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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I saw that!  There was a limit of 250 people, and since it was a public hearing, anyone could join.  Too many fans joined before Jen could log in, and she was denied access because they hit their limit.  So many people forgot to mute themselves and the judge was getting pissed.  He told IT to find a new system or fix it.  They rescheduled for tomorrow morning.  Even Wendy Williams called in and forgot to mute - people could hear her talking to someone in location about Jen and what was happening 

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First, that midseason trailer hints at cracks in the Mean Girls Club and I'm all for it. Melissa needs some drama since things with Michelle appear to be over. Meanwhile, Marge needs to be called out. If you are going to stir the pot, be ready to have it come back to you. Or better yet own it. 


This episode was good. Perhaps a sign of how Jersey people are. Ready to rumble at one point, and then laughing it up and then back again. It definitely was not boring. 


However, Jackie is a weak trick. 


Teresa might have been messy, but Jackie was just all talk and little digs. And when Teresa came...she sat there and cried. And then she wanted to have a meltdown on her minions Marge and Melissa. Whatever ho.


Thankfully, she was smart enough to see that Teresa putting out her THIRD olive branch that she was lucky to get was a way to build a bridge so they can walk over it. Because she needed to face it. Teresa is the Queen and ain't going NOWHERE. Bow down, or bow OUT.


Good choice, Jackie.




JOE/MELISSA VS TERESA. I believe I've said many times that I never watched the first 5 seasons. I've seen clips and the odd episode here and there. But like RHONY (which I promise I will get around to) I was not around and watching then. I only know of the family dynamic from where I started and what has been said here. So I definitely know there was no love lost between Joe and Joe. So it is always explosive when Joe gets bothered by how close Teresa and Joe appear to still be. Sadly, they will always be due to their kids. And they have a pretty cool co-parenting thing going on. Joe and Melissa are going to have to deal eventually. Until then, it was nice to see this kind of explosion. Speaking of...


MARGE VS JACKIE. See? Since Regina George couldn't take on the real Queen, she had to take on a minion. Perhaps it was the fact that Jackie sensed that Marge has been talking behind her back. But watching that meltdown was great.


GIRL, BYE!!! I'm sorry. I'm not liking Marge. It should be clear that she was probably the person who started this whole Evan rumor. She didn't seem surprised when Teresa mentioned it. And she seem a little TOO angry. As if she was guilty. And NO, you said that story about the boss in an intimate moment. But intimate...as a bit of a joke on the OTHER cast trip. Nice try.

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 And just like Brandi over on DALLAS, it appears that she's about to try to deflect (or get revenge) by attacking Jennifer. Nice try...Jennifer's ready for you. Bring it on. She'll leave you dust.


JENNIFER. IS LOVE. Smart enough to not get in the middle of Joe/Melissa vs Teresa. And ballsy enough to take Marge now. Team Jennifer. 


EVAN. Suuure does have a nice chest.




JACKIE. All that unnecessary crying. Not so tough huh?


TERESA. While I thought she handled all of it well. I do not feel that she needed to give such a public apology to Evan. Sorry. It screamed 'Jackie wants to try to humiliate Teresa' written all over it. I liked how unbothered she was. And definitely something she's not used to. Oh, well. Even sucky people get to win a round from time to time.


Like the midseason trailer. 

They are.


One of the best moments last year was the roasting that the L.A. City Council got during BLM for how people were mistreated by police. And that was a Zoom.





It appeared that Bravo has taken out the Falynn vs Latoya episode offline due to Kenya's head dress.


It is still on my system so hopefully it stays on. She apologized. So did Bravo. Go pick on someone who deserves to be attack like Erika Jayne. 


Meanwhile...That one reunion picture was meh. Now that more pictures have popped off.


FAVORITES:  Cynthia, Kenya, Porsha (that one picture with the sleeved arm in the forefront is perfection), Latoya (it dazzles), and Shamea.


I LIKE: Kandi, Drew


MEH: MARLO (shocking).


I will probably check my mind once I see them move. 





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When my mom went to interview for a paralegal job 5 years ago...they barely used computers...still had law books, etc


So not surprised at the public Zoom thing.  Surely zoom meetings can be limited to those invited, etc.





Evan and Teresa had an odd vibe during that brief interaction.


Joe B and Jackie..as well.


And Jennifer was right... pigtails does talk down to her hubby 

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@Taoboi I hope you get to the early seasons of NY and NJ one day. I promise, you will not be disappointed. They hold up amazingly well, and in NY's case especially, are hilarious. NJ is straight up INSANE -- the hubris before the fall, with Danielle practically putting a curse on Teresa which.... well, we know how that turned out.


As for this most recent NJ episode, EPISODE OF THE YEAR, lol. I am loving NJ this season and stunned Bravo did not promote this. For once, the drama was not petty BS but real life sh*t. Were there certain people acting it up? For sure. You know who they are. But who wouldn't be shaken by rumors of infidelity in a friendship group? By the Ghosts of Christenings Past? That clip of Joe Gorga screaming "YOU'RE MY FODDER" at Nonno never gets old. Not that Juicy Joe can be blamed for Nonna's death IMO. The other stuff? Sure. But he's also the FODDER of Tre's DAWTERS so she's got to maintain some relations. 


Team Too Much were too extra. They're not even good actresses. Melissa throwing that cheese all over the table (Frank hurriedly saving said cheese for leftovers lol). Is she auditioning for an L&O guest spot? I was cringing. Marge was way OTT and I didn't buy a second of her croc tears. She's been gossiping, so has Joe B, but im sure it wasn't super malicious. What was malicious was her trying to deflect the blame on my Jennifuh. Saying that Jennifer married her sugar daddy? I'm sure Bill had to work hard to get himself off the ground when he immigrated to the US. Is Bill Aydin supporting Jennifer's family? Her dad and brother already own and run a jewellery business! Marge stays throwing stones from her house of lawsuits.


Jackie was so shook by the rumor that she almost seemed high. She was all over Evan the next day in a way which was slightly performative. He is hot though. I felt sorry for her so fragilised by the gossip, but at the same time, Tre does have a point: Jackie throws daggers and then starts crying when you confront her. Like Candiace. Jackie also has the same box of tricks when going after Teresa: jail, Joe, and how dumb she is compared to her. That sh!t was tired 2 years ago. Teresa needs to stop stomping off every time Jackie brings up prison. Everyone knows, Teresa. It's a non-event at this point.


Frank, Dolores and Jennifer's reaction shots throughout were gold. 



Right? Even Putin and Xi were logging on with some popcorn to catch Jen Shah's arraignment lewks.


I hope No-Neck Rage Monster is nervous about Jennie. And I need news on where my Mary is. In CO with the others, I hope.


This Post article about Shah's rental, and the charges against her, is a good read:



@Taoboi agree about Marlo's look. Basically an ill-fitting leather bikini. Disappointing from someone usually so creative with her fashions.

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I dialed into Jen's hearing today (haha!!).  It was so interesting to listen in.  She pled not guilty.  The judge thinks she's a flight risk, but is not going to retain her, but she has a $1M recognizant bond, has to hand over $250,000 in assets as collateral (or something like that), and surrender her passport.  She can't travel outside of Utah unless she has an in-person court hearing in NY or DC.  She can continue her business dealings with anyone not related to the case, so she can keep filming RHOSLC.  Her trial doesn't start until October though - that's a LONG wait y'all!


OH - and the judge asked her about any property she owns and her lawyer said NONE.  She rents her house in SLC and all the other properties she mentioned was all fake (or could technically be in Coach Shah's name only)...  she is getting exposed.



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Thank you for your service in reporting direct from the belly of the beast!


How is she not taking this seriously? I mean, as a viewer its great that she's serving looks for the audience, but it also illustrates just how influencer culture has curdled. All that matters is how you look and how many labels you flaunt. Nothing about how you are as an actual human being. Certainly nothing about the elderly people you robbed to finance a ridiculously fake influencer lifestyle.


Wonder if Coach Shah will get indicted. Also the fact that she rents says to me that she cannot afford to do anything more than that. The funds she finagled could very well be already spent.

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Best dress at the reunion are Porsha, Kenya and Latoya. I just might like Latoya look the most, she stands out from the rest.


It looks like Kandi mixed together two different themes together, it’s a No for me. I’m disappointed in Shamea’s hair. Marlo looks so cheap. Drew forgettable as usual!

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@Cat sometimes I think I'm scared to rewatch the old seasons of NY cuz of the Countess. I love LuAnn so much I think it will be jarring to see her in her Countess persona. 


As for NJ...their past reunions look juicy enough that I would. And they have enough history in scenes of seasons I've watched that I'm curious enough to go back. We'll see.


And yes...I expect better of Marlo.



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