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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I thought that last night's NYC was OK. The highlight was watching Bethenny's walls come down more. Everything else was pretty blah. I don't care for Sonja's delusional antics, or Carole running for the board. That sh-t was stupid. And I totally understood Ramona being defensive against Heather's comment b/c it's obvious that she is trying to stir drama b/c she has no story this season.

This is why I am glad that Bethenny digs into Heather's ass next week. Heather always tries to psychoanalyze people and it is pretentious and aggravating. She's not doing it to be genuine. She's doing it so she can ride on someone's coattails for a story, and have something to talk about.

I am worried about Bethenny/Carole's friendship. I am starting to really to see Carole as the snake she is. I saw it last year via the Aviva situation, but it is shining through this season. How she screwed over Luann's niece and how she is slyly kissing up to Bethenny.... I see what she is doing.

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Yeah, Carole running for board was boring. I feel like we got a better view of her apartment this time around though. And she still has a kitchen, just a very tiny one. Those stairs, though.... aesthetically awesome, but I'd be SO afraid that 3rd-to-last step up top would give out and down I go!

I love it when the Housewives get into an argument over how they made up (Ramona/LuAnn/Heather), or how they used to not get along, and then they end up bickering about how things went down and why. It's like a reunion, but no one's seated on a couch, picking at their dress (oh wait, I think that's just Atlanta ladies that constantly do that).

My favorite part of last night's episode was the little blip they had with Ramona and her business partner at her restaurant. That young lady applying for the job was SO dumb! I was LMAO when she listed a STAPLER on her resume as the only piece of office equipment she knows how to use. A STAPLER! LOL

On that WWHL Special with Bethenny & Andy, was that already available on Bravo's website or something? Anyhoo, Bethenny looked so much healthier on that episode. Her mouth looked different. Weird observation, I know.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I absolutely love Bethenny's dislike of Heather. Something about Heather just isn't working for me this season. Ramona quickly reverted back to old school Ramona at that dinner. I was glad Dorinda could tell she was just trying to use Luann as a scapegoat.

It was nice to see Carole and Bethenny's friendship begin to develop as I believe they're actually friends off camera now.

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I hope this forces Bravo not to bring her ass back next season. I'd rather Camille come back and reclaim her spot. Even Adrienne. Hell, I'll even take TayShanna back b/c she'll at least put the screws to Brandi. I don't want Kim back another season. I'm over her drunken antics and she'll just put yet another damper on another season of RHOBH.

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