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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Gizelle is one of the most beautiful women to appear on ANY Real Housewives series, but her style is hideous. I get your first season, but she still looks a fool all these years later. I wasn’t surprised to see how bad her house looked considering. I thought it was a beautiful and unique property, but she cheapens it with her design aesthetic. 

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It's shocking how basic Gizelle's personal style is. She could be Vanessa Williams' sister, looks-wise, but even the expensive clothes she picks look ill-fitting and cheap, and the makeup is always laid on with a heavy hand.


I'm also tired of the long blonde hair -- I know it's her signature but I think she'd look fabulous in a longish bob. 


I actually think Robyn, who doesn't have Gizelle's budget, looks fantastic with her hair and makeup this year. Robyn is also beating Gizelle with interiors. That abandoned townhouse she did up and flipped last year looked pretty good by the end.

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HAHAHAHA!!! You picked good company.


Cuz said what you will...Dorit has definitely been a LOT more likeable this season by being tongue-in-cheek about everything while giving all kinds of fashion in a way that Erika WISHED she could do with her glam squad. Clearly someone learned how to play the game.


And I hear that Garcelle is the standout tonight and I'm looking forward to it. 


5 minutes here.


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Hm. I guess I should start with the fact that it seems like they cut out a scene from the trailer. Or I missed it when I went to put my clothes in the dryer. lol. But I think it was cut...part of the scene where Garcelle, Erika, Denise, and Lipsa were driving around. 


Hmmm...TT says that the season was indeed cut down from 20 to 16 because allegedly there was 'lack of content.' Really? Sounds like that cease and desist came up reeeeeeeal quick on them. Also probably what the 'break' was for IMHO. I am now wondering when it was put in effect. And how subtle Denise was about it.


Well, I was definitely into the episode and I'm looking forward to Denise's claws coming out. 


That said...


KYLE. It's funny how she wanted to bring up Brandi vs MIAMI Joanna. It would so be even funny if Joanna would put in an appearance now that she's been 'cameoed' into the show by a headline. Kyle couldn't even lie properly. You know Brandi's history of lying so you cannot just sit there 30 minutes after the dinner and be all...'Brandi always tells the truth.' Or...no...she doesn't. Still angry that Denise called you out all that time ago...and wanting to break up a marriage and hurt kids. So my question for Kyle...HOW ABOUT WE TALK ABOUT THE HUSBAND? *stares* 


DORIT. LOL!!! at her being late to Instrgram...AGAIN. That said...I admit that I liked her continuing to think for herself. I only wish she held Kyle's feet to the fire longer.


ERIKA. Thank you for the PK flashback. That said...it's funny how she forgets that she was the one who started with Aaron. And still upset Aaron got her all the way together. I liked that Denise apologized for her man in order to save face. However she lost good will when she tried to get Denise to tell the group what had been said about them. Uh...no. She doesn't need to...that is what being a good friend and keeping someone's confidence is about. You might want to leave that...when you find your heart.

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LIPSA. Self righteous doesn't work on you, dear. You want to be mad at your friend of 20 years for her saying that someone you trusted said you had sex with the person behind the rumor...but you wouldn't tell said friend of 20 years that someone had said the same thing about her.



I was also curious if that was the same place where Garcelle called Lipsa out about being the bad guy and thus we got ANOTHER scene cut (hmm...lot of scenes being cut and not the right ones...hmmm). Not that Garcelle didn't give great talking head. Like her comment about Lipsa being on Instrgram dancing halfnaked when she had a daughter with body issues. #gold Lipsa is nothing but fake. And will do anything for drama which is why everyone assumed SHE was the one to sleep with Brandi.


GARCELLE. Great Greek choir this episode again. And was shading people good. She also had some interesting looks at the last dinner in the episode. And she was great comedy when she got tipsy. I continue to enjoy her friendship with Denise...didn't realize it was that faaaaar back, too...for Denise to be there for her when she went through her divorce. Makes Lipsa look even worse for how she is acting with Denise.


DENISE. YOU CALL OUT THAT FAKE FRIEND, GIRL!!! I know when I've been blindsided by a friend 1)all bets are off and 2)I will be cornering said friend ALONE to call them out and rather than a public callout...unless it is warranted. And how Lipsa was still sitting here trying to find an angle. Just...ugh. Were you ever her friend at? I liked how subtle Denise was. It was clear she was blindsided. She gathered the information she needed while playing nice when she wanted to run for the hills. I agree with Garcelle in her TH. She has had to deal with Charlie Sheen and was dealing with him at that time. Denise can and has always made it known she has no problem being confrontational. In fact, that is what I feel she is doing right now in RL which is why so much is being editing. But on the show...she is playing possum on those girls. Being...dare I say it...strategic?  Talking with Lipsa. Making a bit of peace when Erika when she later said she did not want to due to Night 1. Trying to get a plane out, but can't. But since she has to stay there...might as well call it like she sees it...which is next week...when her claws finally come out and they remember who the F#ck they are dealing with. And I hope she gives it GOOD.


SUTTON. A hoot. God, the fact she bought everyone boots to wear and really only packed those cuz she was in Rome to shop and had the money to refill her luggage with clothes for her. LOL!!! Talk about rich.


SHADOWBOXER CHICK. YOU LOST AGAIN. Go see if your dad has a light. #denisewinning




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Garcelle shade to Rinna when it comes to dancing naked on IG when her daughter has body issues....BURN!

Teddi dropped a bomb and then remains as quiet as a church mouse this episode

I respect Sutton. She told the girls the rumor she heard but gave Denise the courtesy of knowing as well. If that was Rinna, she'd have said nothing and set Denise up again

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I find it so irritating that Rinna lies straight to Denise's face about when she was told the rumor (not in Rome when Denise was still in the air, thanks to Bravo's flashback, it was clearly in the car in California days before).  Then, she has the audacity to call out Denise lying about when she may or may not have talked to Brandi before Kyle's party.  I do think Denise is tripping up a bit to defend herself and it's not going well.  I also find it hard to believe that Brandi told her she's had sex with others at that table...


I also find it odd that all these women are so "tortured" and "uncomfortable" by this sex rumor that has NOTHING to do with them.  In natural RHOBH fashion, they take a small insignificant thing and blow it out of proportion for an entire season.  If this were NYC, it'd be dealt with playfully in 2 episodes.

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New Housewives show alert!!! The Real Housewives of Jersey debuts later this year


Not to be confused with New Jersey, this new series will be produced by the team that does Cheshire and will take place in the island of Jersey in the UK




Filming is reportedly set to get underway over the next week and The Real Housewives of Jersey is due to arrive on ITVBe later this year.


Islanders could soon be seeing their home, and some familiar local faces, on a well known TV show that is coming to Jersey.


Visit Jersey says it thinks the show's high profile could encourage younger people to visit the island.


With successful spin offs also filmed in New York, New Jersey, Beverly Hills and Atlanta, it has since arrived in the UK with The Real Housewives of Cheshire. Now the series, which is known for focusing on women with wealthy lifestyles, is arriving on local shores.


Filming is reportedly getting underway in the next week and The Real Housewives of Jersey is due to arrive on ITVBe later this year.


The reality show franchise The Real Housewives has been bringing drama to our screens since 2006, first showing the highs and lows of the lives of women in California with The Real Housewives of Orange County.



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