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Kim was great everytime I saw her in person in NYC outside of the GL studio. Seeing an actor one on one outside of the studio as they leave or go into work is very different than a fan event where the actor knows they have to be “on” and friendly. I saw Kim at 6:30 am one morning as she walked into the GL studio looking like a mess and she let me take a picture of her even though she looked like she just rolled out of bed and she was kind and friendly. I interacted with her many times (never at 6:30 am again) and she was always friendly. 

Come on guys. Chris Goutman having an affair with a lesbian? Affairs, yes, but not with a lesbian. Geez. 

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Yeah, I barely paid attention to this one. Colleen looked a little lost but it was the anniversary of her son's passing. Love Ellen Dolan and her bag lady chic vibe.


And yeah this one didn't bring in a ton of viewers. But it was also kind of last minute.


Disappointed no Scott Bryce. Oh well. Alan said he'd be there but I missed why he wasn't.

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I’ve been watching some ATWT from 1985/1986 and other bits here and there on YouTube.  I didn’t start watching the show until Broderick’s run, and stayed through Sheffer, so a lot of this is new to me, although I have read about it before.


Lucinda is just awful!  Trying to make the bank take the Snyder’s farm.  Keeping DNA tests away from John.  I know her as a mostly meddling mother and grandmother, and businesswoman.  I have never seen her this close to villain.


I also have come to really love Scott Bryce’s Craig, and Iva Snyder.


Also- Holden is more than a little rapey with Lily.  I’ve seen this clearly older man forcing Lily to kiss him more than once.  He is so different even just a couple of years after this.  I’m not saying he isn’t hot as hell because he is, but I had no idea their relationship developed this way.


About Lily- I liked her when I was watching the show in the late 90’s to mid 2000’s.  But now going back and watching her she is incredibly annoying, and often a depressing character.  Just dour all the time.


HBS and Gregg Marx are by far my favorite Tom and Margo!


Edited by titan1978
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Another reunion is scheduled for Friday 4/17 at 2PM ET.  It is this time reuniting the younger set. 


From Soap Opera Digest 


Alexandra Chando (ex-Maddie), Van Hansis (ex-Luke), Agim Kaba (ex-Aaron), Marnie Schulenburg (ex-Allison), and Jake Silbermann (ex-Noah). 

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Fascinating stuff, isn't it?!

I can always go back to those storylines and it never gets dull for me. I find new things to like and love about performances.

When I was a kid, Lucinda was such a vulture to me but seeing it now makes me appreciate how committed Liz Hubbard was to playing that role, in contrast to many of today's actors who seem prone to take to social media to whine about how mean their characters are in a bid to be seen as some valiant figure or romantic hero(ine). Perhaps what is missing from much of today's characterizations on soaps is complexity which Lucinda was brimming with.

Now I'm curious--are you talking about Lucinda hiding Duke's DNA or Lily's medical records? If it's about Lily then John gave as good as he got as he was actually blackmailing Lucinda in order to get a seat on the hospital board of trustees.  Agreed, that Lucinda was pretty venomous back then.

I have made no secret that I loved GM and HBS as Tom and Margo, my favorites by far. I loved how witty, humorous and passionate they were, after Finn Carter and Scott Bryce, HBS and GM were my favorites as a kid.

Probably because I was a kid when I first saw them but I preferred Dusty and Lily, probably because Holden seemed like a much older guy to me back then and somehow I found it creepy and dishonest how he and Meg schemed to keep Dusty and Lily apart but now that I'm a full-grown adult, I appreciate Jennifer Ashe's characterization of Meg Snyder, in particular. Meg is the kind of character you don't see that much of these days. She, like Nina Webster, weren't total villains and too young to be full-on vixens but were characters who yearned for a better life, which they believed that they were entitled to and sought to grab, by whatever means necessary.



I don't so much mind this list but it would've been nice if one of the Caseys could be there. Since Alex Chando is there, it would've been great had Zach Roerig been there since they had great chemistry and I have heard that they are still in touch.

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Alan: Alexandra I forgot but who was Maddie?

.          Van what have you done since ATWT besides playing gay character after gay character?

.           Agim has your acting improved since ATWT?

 .           Marnie which Allison were you?

             Jake is it true you hated playing a gay character and pretty much just phoned it in the last years?

              Van did Goutman give Reid's fans the shaft by killing him off?



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