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DAYS: November Discussion Thread

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For a second there, I thought EJ was going to rape Sami again. Ali's scream at the end freak me too. I agree that the writing for Rafe is bad. He's suppose to be a hero but he's certainly not written like one.

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Did Caroline annoy anyone else when she waltzed over to Stephanie and Nathan's table and just stood there for a while, then butted into their conversation? WTH was up with that? And what she said to Stephanie was so annoying. She is rubbing this Daniel/Chloe baby stuff in just a little to much IMO! I hate this Caroline, I would have rather seen her butt into that conversation like she normally would by asking Nathan how he's doing, or offering him and Steph a bowl of clam chowder or something. I am just not digging snarly, biotch Caroline at ALL. Ugh.

And she is so secretly happy that Maggie is nowhere to be found, LOL. I think deep down she could care less where Maggie is!

LOVING Nicole!! So looking forward to her and EJ! I love Nicole with Brady, but I like her even more with EJ....Nicole is lying to Brady yet again about something else and I think he would be stupid to forgive her again. So EJ/Nicole all the way.

I should have phrased my post differently, I meant that I think it would be much more interesting if a woman came between Sami and Rafe than a man.

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I love this Caroline! I hope she gets even worse

Im glad we finally got back to Maggie and Vivian bc the show just got much more interesting agani.

Also loving Nicole. Rafe is an ass and him forcing her hand will bite him in the rear. Nicole is the only one in this quad that Im rooting for. I hope she gets everything she wants

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Same here! Crazy Caroline is so gaga, so annoying, that she actually rocks. Everytime I see her weaving and stumbling around the pub like she's been hitting the 80-proof alcohol, I am LMAO. She is officially a complete, crazy loon.

Nicole is literally my favorite character on the show. I don't want to sound like a stalkerfan and throw around phrases like "mah girl" but... I am damn close to doing that.

Forgive me if this has been posted elsewhere but... Michael Fairman covered the Day of Days event and, on the right-hand-side of the page, has video interviews with a bunch of the show's stars. Including the little stunners who play Ciara and Theo! I swear I was laughing so hard when the actress who plays Ciara (aka Lea Michele's doppelganger) said that Peter Reckell was her fave screen partner. The little boy who plays Theo said he loves "Miss Renee" and "Mr. Jim." :lol:

Also there is an awesome interview with Susan Seaforth Hayes and Bill Hayes. :wub: Days seems to be on a creative tear right now.


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The interview with the kids who play Ciara and Theo were so adorable. What talented, focused, funny, good natured, children. I hope the producers look after those kids, I take it the cast already does.

The Fairman interviews with Lauren Koslow/Joe Mascolo and Suzanne Rogers/John Aniston/Louise Sorel are really, really good. The natural chemistry between Koslow and Mascolo is so clear, they seem to absolutely adore working with one another and that chemistry has translated to the screen. Koslow mentioned that she and Mascolo share the same aesthetic in terms of the work they put onscreen and it's beautiful, they are so in sync with each other.

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Team EJ/Nicole! Absolutely love seeing these two together again. I really forgot how much I used to love them....they both really did love each other and I'm glad the show remembered that and put it into their dialogue! Things will probably go nowhere between them, but I think they are awesome together no matter what the situation is. Loved when Nicole showed EJ the evidence. JS's reaction was perfect! He didn't even have to say anything...it was just great. The EJ/Nicole scenes were fantastic. Totally enjoying these two having the upper hand over Rafe and Sami! LOL @ Safe's faces when EJ showed them the evidence. Loving all of it!!

Did EJ shave on his way to Rafe & Sami's house?!

Loving the storyline brewing with Melanie and Nathan....I really like these two together.

Sick of Daniel always hearing and noticing little mysterious things going on with people (Melanie, Carly, Stephanie), going up to them and asking about it & not getting anything out of it. Dude doesn't know how to connect the dots! This has been happening for months with him and he's still just so clueless!

Little Parker is adorable and I loved seeing Philip hold him, and even volunteer to babysit him any time smile.gif loved his scenes with Chloe and I really hope these two end up together.

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