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I wish some more early Y&R stuff like that would show up. I wonder if Janice Lynde has complete episodes of her Y&R work or if those were clips she had used for an emmy or demo reel ?

There seems to be lots of late 70's/early 80's GH available, but no Y&R. Somebody had to be taping in those days.

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As cheesy as these ad were, they seemed effective. I hate that soaps aren't catchy with their ads anymore. A great ad can do so much in the long haul.

Gosh, I hate being a late 80s baby. I would've enjoyed soaps in the 80s. At least I got to enjoy the last golden age of soaps--the 90s, so I can't complain too much.

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wow, that's so cool! I can't believe you found something like this....I wonder if it's a bunch of clips that were once deleted off youtube or a DVD someone put together, but wow lots of rare clips!! I loved it.....in so many ways though it made me wanna cry as this was truly a lookback to the show that was once Y&R.....how can they ruin such a beautiful think after it went so strong for nearly 30 years....this was almost like a "farewell" tribute to Jeanne Cooper, Katherine, The Chancellors and whoever sustained Y&R for the first 30 years....

some of my favorite clips were seeing the scenes from summer 1993 with Liz returning and interacting with Jess Walton for the first time....and the Abbotts thinking they got Jabot back (though that made me sad to think of what was to come)

Loved seeing more of Deborah Adair Jill and everyone shaming Dina....remember when the Abbotts were an actual family and Jill was a apart of that family and not a worthless Cane and Lily prop?...

Also loved seeing more of the 70's Kay and Jill flashbacks as well as the rare Brenda scene with Katherine and the presents....it was almost comedic....

The Paul/April flashbacks were great too...I guess those were taken from various 1993-1994 episodes? though I I recognize one of the flashback sequences from a 1992 episode I uploaded...

sigh....I just wish someone would show this to JFO or Pratt but they would probably gag at the site of something like that....

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And request they'd be taken off Youtube immediately.

Actually that '93 scene between Liz and Jill reminded me of something. Y&R never really has had a matriarch in the same vein as Nancy Hughes, Bert Bauer, Alice Horton, or Mary Matthews has it? Liz does remind me a little of Ada from AW though. I guess there is always Mary Williams but who in their right mind would try to share coffee with her?

Edited by soapfan770
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Liz(Julianna) should have definitely stayed on in the 80's and 90's to play off Jill and Katherine.

Loved Peter Bergman's comments about Bill Bell's writing and how characters stayed on course.Interesting contrast to his positive spin on Chuck Pratt's nonsense.

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This month marks the 25th anniversary of the arrivals of Kimberlin Brown, Victoria Rowell, and Tonya Lee Williams. I know Kimberlin's first episode was online years ago, but I don't recall seeing Victoria or Tonya's first episodes anywhere.

Sadly, yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of Jeanne Cooper's passing. May she RIP.

Don't know if this video is posted but Jeanne is hilarious in this (starting at 4:00): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzendVxnqJI

Edited by kalbir
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