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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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You can see everyone drumming their fingernails on the table, like 'Get to the meaty stuff! Denise and Brandi shagging!' 


This same Twitter account also posted this



I have to say, I like Shannon going on social media and talking about the different symptoms and what it feels like. Also educating everybody about masks, gloves, etc. 


If that Tweet about Kelly Dodd is true, well, as if I couldn't dislike her any more than I already do! I swear, she better not be an asymptomatic spreader who screams in store employees' faces when they ask her to wear a mask.


No clue if any of this is legit but here's some RHONY tea:




And here is a Potomac scene preview!




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Hahaha!!! Fingers crossed I get my television programmed and I can watch it tonight. I was just talking to a friend last night and realized that I truly miss travelling so seeing Rome before the drama hits would be really fun right now and breathtaking. 


I have to give respect to Shannon for that. For all her good, bad, AND ugly, she always shows EVERYTHING like an old school housewife. I hope that will make a lot of the people in the OC find their common sense.


To think I used to like Kelly. Ugh.


Idk. If that report is on Page Six isn't Page Six usually reliable about such things. I cannot believe they are aiming for a in house reunion. BH had a better shot at the time to be honest. 


Can't wait for POTOMAC. My body is ready.

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Do the women on NY housewives know that antibodies in blood means it was a past infection and offers some degree of protection..and that Andy Cohen has recovered from covid-19?  I hope it's a rumor because the other women sound ignorant if true.


I'm curious if Shannon's positive test result has halted production..or if the show is filming the others (maybe doing zoom calls to check in and have filmed).

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With New York, I don’t know that I’d trust anything Ramona says. If they test prior to filming the reunion and do separate seating instead of couches they should be fine. Either way they need to figure it out since they’ll be filming a new season soon. 

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Like, it was incredible to see two people just say "Nope, nope I am not here for this bullsh*t, I will not be complicit in this" and annihilate Vyle and John Mellencamp's daughter without breaking a sweat.


Garcelle has unfollowed Rinna on Instagram. I hope that sticks. Rinna has demonstrated herself to be a loathsome individual. 

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Well, the good news...we got my tv working. Not sure how long that will last since it appears to be a 3 way fight between the building's connection, my laptop connection, and my phone connection. And it appeared to knock the wifi connection right out of the tv. However, for now...my tv was back so I saw tonight.


And...travelling has been on my mind so seeing all the things in Rome. And seeing the ladies have fun was fun. And dare I say it...a breath of fresh air. Sad that they were so interested in having drama more than exploring where they were at.


Going to agree with @Faulkner, @DaytimeFan and  @Antoyne  and say Dorit calling out Kyle...with the very same thing that Denise told her about in Episode 3/4...Kyle NEVER lets anyone talk...proving that Denise was RIGHT. 


Also love Sutton calling out that annoying lil gnat girl. Just ugh. Fake anxiety my backside. 


But can we talk about 'Bravo, Bravo, Frakking Bravo' and how it just feels like they purposely cut it out of the original episode (and a lot of Sutton scenes the first half @Cat who had wondered about this in an above post I believe a page or so back) so that production (or just Kyle) could control this narrative. And that was what it seem like. A narrative. A setup one at that. Moreso now that we know that Brandi lied. 


And with a new room and a new tv was HD and when did Erika get her face done. WOW. She looked like a statue. 


So I wouldn't be me without doing this:


KYLE. She was so transparent it was irritating. Why is it that Tara was the anxious one? Why was it done to her to say something? Didn't Brandi tell Kyle, Kim, and RococoPreggers what was going on? It would have had more punch coming from Kyle so of course it was clear it was obvious if it came from Kyle how much of a setup this was. And well...


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Girl, you ain't slick.


ERIKA. I'm so over glam. At this point, I could do it better. Less is more can be more sexy than what you are giving. And you are not giving anything. And going back to narrative...interesting that after stopping after the first two episodes of this season, Erika has gone back to trying to look like she has a personality in the TH and that she isn't inherently cold...which she was back to doing again this season. Sounds like someone got a good edit after fans (and Aaron) got her together. Guess...transparent.


LIPSA. Also tried to be slick with that Season 6 arc reason for not telling Denise. Guess what? TRANSPARENT. Notice who all are transparent. Notice how one of them is a producer. Notice how they have pushed a narrative that needed a month off to be finetuned. Hmmm...seems clear what is going on? But like Season 6 we already know you are not getting out of this not burned. Nice try though.


THAT SINGER'S DAUGHTER. THIS BITCA. No words...that would be nice. Heffa. Not since Phyllis on Y&R have I wanted to get a trick together. Let me calm down. Thankfully, Sutton did for me what I wanted to do. Trying to act all anxious about this. Girl, you were like a rabid dog with drool to tell it off. Trusting someone you don't know because your master wanted you to. GIRL, BYE. And then trying (like Lipsa btw) to say 'Denise is about image.' First of all, narrative. Second of all, so are you, bitca or you wouldn't be upset at being called a singer's daughter when you are one. Third of all, even Denise saw through you. Garcelle saw  through you. Sutton brought it into focused and proved you are not Denise's friend. Sutton barely knows Denise and had her back with her TH than you ever did. And she called a spade a spade with you tonight. Just a butthurt legacy child looking for relevancy you will never have. KNOW THAT. @Allison DuBois.


GARCELLE. All that said...GIRL, SAME. Denise doesn't have to explain anything to any of them, but yes, Greek choir over here getting to the bottom of it. Give me that T. Lol. Love she is on the trip. Loved that she, Denise, and Sutton have been this cool combo. More of that please. And loved that moment when Sutton felt offended by last week and Garcelle owned that, apologized like an adult if she offended, and they kept moving. Good friendship in the making.


SUTTON. YOU GO, GIRL. Some wannabe girl trying to ruin the trip. You called her out. Keep doing that.


DENISE. Felt sorry for her. Because it does seem like production is now trying to railroad a la RHOA Nene except Nene had that coming. You don't appear to be. And it's hypocrisy really given all the dirt on the foursome behind the narrative keep their own stuff (Kyle and her husband and his lawsuit, Dorit and her lawsuit and past, let's talk about the husband Lips, and Erika's colorful past that she doesn't really own) that they keep OFF camera. Hopefully given the teaser at the end of the Episode 1 this season Denise does have an ace up her sleeve because it is clear that the narrative has shifted from the Queen Denise narrative that was the direction this season was going in to do a boring takedown storyline AGAIN. 


DORIT. THANK YOU FOR PROVING DENISE RIGHT. I hope that comes back up. Kyle really needs to be exposed at this point. 


It is all there and they should be ashamed.









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