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I haven't even sat down to watch yet since I just walked in from work.


HOWEVER I DID see the promo for Part 2 and let me tell you something LINT...you come for Fancy, and Black Twitter is going to drag your boring irrelevant backside from here all the way back to your dad's woman's womb. Stop trying it.


ETA: Clearly, I am going to need a drink to get through this.

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Also, Kyle was a real piece of sh-t trying to embarrass Garcelle about her charity bid. Garcelle has posted on her social media that she checked with her business manager and that it got missed and has dealt with it. Kyle waited 7 months, 7 months, to raise the issue on TV, rather than sending Garcelle a friendly text or email to follow up on her donation. Why? The donation doesn't matter to Kyle at all. She just wanted to have something to embarrass her.


Another howler from Kyle: that her airhead family is sitting around the dining table discussing Black Lives Matter. I'm not exaggerating when I say I haven't rolled my eyes that hard in a decade. Is she for real? Her vapid family are too busy posting videos to Tik Tok to have any appreciation for what's going on in the real world. 


Rinna has really crossed that line where a housewife is no longer fun to watch. She's just ugly. Her anger at Denise liking a Tweet saying she should lose her "job" confirms what I've been saying all along. This is a commercial venture for Rinna and she has sold her soul for whatever fame it affords her.

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Boy was THAT a stretch! LOL 


Aside from some of the cute, bubbly moments, this episode was toxic and ugly. Rinna's quest for fame and notoriety will kill all her friendships in her path towards universal acceptance, which will never happen. She was feeling herself after her good first season (Season 5) and has been desperately trying to cling on to that feeling ever since. Like a drug addict. 


Love Garcelle coming for low-budget Dynasty wannabe Kyle, with Kyle stammering to come up with a decent retort. 


Pretty Mess's faux outrage that Denise was trying to target her, Sutton, and Teddi as the bad people after the incident with the kids hearing about blowjobs was outrageous and made no sense. 


That was exhausting. I'm glad we have Potomac and NYC to give us life and light. 


100%.  She's an ugly monster at this point. 

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This reunion was depressing because The Coven brought their A game. 


I don't blame Garcelle and Denise -- they were unprepared for what was about to hit them. The Coven are PISSED about those two. 


Kyle f*cking sat on that donation tidbit for HOW MANY MONTHS?? To make it look like Garcelle stiffs charities? I am stunned by Kyle's egregious abuse of her fundraiser position at LA Children's Hospital. She used their confidential information in a public forum. Did Kyle tell Children's Hospital not to contact Garcelle so that she could drop this bomb at the reunion? What on earth will other donors think about this public outing? Just so embarrassing -- for Kyle.


I don't mind Erika coming in hot, but doubling down on that nauseating comment about Denise's kids participating in threesomes? 

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Why does this 47-year old insist she knows the secret life of teenagers and assume they are all hyper-sexualised objects? Honestly, T'Challa did more for the Real Housewives franchise in 1 episode than Erika has done in 3 seasons -- #FACT.


BAT laughing like a brain-dead idiot at everything Erika, Kyle and Rinna burped up. She is a complete irrelevance to the point where Andy asked Sutton, instead of My Little Pony, how she felt about BAT being called boring.


Dorit has understood for months what Bravo and The Coven have failed to comprehend -- people are watching for The Coven's downfall. They want to see karmic justice. Dorit has positioned herself alongside Garcelle and Denise in the hopes of seeing off The Coven. It's smart, but it's also cynical. 


Garcelle is on a whole other level compared with the others in terms of her intelligence, her deep well of experience and understanding, and even her empathy regarding the other women engaging with her.



And it'll be the only job she has, if QVC decide to clean house.


She has become a superficial, soulless monster. Just horrific. 

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That's another thing that I think I liked as well. A shorter season. Perhaps it won't be filler and be well paced. 




Finally starting playing catch up. I doubt I will be caught up by the finale tonight for sure, but definitely caught up for the reunion.


And like I mentioned several times...perhaps it's the lack of Bethanny but I just cannot seem to get into this season unless I'm binging it. 


I started from Tinsley's leaving. And yeah, that was sad and I felt she got her happy ending. And I loved the update. 


And with the Halloween party, Sonja Sonja Sonja, why did you (accidentally) make things worse for Elyse with Ramona. Ramona did not need your help on that. She was doing it already. I have been liking Elyse, but I am sorry to see that she is probably the end of her on this show.


JILL!!!  Well-timed watching this episode so far knowing she was in pictures with the girls just yesterday.


And even now...the girls are bringing up Dorinda's drinking. From comments here I know it goes downhill from here. And that saddens me. There's a scene I saw with Dorinda and her daughter and it just hit on the head what is going on with her. That scene felt real.




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Andy has been tweeting about Salt Lake City all day and we had word the trailer was out today but nothing yet! I was looking forward to it after the RHOC announcement. On that subject, I feel it doesn’t work not because Vicki and Tamra are gone, but you have too many disposable wives to make up for their exit. Emily and Gina on a third season is insane. I feel like Shannon and Kelly will have to carry the season and Kelly certainly isn’t likable anymore. 

Now onto the RHOBH reunion, it was beautifully produced and it was interesting. The lack of Teddi helped it, of course until the Denise stuff. The Garcelle/Kyle feud has LEGS! How is Kyle going to wait 7 months to let Garcelle know she didn’t pay? How is that fair to the charity? She kept that in her back pocket to weaponize it. That could’ve been easily resolved, as it has been now. I found that very suspect. Garcelle has never said she hates Kyle and has been open TO HER FACE about her issues so they can get better. Garcelle has also been nice to her on social media while Kyle has always been negative. 

Going back to the Denise stuff, it’s all blown out of proportion. I get Denise isn’t great as explaining herself, but Erika was ridiculous. THEY kept bringing the kids and threesome up! She discussed it each time and they never stopped! What more are we supposed to expect from her? I honestly don’t get it. Don’t blame Denise because the fans hate y’all. Look at your own actions. 

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BH reunion is off to a good start!  I love Garcelle and Sutton!  And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Dorit has more than won me over.


Now... apart from that nonsense with Garcelle, Kyle is playing it safe and kinda left the others out to hang dry—it’s too little too late, but she understands they don’t have the audience behind them and while it’s too late to pivot, she’s just being noncommittal.  WEAK.  How the f did Teddi become so smug?!?  Ugh, her transformation from door mouse to obnoxiously overconfident hasn’t made her any more relevant or interesting.  Despite my never ending love for Billie Reed, I’m done with Lisa Rinna—she has completely sold her soul.  Erika really had me at a loss—she did most of the heavy lifting in her convoluted quest to nail Denise.  Is she worried about her diamond or something or does she think Denise actually tried to mastermind her “takedown”?!?


But even though I’m firmly on Team Denise f*cking Richards and The Coven are awful (and tactless after last year’s LVP debacle), Denise is obviously a liar and completely untrustworthy.  The problem is what Rinna said—the coverup is (WAY!) worse than the crime and Denise is lucky she has the audience behind her because she’s not playing fair, either.  I get that she’s reacting to be very legitimately targeted (because of how misconstrued and blown out of proportion the kids thing got), but she IS lying a lot and taking legal action to (try) to take back control of the narrative.  Maybe The Coven are just pissed that she outmaneuvered them and beat them in the court of public approval (again after LVP lolol), but Denise IS basically doing all the things they’re accusing her of and clearly plans to accept zero accountability.  Sooo... lol.  Can’t wait for parts 2 and 3.  BH has had such bad seasons since 6 or so, but their reunions always deliver.

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Well, I had to wait for my On Demand to kick in...but it did. And...




These hoes are pressed, aren't they? 


I haven't seen all of NY Season 4 or its reunion completely, but you all have told me that reunion is VERY toxic. From what little I've seen of it, I remember the women being quick witted with the back and forth, but perhaps it is because I still haven't watched the first few seasons to see the build up to Season 4, but that didn't come across toxic. This though?




And I really have to see Part 2 to sure of how involved Andy Cohen is, but this just looks like another reunion that he is going to play favorites with and he is already on my bad side after this year's SHAH, BELOW DECK, and RHOD Reunion. If he can't be objective or ask the real questions, then 1) he needs to step aside and 2) take his lumps, too as Denise looks like she is going to get into him with next week.


I think if I had watched this last night, I would have been angry. Heck, this morning, I almost wish I was there, but I would have dragged a few people. lol. Part 1 was just setup. I think the meat will be Part 2. Since the editing is already slanted, I do like that we got some good moments with Sutton and Garcelle. 


So with that in mind...


KYLE. So anyone catch that subtle shade Garcelle threw about Asa from SHAHS OF SUNSET having the best kaftan. Ooooh, how Kyle's face looked pressed. Did she not learn anything from watching this season back? Not even 10 minutes in and she got checked by Garcelle AND Dorit for always interrupting. And the cherry on top was Denise getting that slight read on her being all about herself. A fact she proved by setting that trap for Garcelle about the charity. Sorry, not sorry it failed. You see, Garcelle is classy enough to settle it and woman enough to check you with a warning to don't do it, BooBoo the Fool. You waited almost a year to double check on that when most charities would have checked in a week's time says more about you Kyle than it does about Garcelle. 


DORIT. I liked she owned what she did. I loved the Princess Leia hair and silver. I even liked that Sutton had that heel on her neck. lol. What I really like is that it is clear she has Garcelle and Denise's back so far. 


ERIKA. My trigger for this episode. LOL!!! When she was going off on her rant, I checked every comment with the word 'bitca' every other sentence. I know she is not sitting here calling bs on someone. You know what the real bs was? That production showed the reciepts on you and showed you were not being general, but SPECIFIC on that threesome comment. How about you be a real gangsta and own it? I mean Mikey and the gays got your back, right? And then you tried to gaslight Denise like your friend Joan Crawford Clone over there and talk over Denise so Denise cannot even explain herself. Didn't you marry a lawyer? Don't you know what class is? But any friend of Kyle's, right? Trashbox.


GARCELLE. When if she comes back, she already has a storyline next season, feud with Kyle. The only way Kyle would be relevant and even then, Garcelle would eat her up. And if not that, yeah Twitter sure will. How dare she try to trap Garcelle. I loved that video I saw yesterday that she dropped before the episode aired. Get ahead of any potential backlash. And I loved she ain't scared of Andy due to not revealing who told her about Kyle. I loved the BLM segment and hearing her perspective. I saw some troll was coming for her next week. She ain't the one, BooBoo. And you already have enough trouble and lies going on in your life. Black Twitter is no joke.


SUTTON. Loved her segment. Love her humor. And I know a few people think she has mellowed, but I loved that she still as only a Southern girl can get people together. I could have sworn she did it with some Cabbage Patch Kid during the show over boredom or something, but I might have been reading online at the time.

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DENISE. I definitely did not like how they are ganging up on her. What I found interesting was that like the finale last week, she appeared to get an idea of where things were going and adjusted accordingly. Not unlike Monique on RHOP. She is still playing her hand well so far. And setting up Joanie long before her last friendship test in the finale. Very interesting. In fact, she appeared to set up quite a few booby traps for the Coven throughout the season and was revealing them last night. They were so easily played while she was playing chess with them. I do hope the walkoff is a fakeout because it does look like she will coming for them next week like they are doing right now. And I say GET THEM TRICKS.


LIPSA. I will give her this much...at least she was not angry rabid dog until the end. But she sure looked bitter throughout. And it's funny THE HUSBAND wants to say something when he was the one who dropped that he did not live there anymore in a previous season. Too late to backpedal now, don't you think?   As for THE BEARD, I really want Denise to take off the gloves and wipe the floor with her. If this is how she is going to treat her friend, then she is no friend. She failed the test twice and it is time to take out the trash. She was vile. She was digusting. Even real Joan Crawford had some class. And rocked dark hair better to be honest. 




So...overall meh?


THIS. It was a thing of beauty watching her do it. And after last night, she is showing her hand, and I have no complaints. They got played #teamdenise


And unlike Dorit who learned from it, they have not.


And they can stay pressed.


ETA: Did we every get around to discussing the full scene between Denise and Camille?



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Kyle's a smart cookie, though. She understands her plans tanked and for a brief moment she kept quiet while Lipsa and Erika mostly spewed hatred towards Denise and then when she spoke she said that she understands where Denise is coming from. She practically left both Erika, Lipsa and John Mellencamp's daughter to hang themselves.


I'm still shaking my head with the info that this reunion is a bleeping THREE parter. HOW.

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