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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The RHOP cast photo got leaked and there are SEVEN housewives this season. 

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From right to left: Monique, Ashley, Gizelle, Karen (in the center as she SHOULD!!), Candiace, Robyn, and new alleged housewife, Wendy Osefo. 



Wendy is rumored to be the newest housewife and is supposed to be a friend of Candiace's. Wendy is a political commentator that graduated from Rutgers and John Hopkins. 

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I understand it. Potomac for the past 2 seasons has had that IT factor with these 6 women and adding someone new can mess up the dynamic. 


I do think though that this new girl might add some new energy to the show, so I am eager as to what she'll bring. I think she'll be another to knock Gizelle down a peg or 2 b/c Gizelle always loves to pick on the new girls. 

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Wendy seems v smart and connected in DC.

Has a real job.

Not Charrisse. 



Too normal and grounded to get messy ?

Should have been Katie.


I wonder why she agreed to do this. She seems to have commentated on a lot of political news shows. Surely that kind of work is in-demand right now.

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RHOD Midseason Trailer w/ racist drama: https://www.etonline.com/rhods-midseason-trailer-brings-explosive-drama-and-allegations-of-racism-exclusive-134844


It always amazes me when these ladies tell on themselves. This is the most blatant case since Julia in Auckland. And the fact that Leanne keeps going on and on it a damn shame. 

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Dallas is a slow burn, and it feels more like a mini-series than a series? I don't know how to explain it. There is a certain slightness to it that maybe some of the other franchises don't have. Maybe because it has a very small, tight cast, and Leeanne is such a dominant figure that sometimes it's hard to see anyone but her. With S3, it wasnt until the episode where Mama Dee invited everyone to her ranch house that I got into the season.


This new trailer.... is not a great look for Leeanne. She has been angry and irritable all season long. I think it is because she feels D'Andra and Kary are out to bring her down and that she can trust nobody in the cast. But doubling down on the 'Mexican' comment -- yikes.

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These last two episodes of OC have been full of so much random drama!  I love it.  This season is definitely better than the last two.


What do we think of these NJ taglines?  I'm annoyed they didn't film anything new here, it's all repeated from last year.  Melissa and Teresa have the best taglines IMO.  The rest, eh.



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I've been loving it too! So random! But so fast-moving. First of all, Brown Wind is doing the MOST. Last week's makeout sesh! And what was that outfit she was wearing to OC Fashion Week? (And by 'Week' I mean 'Two Hours on a Wednesday'). Way to overshadow your daughter's fashion show of black leotards! (Which may have actually been designed and paid for by somebody else, but I digress).


And looks like Dr Deb is firmly on the thirsty train as well. Picking a fight with a security guard, then getting Brown Wind to pick a fight with one of the organisers. That Kathy woman was something else! I can only describe her as the Kim D of the OC -- if Kim D was a creepy psychopath. When she used her mic to ratchet up the fight a notch and diss the HWs in front of a (literally) captive audience? It was kind of amazing. I wonder if her crazy ass will be invited to reunion.


I also really loved Kelly this episode who was hilarious and a voice of reason throughout. When she clocked Gina's new peroxide hair and said what we are all thinking (VERY UGLY), I practically clapped. Shannon annoyed me so much though. I was totally Team Eldest Daughter who wanted to slap her.


Major foreshadowing with Matt stalking Gina.

Edited by Cat
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Oh, I believe it. re: LeeAnne and D'Andra.The dissoluting of their friendship was much too real during Season 3 to be fake. And that was a clear arc that was engrossing from beginning to end last season. I think there was a time they could have resolved it, but now probably not. Too much bad blood...especially if what LeeAnne said that season was true...D'Andra wants to be the Queen Bee and sadly, that is not her. 


That said, I do wonder if LeeAnne P.O.ed someone for a bad edit. Right down to that new midseason trailer, it is like someone wants her to be seen in a bad light. Which is easy to do this season it seems. I definitely miss LeeAnne with her bowl. She redeemed herself so well. And it feels like it's just down the drain or the show has gone to her head. Which I can understand if it's true that she was the one to get the show renewed this year. But still...smh.

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I read a piece on Charisse and it says she actually asks to be a friend because divorce was too hard to play out in front of the cameras.  


She may be ready to make a full come back.  Katie would be great but she's not well so I wish her the best and hope she makes a full recovery emotionally.  

Edited by ChitHappens
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