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I was thinking as to what might have been a good story for Tommy Horton if the show been interested in writing for him, and the only thing I can think of is perhaps making Tommy and Linda endgame? Or perhaps Tommy and Linda being given more attention as a couple? 

Perhaps throw Sandy Horton in there and creating a rivalry between step mother and step daughter. Perhaps a custody battle between Tommy/Linda and Mickey/Maggie over Melissa (or Bob versus Tommy/Linda over Melissa). Throwing Linda back into the Horton orbit after things with the Anderson’s hit the fan would have given Linda some mileage and Tommy some meaning, especially if Linda wasnt seen as being on the best of terms with the Horton family. Heck, throw in some jealousy from Linda over Tommy and Marie’s “bond”, and it basically writes itself. 

Edited by MichaelGL
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I suspect the reason Tommy was so sidelined originally was because they already had two Horton males having big stories in the 70s (Bill and Mickey), so I suppose they felt Tommy wasn't needed. But yeah, once Bill started having less of a presence, they could've started writing for Tommy again but by then they had lost interest in the Hortons.

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Hey again all, I’ve been trying to look on Youtube recently (with no success) for any scenes that Leann Hunley and Christie Clark shared as Anna and Carrie, as from what I understand that was the first time we had ever seen the two characters interact with each other since Carrie was a child.


What was the fan reaction like at the time? And have they had much interaction on screen since then?

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So I'm gonna try to do this as painlessly as possible. TBH, I can't wait for Laemmle to leave at this point. Having said this, the 8-12-80 episode that is posted on the Internet Archive plays a whole lot better than I anticipated, given the storylines thus far.


Let's get to it!


August 1980:


Mrs. Chisholm asks Josh what he thinks about Jessica. Josh says she's too young for him. Flora counters that she might need a older man since she's "such a free spirit", and says that her own husband was significantly older than her. If Josh doesn't do something soon, Flora insists, Jessica is liable to do something rash. Stop encouraging this sh!t, Flora!

Jessica relays her evening with Josh to Marie. Jessica can't understand why Josh pulled away from her. Marie suggests it was because Josh respects her and doesn't want to hurt her, ominously telling her that other men could LEAVE HER WITH SCARS SHE WILL KEEP FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE. Conveniently, Alex walks in at this exact moment.


Josh daydreams about Jessica, when a woman walks into the casino, and impresses Josh with her spiel about the advantages of hiring a woman dealer. Josh likes her spunk and hires her.


Alex visits Marie, and immediately uses her as a sounding board for his marriage problems again. He whines that Mary is suspicious of him. Marie tells him that Mary already told her, which infuriates Alex. Alex figures Mary is telling everyone their business. Marie relays that she advised Mary to talk with him about it, but Alex won't listen, kvetching that he thought Marie was someone he could talk to but "I guess you're not!" much to Marie's relief.


Marie is surprised, but not disappointed, when Jessica decides to shift her focus from nursing to research. Worrying that Alex will cut her off, Marie fills Alex in on Jessica's decision, and Alex, after talking with Jessica, is so impressed by her that he agrees to continue sponsoring her studies, much to Jessica's delight.


At Cassie's birthday party, Josh shows up just in time to see Tawd plant a kiss on Jessica's cheek. Josh leaves before anyone sees him. Cassie also observes this, and is jealous af. Cassie shouts out for everyone to get nekkid to go skinny dipping, knowing Jessica is too uptight for all that. Tod and Jessica remain clothed, so that doesn't work. Then the popo show up, and Todd orders everyone back on the ferry (I guess the party was on Smith Island?), but tells Jessica to wait for him on the beach after he corrals everyone to "spare her embarrassment" (this isn't a trap AT ALL).


Liz, who's busy getting some at Neil's cabin, spies the raid from the window of the cabin, and makes her way over to convince the officer not to arrest the kids. Toddd thanks Liz for stepping in on his behalf, before taking off to meet Jessica at the beach, leaving Cassie shivering on the ferry back to Salem. Jessica later tells Taud that she wants to go into pathology. He's impressed, and tells Kellam he wants to go to Salem U because he's met a girl who wants to tutor him. Kellam agrees to hire Jessica as Todd's tutor, after a pleasant meeting with her. Josh is not happy about Jessica's new job, offering her money if she refuses the job. Jessica refuses.


At the first tutoring session in the park, Jess and Hot Toddie are interrupted by Cassie. Toddd takes off in a hurry, and Cassie theorizes he's still mad at her, before accusing Jessica of trying to take her man. Tooodd gushes to Josh about Jessica, claiming Jessica is too good him. Josh agrees, and warns Tod that if he harms a hair on Jess' head, he's gonna catch Josh's hands.


Todd asks Jessica to dance to the disco. BUT. SHE. SAYS. NO! (I don't expect any of you to get that)


He asks Cassie instead at Jess' insistence, but spends the entire night daydreaming of Jessica while dancing with Cassie, who is apparently fantasizing of marrying Toddd. Josh just happens to show up at the club with Carol. Tod tells Cassie that Carol is the kind of woman Josh apparently likes, not Jessica. Way to diffuse Cassie's insecurities, bozo. Carol throws herself at Josh, but he won't give in, because he has to "take care of" some things. Tawd tries to feed Jessica ideas that Carol and Joshua are an item, and describes Carol as a "beautiful" blonde.





Lee goes to Neil's office for a checkup on her hypertension, and tells him she impulsively decided to go to the club opening, and admits she made a mistake. She then proceeds to tell him that the only thing that'll make her feel better is to have Doug come back to her. Pathetic.


Julie won't stay with Doug at the club, as he's still married to Lee, and Lee's stunt at the opening was humiliating to her. Doug counters that Lee's stunt proves Lee is dong just fine and he can go ahead with the divorce. Mickey, upon hearing the news, is pleased, but warns Doug that Lee could easily take him for all he's worth. Doug doesn't care, and would happily hand over his money if it means he's free to be with Julie. Mickey also tells Doug that if Lee agrees to the divorce, it could be entirely sorted within 6 months. He tells Doug not to go to Mexico, as the legality of the divorce could be disputed (well, if we're being technical, why not Julie's divorce from Doug then, in that case?).


Doug officially asks Lee for a divorce. Lee asks if Julie has anything to do with his decision. Doug tells Lee that he loves Julie very much. Lee states simply that all she wants is his happiness. Doug is shocked at how easily Lee appears to be backing down (it's never that simple, Doug). Lee immediately calls Brent and asks him to come back to Salem, it's time to do something about Julie. Lee goes to Mickey and demands some of Doug's money so she can pay for a trip to New York. She asks for cash. After ponying up the money, Lee buys a ticket to New York, but doesn't take the trip, instead renting a motel room on the edge of town, with the rest of the money going to Brent.


Julie, I'm guessing, changes her mind about staying with Doug, because of what transpires next:


Brent, now back in town, calls Doug under the guise of being a business proposition. Josh and Julie warn him about the shady dealers he'll have to endure with the casino, and suggest he hire more security. Doug doesn't think it necessary. Brent then calls, disguising his voice as a doctor at Hope's summer camp. He tells Doug that Hope has been injured. Doug races out to retrieve her, while Julie stays late at the shop, waiting on an appointment...who just happens to ALSO be Brent. Josh leaves a note for Julie about Doug's emergency at the casino, before heading off to Cassie's birthday party.


Arriving at the camp, Doug realizes Hope is fine, and that the call was probably a set up. Panicked, he hurries back to Salem, worried why someone would want him out of the club. Doug calls Flora to tell Josh to check on Julie when she arrives. Outside the club, Brent knocks out the security guard, sneaks inside, and hides in Doug's office, where he assembles his rifle while waiting for Julie to arrive. When she does, she searches for Doug, confused as to why he isn't there.  In the dark, Brent aims his rifle at her, and fires! Josh arrives JUST in time to hear Brent fire at Julie. Josh races to her side, Julie's been shot in the chest. Brent fires again, and Josh chases after Brent. They get in a violent scuffle, breaking glasses and stuff. Brent overpowers Josh, decking him before escaping.


Back at the hotel, Lee awaits Brent's return. But Brent's not happy when he arrives. The guard and Josh will recognize him. He's not wrong, when the police sketch artist consults with Josh, the sketch is strikingly accurate. Brent leaves town, and Lee's pleased...until she turns on the radio and hears that Brent's hit job was a lousy one: Julie's still alive.


Doug returns to the club too late. He blames himself when he hears the news of Julie's shooting, as does Don (who should mind his own fekking business), who smugly claims to Marlena that this is proof that Doug should never have opened the casino in the first place. Neil is called back to Salem to operate on Julie. Julie remains in critical condition after the surgery, and, as we see in the 8/12 episode, screams like she's possessed in her bed gasping for air as she develops an irregular heartbeat. David races over to the hospital, and randomly decides this is the moment to air his grievances about Julie giving him up as a baby to Tom and Alice, before wising up, and taking comfort in his great-grandmother's arms.


Lee calls Mickey from "New York", and is "surprised" when he tells her of Julie's shooting. She tells him that she'll be home immediately. After great exertion, Lee makes it to the hospital to comfort Doug, who would rather swallow tacks than see Lee right now, and wonder why she came back. Lee later sees Brent's sketch in the paper, and freaks out at how good it is. She gets more nervous when Mickey tells her that police have tracked down an abandoned car they believe is the getaway vehicle of Julie's shooter. They figured out the car was a rental, and the man who rented it fits the description of the sketch. While there, Mickey pressures Lee to visit the insurance adjustor about her "missing" wedding ring. Lee finally relents, and lies that she lost the ring at the restaurant in the mall. Lee claims she went back to look for it, but the investigator asks the restaurant about Lee's claim, and they tell him that she never went back there. The investigator suggests to Mickey that Lee pawned her own ring. Mickey puts the question to Lee, who claims she was too sick to have gone to pawn the ring (oh, but not too sick to put on a spectacle at Doug's casino, suuuuure).


After seeing the sketch, this woman named Carol (I assume this is the woman Josh hired??) remembers seeing Brent lurking about the casino the night of the shooting, and is certain she's seen him before, but can't place him.







MARGO FINALLY DIES. Mike calls Mickey while in consult with Doug, and tells Mickey that Margo was lying EXTREMELY STILL when he went to bring her her breakfast in the morning. Mickey is somehow shocked by the news. Julie visits Maggie, and finds out from Maggie's face that Margo had passed. Maggie tells her "she accepted death so beautifully", as they hug, and Maggie cries.


Mickey and Maggie decide to go out to the farm to comfort Mike, only to find Hank there alone. Hank tells them Mike went off to be alone for awhile, but Mike returns just as they're about to go look for him. Mike admits he is struggling to go on without Margo, but wouldn't do anything drastic, as he claims Margo would never have forgiven him. Alice arrives at the farm and tries to convince Mike to come back to Salem and stay with them awhile while he gets himself together. Mike refuses, stubbornly clinging to the farm, where he and Margo were happy. Mickey is concerned that Mike is bottling up his grief.


After blowing up at his family, Mike sits outside on the porch at the farm, and thinks about Margo. After some soulsearching, he walks back into the farmhouse, and tells everyone assembled that they're right, it's time he went home.




Trish reads a rave review of her singing in the paper, and David responds like a two-year-old, as per usual. He tells Trish he wants to leave Salem, and shouts, "You think you're so special. I can make it on my own! I don't need your help!" Maybe this is Nina Laemmle's attempt to de-SORAS David by having him BEHAVE like a child? A top agent contacts Trish, wanting to represent her. Trish is thrilled!




Chris promises to Leslie's parents that he will take good care of her, and on the last night of her parents' visit, proceeds to get Leslie's father pissed drunk. SOD tells us that Leslie's father likes Chris because he is "Not only...strong enough to control Leslie, but he is Polish!", (insert raised eyebrows here) which apparently, they are as well. I presume James is not the name his grandfather used, then. Leslie's mother, takes a more...subtle approach, telling her daughter she thinks it's time Leslie considered marriage.

Chris carries Leslie to her sofa, and tells her he will stay the night to protect her, as he's certain they were being followed from the hospital. Chris spies the same car parked across the street from Leslie's apartment, and calls the police. Hamlin tells Max that he thinks it's best that he leave town. Max agrees, as it would be unwise for him to be around when the insurance investigator arrives in town. Max asks if anyone other than Alex knows about his involvement in causing the fire. Hamlin tells him that David does. So Max sticks his goons on David.

Mary probes Leslie for information about the "accident", and discovers that David made up her schedule for that day. While this is happening, Alex coaches David on what to tell the insurance adjustors: that Chris conspired with Hamlin to start the fire. They point to the fact that Chris fired Hamlin immediately after the fire, hinting that it was in a move to keep Hamlin quiet.


Mary tells Chris about Margo's death. He feels guilty for not going to see her before her passing. Swept up in the emotion of the moment, Chris tells Leslie he loves her. According to SOD, Leslie responds by telling Chris about the anonymous caller from the previous recap that threatened Chris' life. I can't imagine that's actually how the interaction went, but...Chris proposes. Leslie says yes.


When Mike returns to work, Chris offers him a promotion to production supervisor. Chris needs someone he can trust, asking him to keep an eye on David. 


The insurance investigator believes Alex and David's bullsh!t story about Chris being involved in the fire, and won't pay out until they locate Hamlin. While Chris and Mickey discuss their situation, Chris gets a call from Washington, saying they need to deliver on the generators ASAP or the contract is cancelled. Chris relays that they can't meet the deadline, but the government official won't budge. Cancellation would ruin Anderson, so Kellam and Max lick their chops and call Don off the campaign trail, and over to the Chandler mansion to broker a deal with Chris to take Anderson over, hoping his influence will smooth things over with the brass at the plant, as well as with the public. Don tentatively goes along with the plan, but is incredulous that Anderson has collapsed so quickly after Bob's death, and wants to investigate a bit on his own before he negotiates. He also suggests to Kellam that they fund a children's wing for the David Martin clinic to help build a bit more goodwill with the public during the takeover, which Kellam and Max are on board with. Kellam informs Marlena of his plans (conveniently leaving out the detail that it was Don's idea), and Marlena is all giggles about it.


I guess the contract is cancelled, as Mary realizes the plant needs to be sold. Mary is certain Alex is behind the failure of the company. Kellam and Max agree that Alex needs to be "taken care of", but Alex, when he manages to corner Kellam alone, warns him that he's allowing Max to have too much power, and he will live to regret it.


Chris refuses to let the ship go down without a fight. Depressed, he tells Leslie he can't marry her until the plant is saved. Guess the wedding's off then, as the government officially cancels the contract. Chris considers future career options. Mary refuses to give up, despite the writing being very much on the wall. She refuses to give up her stock in the plant, despite Alex's not-so-subtle attempts to convince his wife to take Chandler's offer. Mary snaps at him, calling out his hypocrisy in claiming to care about the plant, yet giving in so easily to the Chandlers. Alex, of course, denies this. Mary marches Alex over to his closet, and shows him it's empty. She's taken the liberty of packing his things for him. He's out! "When you tell your friends, the Chandlers, that I'm selling the plant, why don't you add that I'm divorcing you". COLD AS ICE. I love it.


Mary's next target is David, who she invites over, and rakes him over the coals for his disloyalty to Bob. David counters that he and the workers weren't disloyal, they just didn't trust Chris. Mary doesn't buy it, and pointedly asks David if Alex gave him bonuses for turning the workers against Chris. David can't deny it, and Mary explodes, warning David that Alex's actions are tantamount to sabotage, and he, David, and everyone else involved in the plant's collapse could be prosecuted. David promises to make it up to Mary, but Mary orders him out, and to never set foot near Anderson again.


David goes home to tell Trish he's "quit" his job (guffaw), saying he couldn't stand it anymore, and so he can stay home with Scotty now. He won't tell her anything more about it. Alex hears about David "quitting" and says he should've known better than to trust a "punk kid". Mary heads to Mickey's office, and tells him that she knows Alex conspired with Chandler to bring down Anderson. Mickey realizes that, if this is true, then Chandler's offer to purchase the company is illegal. Mary tells Mickey that she allowed David to resign in exchange for not pressing charges. Mickey suggests she not let sentiment get in the way. Chris' name needs to be cleared, and even though Mary doesn't want to tarnish the Horton name, but she needs to do what's right, and have David charged.


Once Mickey tells David that he knows about his involvement with the Chandler sabotage of the Anderson plant, he asks David to testify against Alex and Chandler, hoping for leniency for David. David is a big baby again and decides the appropriate course of action is to run away instead. Trish tells him she's not going anywhere, as she's starting make headway in her career, so David decides to take Scotty and piss off and leave a goodbye letter for Trish to find. Trish is understandably hysterical after finding the sh!tbag's letter, saying he'll be a good father to Scotty (because babies raising babies always goes well). He punctuates the letter by saying that now Trish can focus on her career. A$$hole. David and Scotty get on a bus and leave town.




Kellam is big mad about Don, Marlena, and Liz going to Doug's casino opening. He throws a fit to Don and Marlena for "insulting him" by going. Marlena tells him that if he loyalty is questioned, she's quitting the campaign. Kellam backs down immediately, and apologizes.


Marlena continues to work with the kids at the clinic. Johnny appears jealous of Marlena's interaction with children who are not him. Josh tries to comfort him, but Johnny wishes Josh would take him home with him. Abandonment issues, y'all. Josh pulls Marlena aside and hints that she and Don should adopt Johnny. Don, when approached by Marlena about the possibility, is his usual grumpus self about it, but agrees to go with Marlena to see the boy. At the clinic, Johnny has a meltdown, which seems to confirm his position, but Marlena has Don and Johnny talk, and manages to convince Don to take the boy on a picnic with them. When Johnny learns this isn't going to happen now, he has another meltdown, as Marie tries to calm him down. Don is pretty certain this is a baaaad idea now. Marlena cries.


Don backs down again, and takes Johnny on the picnic. They have a good time, and Marlena is impressed by how well behaved he is (Johnny, not Don). Despite the good time, Johnny is certain he'll never see Don or Marlena again. Nina Laemmle hitting us over the head with this abandonment complex BIG time, isn't she?




Liz tells Neil she's so taken with him that she wants to move in. Neil thinks it's a rotten idea considering Kellam's campaign. Liz is aware, but suggests they marry once Kellam's campaign ends. Neil seems to like the idea. Kellam finally manages to get Neil to the Chandler mansion so he can tell Neil to not see his daughter. Kellam does as expected, and Neil flatly tells Kellam that they'll be married after the campaign ends. Kellam offers to buy Neil off, but Neil tells him where to shove his money. His love for Liz has no price on it. D'aww. GROWTH!





God, I hate how Nina Laemmle writes David. What an absolute garbage human.

Anyway, this month was a lot better than the previous ones, but I still am not loving a lot of the direction this show has taken. I dunno. What about y'all?

Edited by beebs
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I'm actually liking most of it. I guess it sounds a lot better than it looked though. The only storyline I'm not liking is the Kellam/Max stuff. Yeah, they want to control Anderson, but why? Was a reason ever established?


I feel bad that Brenda Benet got such a bad wrap back then. I'm really liking Lee. Yes, trying to kill Julie was too much too soon but she actually seems like such an interesting character, similar to Linda almost.


It also sounds like Laemmle was the one who humanized Neil.

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Like develop dissociative iden -- whoops, getting ahead here ... And no, I don't actually think the show was laying the groundwork for that plot.


If I remember right, Smith Island was still a peninsula until sometime before 1993. Supposedly Bo could drive his motorcycle all the way to the Horton cabin.


No, but now I want to know. Spill, spill!


Again, for all the good that's coming out of Doug and Julie's reunion, he's still being written as not as bright as before. And can we please leave Julie's boobs alone?


Good god, guys! Read the room!


RIP Margo. Mike's going to be relevant -- and younger -- for portions of the next 20 years, so to facilitate this, you no longer exist.


"I love you." "There's a guy threatening to kill you." "Will you marry me?" "Um ... sure!"


Interesting that the insurance investigator is sharp as a tack for Lee's story, yet able to be manipulated for Alex and David's story. I assume it's not the same person handling both cases.




Gawd, what an awful exit for a legacy character. David/Guthrie wasn't technically a massacre victim, but he might as well have been.


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@beebs  The battle for Anderson is finally getting interesting. i'm loving Mary taking no prisoners. OH WOW!!! I thought Margo had already died. That lady lingered on forever. We finally got some action with Julie's shooting. It would've been interesting. If Days had tied Julie's heart problem. To her 1980 shooting.  


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Tommy Horton could have been kept around Salem during the early eighties as the mentor of Dr. Evan Whyland, who was engaged to his daughter, Sandy.


When Sandy became involved with Chris Kositchek, Tommy would have strongly objected due to Chris' history as a ladies' man.


Back in the 1970s, Julie operated Doug's Coffee House, a precursor to modern day Starbucks. When Doug and Julie left Salem in 1984, it would have made sense for Julie to amass a fortune in Europe, following her divorce from Doug, through a chain of coffee shops, Cafe Julie, which could have been a successful franchise and fierce competitor of Starbucks. That could have explained how Julie returned as a successful business tycoon in the late eighties and early nineties and could have provided her with enough resources to give unscrupulous businessmen Victor Kiriakis, Stefano DiMera, and Lawrence Alamain a run for their money

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