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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Hate Shannon's tagline. Every one else has good ones. I especially like Viki's


Why does she have a pacifier?

David was cheating on Crazy Lady? Not surprised. I think I even called it last year. She's way too naggy and men dont like that

Lynn! Loved seeing her again. She hasnt aged much at all. God bless her surgeon

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Her presence alone mind f-cks all these tricks.
Getting to the juicy parts, I loved how Bethenny paid Kristen in dust. Bitch, you're irrelevant, learn your position. Even production thinks you're irrelevant. #NeverAddressTheHelp
And I've said this before and I'll say it again ... Carole is a snake ass bitch. Out of all things to do, she started the fire between Kristen & Bethenny and then ran. Her ass is going to pay for it come reunion time b/c Luann is already going to drag her. Bethenny is unpredictable, so there is high chance she'll drag her too. And these lesbian dream crap she brings up next week is a way for her to cover her ass for the f-ck up she caused this week. Girl, bye.
Heather ... meh. And her saying that she'll tread lightly when it comes to Bethenny is a lie. She'll go right back to trying to kiss her ass and force herself onto Bethenny once again next week.
I did enjoy the camaraderie between Bethenny and Ramona. I'm glad that they see a lot of the same sh-t with these women. I also cannot wait for Ramona to dig into Kristen's ass next week. I just hope that Ramona doesn't hit her ass in the face with a glass again. :lol:
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OC - loved it! As always it's great to have the OC girls back.

Oh, those taglines are so bad - except Vicki's...she is the OG of the OC indeed. Vicki is the story that I can keep following without any complaints...she is so blatantly herself, so totally incapable of

Meghan is unlikeable. We really don't need to hear her say "Jim Edmonds" ever again. It's as if he's spoken of in the third person, what a douche, both of 'em.

Shannon remains riveting to watch. Her horrible marriage and nervous energy captures the screen. The April Fool's Day story of the affair being exposed is right out of Y&R (back when it was good) or DAYS (when the headwriters aren't asleep at the wheel). It's a gripping story, and it's not that I feel sorry for her, because she's a terrible nag, but

Heather is vulgar. Nouveau riche and tacky. It doesn't matter if she has a porte cochere to park under - she'll never be classy.

Lynne! It was great to see her plastic face - and she's a grandmother?! And it's Raquel's baby? Hilarious. What a messy family she has, but she's keeping up her Botox injections, bless her heart.

Tamra is trashy as ever. From her annual boob job to that white trash baby shower. Sigh. She never changes and this season will be no exception.

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"She doesn't give two sh*ts about me, that's what it comes down to." - Kristin. Bingo, dumbass. I can't wait to see Ramona rip into her for being so dumb.

Carole is the snake that LuAnn says she is. The way she ferrets gossip around is so tacky. Carole's a grown woman but she acts like a 14 year old highschool girl who needs to spread everything around so nobody notices what a ho she is.

Heather is grating as hell. The way she clenches that big 'ol jaw of hers when Bethenny shot her down was quite the sight to behold. Her poor husband launching in a tone deaf rendition of "Happy Birthday To You!" in a desperate attempt to cover the tension...

Not much LuAnn and Sonja this episode, though I laughed when Bethenny said the comment about you know a dinner is wild when Sonja Morgan is the sanest person at the table.

Ramona really needs to have a Waiting to Exhale moment and burn all of Mario's crap and move on big time with her life. Enough is enough! She deserves better and Mario is never going to be better. It's funny to see Avery so grown up.

Dorinda is a scream. What a great addition.

Overall, such a great season - can't wait for next week.

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Funny thing is that Bethenny in her recent blog practically called Carole a liar in so many words. Bethenny claims that she never called Kristen 'dumb' and that she supports Kristen and all women in their journey to becoming successful. Knowing Bethenny, if she wanted to call Kristen dumb she would've said it to her face. I don't believe this lie that Carole has put out and I hope it is brought up at the reunion, so Carole is forced to come clean. I think that Carole said that sh-t herself. Carole gives me vibes of being two-faced. She's playing both sides of the fence so whatever side emerges victorious (with the audience), she can align with them.

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Carole's handy work in all this was so messy. Way to go, making yourself go from the new favorite to the most expendable (well, second most. Kristen still holds that title)

So Kristen basically said she just wants to mooch off Bethenny's business intellect, and expects Bethenny to give her free advice. What a dumb cow. I just love the way Bethenny had no f*cks to give for her silly antics and desperate attempts for camera time.

Heather is still pressed, no matter what she says. Her face says otherwise. Loved Ramona and Bethenny having this mutual assessment on her and her fake appearances.

Bethenny, Ramona and LuAnn play the reality TV game perfectly. I love watching these three bicker, make up, team up, and then do it all over again. Dorinda fits in perfectly with them too.

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Bethenny annihilated Kristen and it was pretty epic. She was not having it at all lol. I lived. This season has been brilliant. Many on other boards try and act like Bethenny's getting special treatment in terms of editing, but I don't see that. This is like the old days when things were organic and one day someone can be the heroine and the next week they can be the total bitch. Even Bethenny acknowledges when she has bad weeks and is a total bitch, while Heather is blaming editing for her current woes. This season needs to be a template for the other series, OC as well. You don't need to force stuff and create season long feuds out of nothing. Throw an interesting group of women together and SEE WHAT HAPPENS. I just hope Bethenny continues to slay Kristen.

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I'm unpopular but the only time I've liked bethanny sans her talking heads was the scene of her in the business meeting. Otherwise, she's been an insuffable Debbie downer.

Ratings haven't been all that good this season for NY..and I think its due to too many women, too much focus on bethanny..and too much contrived group outings without proper individual scenes (barring bethanny and Dorinda).

With that said, anything with Ramona is reality gold...she and Vicki G are the stiff reality shows are made of :)

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Actually i like Dorinda and think she's a great addition. I would have dropped Kristen, Carole, and had Sonja as a friend. Five housewives and one friend...

I think five or six main women are the best in terms of equal focus...seven is kind of pushing it...though BH did pretty well this past season with seven.

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