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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ok this BH reunion is giving me NYC S4 reunion vibes.  Rinna = Jill; Teddi = Kelly; Erika = Cindy; Kyle = Luann; Denise = Alex.  


It's gross.  I've never disliked a housewife as much as I dislike Kelly Bensimon - and Teddi gave me those feelings at this reunion.  Neither are entertaining, they're just miserable bitches.  At least Rinna/Jill can be entertaining in a weird way.



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At her height Nene was truly a GOAT among HWs. But Ira is right -- she has been checked out for years. She was ready to leave RHOA as early as S4 (South Africa season). However, outside opportunities have been thin on the ground, so she was forced to go back to RHOA and it showed. Her resentment was coming off her in waves and it wasn't fun to watch.


You guys on this thread cited a post she made a few months' back about Bravo not treating her fairly. Like the boy who cried wolf, people are not feeling sorry for Nene this time around as they figured it was only about pay with her. However, as some of you pointed out, she has always been made to feel second to Kim Zolciak when, quite honestly, Nene carried the show in the early days. And I kind of understand her POV about Bravo doing her dirty. She was gracious about Bravo in her goodbye video. You could see she was reading some cue cards, but nevertheless, Nene seems determined to part ways in a professional manner.


I will always love her for her 'Deuces baby!' speech. For calling out Phaedra's length of pregnancy and Porsha's '265 days of the year.' Oh, and "Close your legs to married men, Wig!".


45 Ridiculous And Amazing GIFs Of Nene Leakes | Nene leakes, Amazing gifs,  Real housewives


"I can understand having a falling out and getting back together, but once you hit below the belt? Deuces, baby! I think you need to GO. Because I'm not fittin to stab you in the back. I'm gonna stab you in the chest!"

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Just when there is some vaguely 'nice' moment (like Sutton chartering a private jet to take everybody to NY), Yoga-Mat Mellencamp has to jump in and go after Denise and Garcelle 'not supporting the group.' I wanted to smack her round the chops! 


She is so effing smug. This wasn't desperation trying to stay on the show. This was total delusional certainty that she has 'earned' her place as a Real Housewife (!!), and that Denise and Garcelle will be swiftly escorted from the premises. If she comes back next season, it will only be by default -- i.e.: Bravo absolutely cannot be bothered to hire somebody new.


It struck me that while Denise plainly appears to be lying about Brandi, she stands out as being the most truly honest of the entire group. I don't know if that makes any sense.


The NY S4 Reunion analogy is right! The difference is that the S4 aftermath felt like JUSTICE. Finally, a HW as important as Jill (and Kelly) was being punished for her actions! The karma was real, and it kind of put other RH shows on notice that nobody is safe -- an important check/balance. RHONY cleaning house was the best thing Bravo ever did for the longevity of the franchise.


BH, however? Where is the justice? I've been waiting for it for years. BH is unwilling to get rid of its Jill OR its Luann. Rinna, Kyle and Erika are calling alllll the shots here and that is extremely problematic for the show. The bullying, shaming and gaslighting is so egregious, it actually outstrips Jill's toxic behaviour. 

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See? I suspected LuAnn counted, but I still have yet to watch the early seasons of NY to verify.


LOL. I am so over that trick that I forgot that for me she counts. 


But I totally agree about Phase 2/3 which is why I didn't mention Karen who came to mind too.



Well given the drama going on in real life with her and Edwin and that woman who is looking to take legal action AND Edwin arrested if it's true he was the one that leaked her phone number because she called Ms. Smug out on her fake business with reciepts...she might actually use her own brain (c)NeneLeakes and bow out out returning next season. Fingers crossed. 


I admit...for all of my disliking her the last few years, that video made me kinda sad. She had no one to blame, but herself, but she actually seem to care and we know Nene is not THAT great of an actress so I felt it.


Season 4? Really? I always felt that she didn't start to be Bitter Nene until at least Season 6...for Sure Season 7. I felt she was still Fun Nene and checked in in Season 4. Her star grew in Season 5 when she had GLEE and THE NEW NORMAL going on. And then was the perfect time for her to go and she was STILL herself aka Fun Nene, but she was growing out of ATL. But when they got canceled and she had to come back was when the angry Nene we got now started. 



So you see the drama with some mystery woman coming for Ex Soap Star and Harry on Twitter, airing out that Harry been cheating on her for years with a friend of hers AND someone named Patricia?

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Nene used Kim as a friend or a punching bag depending on which suited her at the moment. I don't feel sorry that Kim (a person I have no interest in) got a spinoff and Nene didn't. Everything that has happened to Nene is her own doing. She has spent years trying to get other women fired. She spent this year going off the rails. She pulled a Vicki, but it was off-camera antics this time. She alienated so many people that it gave Bravo the chance to fire her. Kandi and Kenya's speak on it said everything about the show and Nene. They get it; Nene does not. I also knew there would be no lawsuit because it would destroy her career and it would never have worked. Nene has supplied them with too much evidence to support any position they would have had. Her "sisterhood" comments are ridiculous considering she hired the horrific Lisa Bloom. With that said, I'd love to see Nene on RHOBH because the coven would never be able to handle her.


RHONY:I can't stand Sonja any longer. She is so full of herself and so mean-spirited. I know people find her amusing, but I find her intolerable. She only looks good in comparison to Dorinda and Ramona. Sonja's jealousy of Tinsley is also so apparent. Tinsley wiped the floor with Dorinda (with an assist from Cohen) and it was thrilling to see someone finally put her in her place.  I thought Luann came out the best of the core cast. I find Luann so compelling, and it's telling that she's the only housewife who got a full interview special about her life.


RHOBH: Didn't watch last two episodes, but I did see a few clips. Andy needs to go. He needs his grubby hands off of RHOBH. When Rinna started to deflect after Denise threatened to show the texts, he should have held Rinna's feet to the fire. Instead, he let her deflect which is telling considering how he went after the Dorindanator for her deflections. Denise sure shut Rinna up though. It was glorious to see.

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It made me a bit sad too. She put a smile on it but it is a bittersweet parting for Nene. She left on the low of that Reunion.


S4 she started pulling away and refusing to be filmed with many of the other HWs, specifically the Smalls. She felt they were too close to Kim (whose lazy ass was already ducking out of group filming). Nene did not want to go to South Africa and had to be convinced to go by Marlo. Throughout the season she was looking for opportunities outside of Atlanta, specifically in New York and LA, and specifically acting. She wasn't quite phoning it in like in S9-12, but she was definitely not feeling Kim/Sheree/Bravo and looking to ascend to bigger and better things. 

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Well I see Ex Soap Star has given a response to the affair rumors (and the tweet I was talking about is included)


ETA: See? I remember it just appear to me that Nene was just on her hustle. She understood that there was a shelf life to these shows. So she took her stardom and was running with it. And goodness knows Wig and ShebySheree gave her proper motivation to be better off than they were. But her and Wig were always falling together and falling apart. That was what made those early seasons fun. 


But I might just be seeing it differently. Makes me want to see if my new system has Season 4 sitting around somewhere to rewatch the TALLS vs the SMALLS. 

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