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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Peggy would've worked for a second season-- as long as she dropped the stupid schtick: What do you mean pigs in a blanket as food? Like who will eat an actual pig in an actual blanket? Is the blanket fuzzy or is it a cotton blanket? Is the pig alive?! 


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Ashley Abbott's face-off with her mother, the Wicked Witch of the West, gives me life. Everything about D'Andra so far this season is amazing, from going toe-to-toe with Brandi, to clashing with Dee over Ultimate Living and the green potion thingy. This is the kind of business shenanigans that Y&R has been failing to deliver for years! I love the detail of it -- Dee's half-salary going to finance the marketing, D'Andra trying to get rid of Dee's core customer base and replace it with new YOUNGER clients, Dee hitting D'Andra with "You're jealous because I am a natural beauty" -- ALL OF IT. Look, I get that RHOD is the lowest-rated RH show, but as far as I am concerned, it is the top-rated soap!


Stephanie is growing on me a lot these last two episodes.


Next week -- we already get our first mess of a trip! To Beaver Creek, which sounds like a location straight out of B&B. Looks like the producers told Kameron she better bring it this season and get messy.



That was probably the element that bothered me the most about Peggy. As Kelly Bensimon used to foghorn, "IT'S NAHT AUTHENTIC, ALEX!!!" I still say Lydia should have stayed on another season. She finally helped get rid of that moron Meghan who, along with Porsha Williams, was the luckiest HW on RH. How did these two keep coming back season after season?


Speaking of the latter twit,

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If Meghan hadn't been so smug about exposing Brooks, I might have co-signed, but she was so... exhausting about it. Hearing her yap about cancer and JUSTICE for, like, 18 episodes, I seriously wanted to gauge an eye out. She set in motion three seasons of shittiness, basically. The only thing I liked about her was her husband Jimmy Edmonds. I would have taken him over her any day! Jimmy was actually one of the most unwittingly entertaining husbands ever -- without ever meaning to be.




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Agree to disagree.  I think Meghan had to do that because bravo and the other women weren't too keen to expose it.  So I applaud Meghan for being aggressive and smug.  Considering my mom battled breast cancer and the after effects...the whole Brooks thing didn't sit well with me nor vicki going along with it (and I'm sorry...she might not have came up with the scheme..but the girl figured it out.  This is a woman that watched her kids and man like a hawk.).  



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Watching Carole call out Andy was the highlight. Actually watching Carole use messages and comments made on the show to end Bethenny all while remaining calm, until the very end when she let Andy have it and said what many of us had been thinking was the best part. I don’t understand why anyone stills like Bethenny. Yet, she has a swarm of fans who defend her week after week, including the execs at Bravo. 

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Andy was full of it so it was glorious seeing Carole call him out. If you go back to the season, it started with Bethenny nonstop making digs at Carole in confessionals and to the other women. Didn’t Carole dismiss Ramona or Dorinda when they tried to warn her it was a bigger issue than she thought? That’s why she started the blogs because she was being nice to Bethenny on the show not knowing so she was going back and responding to stuff she never knew was happening. I hate how they made her the villain. Just like Bethenny with Jill, Carole decided to move on and didn’t wanna reconcile. I just love that Carole left on her own terms. You could tell she knew she wasn’t staying and was fine with that. 

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It was so satisfying to watch Carole call out Andy and I say that as someone whose never enjoyed Carole. She knew she was leaving, she knew she was burning bridges, and she didn't care. When she said "You're afraid of her too?" Andy looked so furious at what he undoubtedly perceived to be Carole attempting to humiliate him, which she did.


I still think Bethenny and Carole are both to blame in their relationship falling apart. 


And I still dislike Carole. When she rolled her eyes at Andy saying Lu's cabaret success I muttered good riddance. Carole is bitter, bitter, bitter.


OC this week was a laying the groundwork kind of episode. Tamra has dropped her Christian Pasture after realizing that the show was probably getting stale. Her inorganic ways to attack Shannon were clunky but got the drama rolling.


I really like Kelly and her scenes with Jolie. Jolie is wise beyond her years and seems good natured. The soup kitchen scenes were nice because they both seemed to enjoy themselves and made an effort to fit in - not like when the BH housewives slugged their way through an appearance at Project Angel Food.

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that RHONYC reunion was so toxic. Yeah Bethenney and Carole are never coming back from this. They both were lying and downplaying how nasty theyve been. Cant root for either one


Apparently Dorinda hasnt seen herself on tv this season bc I would have thought she'd try to do damage control but she came across just as ugly here

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It was maddening seeing Bethenny and Carole both downplay how much [!@#$%^&*] they actually talked about each other. And Bethenny will never own the fact that she started it. They were a nasty duo together so I don’t feel bad for them in the least. It was pretty obvious Carole still doesn’t like Luann.


I did enjoy Bethenny calling out Ramona for playing dumb about drunk Dorinda in Colombia just because of their reunion alliance.

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Bethanny usually wins because of her tone, she can stay controlled and concise.  However, she confuses success with intelligence and it was funny to see Carole use that to mock her.  


Twice in the first episode Bethanny used a false equivalency to deflect.  She said,  "if (insert insult here) counts as friendship then...  However, they never made sense.  But because of her tone they went to commercial on one of her dumb comparisons in the first episode.  Then, they come back to this episode and Bethanny tries a false comparative again only to be met with Carole's, "keep your brand" retort, Bethanny asked for receipts and Carole provided them, she tried to bring up her resume but Carole is correct that they currently have the same job.  Then, Bethanny resorts to verbally mocking Carole and making faces which were unbecoming.  The coup de grace was when Bethanny tried her line about Carole being a doctor, and Carole responded that one only needs to be in the same room with her to know that she is a narcissist.


My two quibbles were the tacky dedication to Dennis, they could have just as easily edited out any comment about him and addressed it within the season.  Also, the foreshadowing of an obvious turn in the reunion next week when they will all forgive each other and hug.  I see on social that Andy is on vacation but this would have been better now because this whole discussion seems dated already.

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