Don't remember, may have happened after Ashley returned to Genoa City. I thought Ashley was told by Brent and then lost her mind and took off before saying anything to anyone. 

Yeah, when Leslie took off and had amnesia, Lucas and Casey started seeing one another. It pretty much fell apart when Leslie returned and Lucas and Leslie almost reconciled. Casey also sort of dated Jonas as well. Roberta Leighton left about six months after this promo, her last story was the Edward stalker storyline, which switched to Nikki, once Casey left town.

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I recall Leanna wasn't meant to be long term..but how Barbara C played Leanna made Bill Bell shift plans for the character.  She did poison Ashley on her honeymoon and was obsessed with her hubby..so I do think she was probably going to shoot him...but probably by accident...is my theory.


I think she stopped appearing in early 1992...but I do wonder if Leanna could have fit in during the mid 90s period..or if her character had run it's course by 1992.

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It's still so strange how Nikki went to such great lengths to hold onto Victor with that fake illness, yet she was determined to marry Jack at this point....There's a lot of confusion in some of the  early Nikki/Victor/Jack/Ashley story.

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I have read up on this couple in the late 7p's to early 80's stuff and Casey had a few scenes with vanessa, i wonder what direction they were trying to take them or if it was a filler at the time until leslie was available for Lucas again

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Yeah there were a few pairings that went nowhere around that time like Lorie and Michael (I think maybe due to JLB's pregnancy) Greg and April, Jonas and Casey, Brock and Julia (I guess Beau leaving)


Vanessa definitely wasn't happy with Lucas dating Casey, so maybe there was something more there. Not sure. Was Leslie and Jonas supposed to be a thing? They kind of fizzeled out too once she returned to GC

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When the show expanded Bill Bell collapsed the Lance/Lorie/Lucas/Leslie storyline.

Lance left town, and Lorie shifted to Robert and then Michael before Victor,Leslie had amnesia and got involved with Jonas, leaving Lucas to hook up with Casey.

Didn't Jonas get involved with Casey  when Les regained her memory?

I think all of this sprang from Bill having exhausted the story and wanting to intro new complications while waiting to re-introduce Lance.

Also to use established characters to support new storylines for the hour.

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I am doing a synopsis guide for 1980 that combines all of the Jon-Michael Reed/Lynda Hirsch recaps plus soap digest as well. As well as various notes from soap columnists from that year.


Robert didn't rock up until Lorie was charged with Vanessa's death in 1981. In 1980 John McCook suddenly left the show, it was reported he was simply taking a break to film a movie, but then a couple weeks later it was reported he was leaving for good. The story was, Lance out of nowhere develops a gambling problem. Lorie is so worried about him, she begs Vanessa to reinstate him to Prentiss. Vanessa will only do this if Lorie divorces Lance. Lorie agrees to push him away and initially uses Michael to do this. Lorie gets the divorce and Lance blames himself for the failure of the marriage and takes off to Paris. He returns briefly a few months later but decides Lorie is better without him and takes off again.


This story seemingly comes out of nowhere, and I wonder if John was initially planning to stay with the show, but changed his mind and exercised his out clause. Bell does seem to be slightly blind sided by his departure. Lorie and MIchael goes nowhere and Lorie almost begins an affair with Victor around April, but backs off. This was also when it was announced that JLB was pregnant and that the show could no longer film her below the chest.


By July her pregnancy turned complicated and she could barely come to the set anymore and was put on early maternity leave, thus all her stories were slowed and ground to a halt. Wesley Ann Pfenning subbed in August and Lorie was sent to New York on a book tour. JLB was off screen for about 10 weeks. When she returned in October, Lorie wanted to keep Brooks and began trying to spark up something with Lucas. Leslie didn't care at first, then she too tried to win over Lucas as well. So the remainder of the year was a Leslie/Lucas/Lorie triangle. Jonas and Casey are mostly MIA during this time. 


Jonas and Casey had a fling when Lucas and Leslie attempted a reconciliation earlier, but so far no word on either of them. I am about to get into 1981. So will see what occurs there.


ETA: Lance returns in early 1981. So I assume Bell was still wanting to keep the 4 L's going. He has already established the triangle and by this point he probably had already decided to bring Lance back. 

Edited by will81
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