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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Season 3 marathon today.


Apparently, Andy is saying on IG that it was cancelled due to low ratings.


Fans are shading him because their ratings are HIGHER than RHOD so

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So now he wanted to say all the ladies were unlikable. Uh...so are the ladies of RHOD so

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The LVP voiceover when Rinna wore the Tiara was so tacky. Bravo was low for that. I thought it was also so tacky how Rinna kept counting Sutton's money


Kyle looks like a Disney villian with those bangs and her dress in the opening.


Garcelle had a great first episode. Im really only here for her.



Edited by Cheap21
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Now that TV By the Numbers is gone, my own daily habit of checking out the ratings is over, but I looked up this past week and wow, Empire had less than 3 million! 


Where does everyone go for ratings now? I checked out Deadline but I was only seeing network or cable news numbers. Was looking to check out Housewives in comparison to other cable shows. 


I don't watch other Bravo shows other than Housewives, so are they pushing Beverly Hills (from Tues to Wed) and NYC (from Wed to Thurs) out later in the week because they have a lot of other successful shows on Mon & Tues?  


I was hollering even more at next week's preview LOL These women are a MESS!  Loved the edit where Tinsley says Leah will stay in line around her, and next we see naked Leah dancing around in the yard. 


Sonja was giving me all the giggles, but I admit it was cringeworthy because the other people who aren't used to Housewives/TV antics, were not having it for the most part, and you know it goes to Sonja's head when she's back in that high society environment that *used* to be her daily life. 


Thanks for the tour of the house. I hope Ramona gets a cut when the house sells. 


Boy was I delightfully surprised at Ramona's reaction to LuAnn's nasty text. She didn't blow up at all! Instead, she was very diplomatic, apologetic, and dare I say even sincere when leaving LuAnn a message and later telling Sonja they should've buddied up and slept in the same bed so LuAnn could've had Sonja's room. Well done, Singer! 

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Garcelle didn't say anything bad, she answered questions. She said Kyle was the least welcoming which makes sense considering Kyle missed lots of events flying back and forth to film Halloween. That plus her fashion line and obviously she wouldn't have a chance to get to know Garcelle as well as the others. And she's the longest running housewife, *of course* she'd have the biggest ego. You would think Garcelle said she is some evil drunken bitch lol. I hope she gets over it though because Garcelle will tear her up at the reunion. She is too well spoken and classy for the likes of Kyle and Brandi to compete.

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I get the idea of these shows being about women who talk about what victims they are, but surely that only works if you can laugh at them or enjoy the camp and the glam of it all. None of that is very true for BH in many years. I have a feeling Garcelle is going to get the Joyce treatment. 

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Wait, Kyle OPENLY said she called the other HWs to get an anti-Garcelle front going? 


Interestingly, on Garcelle's Twitter, neither Kyle nor her victim-tweets are brought up at all. GB is getting plenty of fan-love, though. I'm guessing Tacky Bang's strategy of playing victim and then declaring war may blow up in her face. I hope Garcelle calmly, cleanly annihilates her at reunion.


As for the episode, Garcelle and Sutton were much-needed breaths of fresh air blowing through that dusty coven! Garcelle has a lot of energy and wit, and Sutton going through everyone's outfit at dinner was amazing. Finally somebody calling these people out on their clown costumes.


I enjoyed Erika being upfront about her past at Shakers in Jersey City -- well-timed with the success of the Hustlers movie, I noticed. A nice change from Dorit's 'I'm rich' fakery. Although even Dorit didn't bother me that much last night (even if her VT outfit did). She exposed Kyle for the dumb diletante she is. Pulling jumpsuits from racks in performative panic? I'm so glad she got a dose of hard-nosed, rag-trade New York in the form of that amazing HBIC Tracie.


Teddi - who?


Yes, the LVP crown dub was tacky AF -- and so was the whiny Crown song at the end of the show! But I appreciated the crown theme running throughout because it makes explicit that (1) LVP still casts a shadow and (2) the women wanted that crown and are now fighting over it. Rinna (who is starting to look like LVP with her longer dark wigs and face work) definitely. Kyle thinks she got it by HW consensus, but she didn't. Basically I saw Garcelle and Denise snatch it. Denise smiling coyly at the end as Rinna remarked (wrongly) "Oh, she's done. This group of women will never see Denise Richards again." LOL. Watch your back, Rinna.

Edited by Cat
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