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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Welcome back RHONY!  What a fresh, fun welcome return of the Big Apple. They addressed the Bethenny situation in the first couple minutes and then moved onward and upward. Leah seems to be a cool chick; we'll see how it turns out as other newbies (especially on BH and OC) can sometimes fizzle into a dud. But she shows good promise. 


I loved LuAnn getting excited about the drag queen's performance and everyone joyously started dancing to Feelin' Jovani. 


Loving Dorinda's hair. She definitely needed something more dynamic and edgy and this fits her well.  Going after Tinsley hardcore? lol Yeah, it was too much too soon, but that's Dorinda for ya. Sorry if I tend to excuse some people's poor behavior (Dorinda, Ramona, etc.) because I like them overall, but she's just funny to me. It looks like we're getting multiple Drunk Dorinda moments this season. Do they finally have a Come To Jesus moment with her and say she has a problem? This may finally be the year she breaks down and reveals her insecurities. 


Sad and unexpected to see Ramona break down and admit she just wants a man to hold her, but I liked that old-school scene of her and her friends, versus her and castmates. Very reminiscent of their first couple seasons. And I think we discussed this many pages ago, but it looks like Ramona's friend (not Joni, but this other brunette) is going to be in the group mix quite a lot this season! 


Sonja has gas and a horny dog. LOL. Oh, RHONY, you are exactly what we need right now.

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This premiere was great. It was a slight refresh since the majority of the cast is back, but the lack of Bethenny opened up the show so much and the energy was better. I did not miss her one but. I also feel others like Tinsley benefitted from Bethenny being gone. 


The newbies Elyse and Leah - Both were good. Leah fit in perfectly and seems like a unique addition that can hold her own. Elyse feels more low key like when they'd have real friends of the girls come on. Not quite HW material, but I appreciate her presence. Love her accent as well. They did well with both newbies!


Ramona, Sonja and Luann were all delightful. Dorinda is over the top as always and you can tell she's going to be the bad guy. You can also tell it's her fault lol. Bethenny's exit is going to allow them more time to focus on Dorinda being an [!@#$%^&*]. I look forward to this! Also since we know it's Tinsley's swan song I feel like she won't bother me as much. 

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I missed my crazy NY friends!


Luann is gorgeous, she has never looked better. Her entrance at the party, her chat with the new girl, her hair, her body. 

For some reason I have a soft spot for Ramona (who also looks amazing and whom I see as a real-life Lisa from ATWT). Sonja is always so much fun. 


Did Dorinda cut her hair on her own? Is that why she was so mad at her party? Once again she acts like a pig when she is drunk. Is this what Kay Chancellor acted like in the 70s? 


Leah seems cool and gorgeous Tins would benefit from a new stylist. She is trapped in the early 00s. A fortysomething-year-old spoiled princess can drive the other girls crazy, but she is 100 better than Bethanny who thought that she owned the show and felt the need to humiliate the other women all the time. 

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RIP Nonno. That family has been through so much the past few years that I hope his passing was peaceful. 


I can only concur with everyone's thoughts about RHONY, especially @Elsa. The show gave me S2 vibes  especially the scene with Ramona and her Upper East Side cohorts. I hear she is currently quarantining with Avery and MARIO in Boca Raton. Hmmm.


Glad they gave us the coda with Bethenny at the beginning.it needed to be addressed. I didn't miss her, and she is doing impressive work at the moment with getting masks and test kits to hospitals, so.... she's where she needs to be. Not tearing down the other HWs over their every character flaw.


Luann looks INCREDIBLE and is literally the hottest beyotch in Manhattan. Loved her dancing with the drag queen to Feeling Jovani. That was a nice gift Dorinda did for her. Also cool to see Ramona get down and lip sync to the song.


Luke from Ladies of London!


Yes, Dorinda was awful to Tinsley and Tinsley stood up for herself but... where is the lie? Wasn't Tinsley a dependent of Scott's for 2 years in that hotel?? Why is Tinsley not clarifying the situation?


Pleasantly surprised by Leah, a true- blue Chelsea chick. I think she's going to be a unique addition to the show.


Glad NY is back during these scary times. Sad that its longtime editor passed away from COVID-19. He is probably the one who edited those shots of Sonja's dog energetically trying to hump Coco. RIP

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LOL! In case y’all haven’t heard RHOA is doing an online reunion. This picture is a joke but I imagine the real result won’t be much better. 


Nene and Kim had to cancel their Instagram video chat tonight because Nene couldn’t figure out how to press the join button to merge their videos together. I feel for the poor interns who have to help them set up the tech for this reunion!


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Omg that upside-down Nene shot. 

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Wait, Nene and KZB are cool again? After what went down at Reunion?


I would watch the hell out of this messy ass reunion. You know Kenya and Marlo will be dressed and bewigged to the nines, with professional lighting and camerawork. Kandi's camerawork will be courtesy of Ace and Todd will be directing. Nene will be in inch-thick contouring and struggling with the tech. Cynthia will have a great wig but pick a badly lit corner, just like that pic above! Eva will be cut off after one too many food and ice-chio interruptions. 


Maybe by the time we get to other reunions, we might have a better idea of who has virus immunity and can be on a studio set with Andy. I'm really hoping they will have figured out some anti-viral therapies by then! In the meantime, RH get Zoom.

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I think it comes down to a few factors...


1. Nene and Kim were friends before they were famous and before RHoATL was a glimmer in Andy Cohen's eye. They have history based in real friendship.


2. Nene and Kim were involved with their respective children. If someone loves your children and is good to them, a part of you  will love them forever.


3. When it comes right down to it, and in the circumstances we find ourselves in, it's safe to say that very few of the housewives are actually bad people, they have their sh*t (and don't we all?) and time heals a lot of wounds. 

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I saw him and thought of LoL...and you.  

You must be out of the loop. I think the only person who Nene is not on the outs with AGAIN is Porsha. And maybe Cynthia. Right now, Kenya gunning for her. Kandi is now gunning for her. And a day ago, EVA THE DIVA finally came out to play and dragged Nene for filth in an interview and Twitter for Nene saying she wanted her fired and Wig to take her place. 


As for Wig...yeah, during Greg's cancer, Wig was being supportive so they are cool again. 


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I feel sad about Teresa and Joe's father.  Regardless of everything, Teresa has had a horrific last few years.  The whole Gorga family has.


I'm particularly devastated for Kathy and Rosie's mother, who likely never got to make amends with her brother and say goodbye.  This whole family had endured such trauma for so long.  I hope it brings everyone together, but idk... at least I hope Joey and Kath/Ro can put everything aside and comfort him.  Generations of hurt.


My thoughts are with them all.

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@Soaplovers @DaytimeFan @Taoboi Thanks for the update re: Nene & KZB. I really shouldn't be surprised. They have history and a mutual loathing of Kenya. I still think Kim is a fairweather friend to Nene though.


I can see that, on all counts.


Some of these factors apply to other RH duos. Vicki and Tamra come to mind. I don't think they will ever not be in each other's lives. Same with Vicki and Jeana.


I wondered whether you thought this would one day apply to LVP & Kyle (being that they were once friends before the show). 

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It is really tragic what the Gorga-Giudices have been through. Some things you could attribute to hubris (like the fraud, and jail). But losing your mom and dad in the space of a few years -- both stabilising forces in her girls' lives -- I wouldn't wish that on anybody. Nonno was a fixture on the show from day one and helped to add depth to our view of Teresa as this shallow Jersey girl. First generation immigrant with strong links to her culture and the 'old country.' 


It is sad that Kathy, Rosie and their mother likely never reconciled with Teresa and her father before he passed. I got the impression after we last saw them in S7 that this was it for both families. Nothing could be forgiven, especially what was said about Nonno not paying back money that was lent to him by his sister, or her saying that criminals should pay for their crimes. There seemed to be a fair amount of jealousy, pain and seething resentment between both the families. Ties were definitively going to be cut, Teresa was not going to look back, and both families would go their separate ways.


It's sad and unfair that Kathy et al., took all the blame for what transpired in S3-5. Clearly it was easier for Giacinto to forgive his son and Teresa her brother while projecting all the anger against more distant cousins. Hope all families find peace ultimately. 

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I still think Kathy's mother, Maria's comment was shown out of context.  The editors cut RIGHT after she said that, iirc.  It seems fishy to me, and the other cast members know how this all works.   Teresa (and her parents) just needed (another) reason.  They should have had better sense to not film that sentencing "reaction" segment with Jacqueline, though.  That was very emblematic of the problems between the families--little decency, respect, and common sense.  And I agree that Teresa was never looking back.


It is sad for Rosie/Rich/Kathy/Joey/Melissa, though, who did have a very close relationship.  And this affects their kids, too... it all cycles.  Ugh man.


Thank God Joey was able to somehow reconcile with his parents (and Teresa) before all this.


So sad.

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