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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm confused. What is the point of a Cease and Desist if the show is still showing all the revelations about the alleged affair and Brandi Glanville is still mouthing off on social media?


I believe Denise but her reactions when she spoke at the dinner table did not look credible and gave me the feeling she was covering up. The way she did that head/neck movement just screamed lying to me. Also when she spoke to Garcelle and said 'no' twice in 2 completely different ways. Even if it were true if I were her I would also lie - it is none of the business of any of these witches.


Teddi has to go she is a fragile, thin-skinned and nasty person who believes anything said about her - maybe because deep down she knows it is true?


Why did Kyle stick up for Denise saying she was also suffering? Is that to try and deflect attention away from her involvement in this ridiculous story line? Also if Denise was bitching to Brandi about the other women why wouldn't she have said stuff about Kyle? Kyle was the one she clearly had an issue with since the start of the season?


Also can someone explain how the editing has been changed? It still feels like this is heading in the direction as insinuated  in the premiere trailer with Denise being piled on. Andy previously said the season would go to 20 episodes but since we are already at the Rome trip and we know the reunion has been filmed does anyone know if the episodes have been cut short? And if so is that due to the C+D?


Another lost story line: what happened to Kyle's mu-mu collection? It was such a big deal at the start and we hear nothing about her involvement now...

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I see Dorit's gonna be real annoying with this Italian
Im glad Sutton managed to go bc I was upset when it looked like she was out
F--k Teddi! She is hyperventilating and about to lose it bc she heard that Denise said she lives in her father's shadow? I loved Sutton calling her out
Kyle was quiet as a church mouse but once Teddi blurted out the sex rumor, then she started spilling. I loved Sutton calling her. She was so rude to cut Dorit off so I loved Dorit calling her out on that. 
Final lesson....Kyle and Teddi are a bunch of b-tches
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Bravo did with Denise's C+D what they did with Adrienne's C+D back in S3. Tweak the bare minimum, keep 99.9% in there so the audience still knows what is going on, and put the ball in Adrienne/Denise's court. This C+D has no teeth, clearly, except that it probably gags Brandi from repeating the insinuation. Hence why she got dis-invited from reunion. In any case, Andy is going to have a one-on-one with Big Mouth herself and Brandi keeps leaking crap on Twitter so, again clearly this C+D is not very airtight.


Consequently... Bravo had very little to edit around this Denise-shagged-Brandi SL. This begs the question: why the long break to re-edit the rest of this season? Are we re-editing this SL out of the show? Clearly not. Are certain disliked members of The Coven trying to get a better edit? Possibly. That is speculation on our parts and obviously not confirmed by Bravo.


My view on this Did They/Didn't They? mess: I still don't know who to believe. 


I felt like Denise was caught off guard this episode, and if so, she may be doubling-down on her 'lie'. So why double-down?

-She got caught in a lie in the moment. Nobody wants to immediately admit to lying.

-Is it because Charlie Sheen is suing her again and she needs to present a good image to the courts?

-Does she have some kind of 'good morals' clause in her contract with B&B? Or with Hallmark? 

-Is she afraid her marriage will crumble because it would constitute as cheating in Aaron's eyes? Is she afraid of Aaron? (I am a little afraid of Aaron tbh!).


I don't believe she is 'obsessed with her image.' Who is the b*tch who said that? One of The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse? The ones who brought glam to Rome to dress up like an 18th century nun (Erika) and a NASCAR driver (Dorit)? Yeah, F that. She is obsessed with protecting her kids, though. But clearly not her image if she openly goes to a strip joint for a steak and a lap dance, as filmed on RHOBH!


If what Brandi said was a lie, then that is incredibly cruel, because the aim is to embarrass Denise and affect/ruin her career trajectory. And The Coven all jumped on that train because they wanted to see Denise publicly humiliated. Not least the Boring One who insists this is some kind of exercise in truth-telling. Did you see the way her face dropped the first night when Garcelle and Denise joined the group in Rome? She is just awful and essentially The Coven's butt-monkey.


If what Brandi said is the truth, then I don't care that Denise slept with Brandi. I don't care that she had an affair behind Aaron's back! Like Garcelle (Voice of the Audience) said, it's none of my business, but I kind of want to get to the bottom of it, lol.


The problem I have is with Brandi making this out to be some kind of grooming/abuse/blackmail situation where she now cowers in fear of Denise. Those situations definitely exist, but I am not sure this is one of them. Does Denise seem like a groomer of a 49 year old woman? She has to manipulate people into sleeping with her?


The muu-muu collection shown at the beginning of this season? (Because I'm sure you heard that 'Kyle by Alene Too' shut up shop in late 2018). Yeah, I imagine Kyle's 'management' and lack of work ethic meant that the company released one collection and kept it moving.



I thought Erika looked gorgeous last year when she had no glam squad and her makeup was super light and fresh. But the squads are back and now we have half these hoes looking like they are heading out for Halloween. And Erika wheeled out Mikey just so he could point out that they are dressing Erika for a funeral -- DENISE'S FUNERAL. They aren't even bothering to hide the takedown anymore. When Erika told Denise later "Honey, you don't have to explain anything to us" I was like WUT? Wasn't that the whole point of Teddi dropping the bomb at dinner? To embarrass Denise publicly? To catch her in a lie?



Have Brandi and Erika ever met? Erika seems like she would be a lacklustre lay. 


They all turned to look at Rinna, though. My money, weirdly, is on it being Kyle, lol. Because back in 2018 or something, Kyle would have thought this was trendy.

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I dont believe the break was to redit the season. It was so production could catch up. They are now filming confessionals from home bc COVID shut  things down. They didnt have footage of the women reacting to the stuff from the latter half of the season so they took the time to film that stuff to a quality at home that matches if they were in the studio. It was for the best bc other shows just told the casts to film with whatever camera they had and it shows.

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Indeed, Bravo said that was the reason when they went on hiatus. I am inclined to believe them. We did speculate a week or so ago (when Rinna bitched about reunion) whether Bravo actually had other, shady motives for the hiatus, like re-editing because of the C+D. But clearly the cease + desist is not stopping Bravo from airing anything!


And BH's footage looks very, very good. I can't stand Teddi, but her VT/background shot looks stunning.

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Thanks for that, very informative.

The other thing I don't get is why would Denise sleep with Brandi? Denise is way hotter and this seems like scraping the bottom of the barrel. Also seems suspect that Denise would sleep with someone connected to the RHOBH universe.

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Yeah, it was fun when I called her the boring one. But she has definitely gone from tolerable to just hate (not love to hate). She has been foul.


Now if I stand alone, I stand alone but so be it. Bravo said they took a month break. I do not feel inclined to believe them because they are not above doing shady things. 


Meanwhile over the last few months, we have been here in the U.S. on some form of lockdown. And if there is one thing that has come out of that is the fact that with BLM going on, Karens running cray-cray, and politicans doing a bad job, Twitter has the best detectives, bring all kind of receipts over all three things to back them up. When we discussed/debated this a few weeks back, I mentioned that there was guy who was dating a post-production editor. Has for 7 years. Lived with. Know him. and even his bf is saying something in the buttermilk is not clean. He said (as did I) that when it came to post-production yes it did take time, but in today's age (especially in the movie industry where directors have their own studios nearby or at home) that long it could take but with most of the materials done or looked over (and keep in mind BH extended their shooting an extra few months to get some drama going since the first six months were boring like Kyle's fashion line, more of Sutton), it didn't take THAT long. Granted my knowledge is limited, but even I feel I know enough to side-eye a month break when they got extra time on top on that.


I am more likely to believe the delay was for agendas. Like I said in my above post, Erika went back to being ice bitca after being open (with a fake crying scene) for two episodes. NOW she wants to have a sense of humor? And Lipsa with her Season 6 reason...how convenient. Clearly since they did the followup interviews, the girls took the time to see NO ONE was liking them for ganging up on Denise so they are trying to play up for favor. Heck, the only one keeping it 'real' among them is Dorit and you know it's bad when it's DORIT that people are getting behind of all them witches. 


Like I said, since it's been back, there has been a clear shift. We all know the first six months was boring. But since we have been back and there is a direction with the Brandi/Denise drama, that is where the direction is going. Some people have mentioned foreshadowing online with the Kyle/Tori friendship at the start, and talking about two ladies kissing. Heck, The Twitter detectives have figured out that the Brandi scene allegedly was filmed AFTER the Rome trip (some blonde girl was saying that was not true...I think she's related to some favorite singer) but there are time stamps to when things were filmed and when the ladies posted pictures that BACK up what they are saying...this is all a setup...and very much like how they tried to set up LVP last season...same blonde girl I believe too. Who is she? Hm.


Again, Bravo is not above filming followup scenes to set up a situation. Perhaps that is even while Denise was surprised. Someone was running her mouth because she was coached into it or she was butthurt over a comment or was told what to say. That would sadly let Kyle off the hook on the trip. She knew something was going to come up, but perhaps not that until they filmed that scene which was AFTER the trip.


I admit it is messy and I would love to get to the bottom of it. And we just might unlike last season on camera. We'll see.


I am curious about the C and D. Does it affected (guess not) what was filmed or just what was about to be filmed (in this case the reunion). Due to the timing, perhaps that's why we can see what came before since it was filmed before the letter was sent?


And yes, @Cat, I also agree with your theories on the hiatus as well. 


PS. Funnily enough...I ALSO thought Kyle after the preview for next week. You are not alone.  





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Before I get to Beverly Hills, I wanted to speak on ATL. I know we wonder every season, but I think this might be the year Marlo snags a peach. Currently Marlo, Kenya, Kandi and Cynthia have been filming for about two weeks. Porsha is about to join them and then Drew and Latoya will start filming. Tanya made it seem like she’d just be a guest. Based on numbers I wonder if Marlo could slide through if Latoya or Drew don’t give what they want in terms of content. 

Now onto RHOBH, I thought this was a lot sadder than I expected. We’ve heard about it, but in execution it came off horribly. Garcelle and Denise were so excited and the girls were salivating to have an issue. They couldn’t WAIT to destroy Denise at dinner. By contrast, Sutton and Garcelle had a small issue, Garcelle apologized and now they’ve become good friends. 

I loved that Dorit and Sutton spoke up for Denise. Teddi came off like a total [!@#$%^&*]. Your issue is that Denise was allegedly talking [!@#$%^&*]. The build up to something “soooo bad” honestly felt homophobic and the way they framed it was to make it worse than it was IMO. That was done for maximum impact. And to do it when y’all are in another country and the girl has no support system? I’m very curious how the rest of the episodes will unfold. I presume that the trip will be around 3 episodes and they’ll have a couple episodes back in BH to wrap up. I wonder how much we will see Denise going forward. 

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