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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Phaedra going in on Demetria for no reason at all and Nene and Toyota supporting it? Bunch of idiots.

Nene thinks she can just shut people up by acting like a screaming hyena. Claudia's reading - so far - wasn't as good as publicized but she stayed winning by not turning into the exorcist like a certain broom-head at the table.

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I blame editing for Claudia's read b/c everyone has commented at point (before the season) that Claudia's read was epic. Kandi said it. Cynthia said it. Kenya said it. Demetria said it. Claudia said on Rickey Smiley Morning Show that even Phaedra came up to her afterwards and said she knows how to read. I would've rather the episode begin with them starting off in Puerto Rico, so we could've seen more of Claudia gathering Nene.

ETA: Clip of the ladies playing hot dildo (a new version of hot potato). From next week's episode:


Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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It doesn't matter if they all hyped it up....Claudias read wasn't that epic as everyone on here keeps trying to make it out to be.

That being said she hands down was a classy lady and won because she stay cool and collected while Nene looked like she was about have an aortic rupture. For that reason alone she won that confrontation.

Claudia won me over though for calling out the stupid hyena laughing that Porsha, Nene, and Phaedra were engaging in. That's what an adult would do. Cynthia also gets points for standing her ground and going at Nene....

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Claudia shut it down! When she made the comment about the edges not only did I almost die laughing it made Nene have to get herself together. She knew right then and there that she wasn't dealing with one of the typical girls. Enter NeighNeigh. Your clit has left your body? What does that even mean? Is this the best NeighNeigh has? Come on girl, I expected better.

The rumors of Phaedra being on drugs has to be true. What else can explain her behavior? She was being downright nasty to Demetria and NeighNeigh and Poorsha were only fueling the fire. Thank god Claudia decided to chime in because I was feeling seriously irritated and grossed out by Team Beast.

Kenya: "What's next? Blonde toupees for all of them?" laugh.pnglaugh.png

Edited by MrPrezident
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I finally caught up on RHoBH (in my defense, I've been sick sad.png ).

I HAVE to mention Messy Brandi. Her fear and insecurity is plain to see (no doubt compounded by Andy going cold on her, as was clear in the last few WWHLs that she has been on), especially now that two new HWs have come on. And both Lisa Rinna and Eileen have a chemistry that fits in seamlessly with the other HWs (excluding Kim who I literally forget is on the show). Everything Brandi is doing is in a bid to stay relevant and make the SL about her, but she's going too far and viewers are probably already fatigued by her antics.

Brandi keeps saying and doing stupid [!@#$%^&*] and then having to apologize for it. However, it's never really an apology it's always "This is the way I am, I have no filter, blah, blah." If a +40 year old woman acts like a drunken 15 year old at every social situation, though, maybe it's time to work on yourself a bit more? Maybe it's time to change some things about yourself? There seems to be some weird level of entitlement that prompts Brandi to act this way, maybe because she thinks others are amused by it. Maybe she has too many hangers-on around her who tell her "Yes" to everything.

Yolanda is so over her and David looks like he never wants to see her in the mansion again. Oh well, so much for the whole "Lisa and Ken cruelly abandoned you so we'll be your substitute parents/sponsors/backers!" stuff. LMAO! Brandi is burning bridges everywhere. All she has left is her coke dealer and Kim, and she is perpetually high on car fumes so...

Yolanda is so shady. I like what a gracious hostess she is, and the way she talks about her family, but that shady toast to Lisa... girl, stop. I can't even touch on the "Well, love is a strong word" comment because that screamed of Jealous.

Lisa R is so damn perfect. I love her kindness, and the fact that she reads people so well. Everything about her is fun, positive, happy, real and truly classy. She has no filter either, but in a normal, grounded, non-bi-polar way. Bravo need to give her whatever she asks next season so she can stay on the show because she is almost as irreplaceable as Lisa V.

Kyle's SL is kind of isolated from the other ladies somewhat. I keep forgetting she is on the show, too, tbh.

Edited by Cat
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I knew Nene was bothered when she turned in her seat and all she could say was "Girl bye" and "Girl gone". What's funny is she followed Claudia on social media for 5 years before she joined the show and there are several tweets of Nene mentioning Claudia sounding like a fan.


She also met Claudia more than once and hung out with her. I don't know why Nene acts like they had a brief encounter once many moons ago. She knew exactly who the hell Claudia was.

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I taped the latest ep of ATL and simply fast forwarded to the Puerto Rican argument. Claudia's read wasn't epic but it was damn good. Had the argument been longer Claudia's read would've been golden but the argument came off more as sound bites that favored Nene. I hate it when Bravo waits till the last ten minutes of the show interrupted by one commercial so all you get is about 5 minutes worth of drama. Nene's clit comment was gross and disgusting. Clearly she got vulgar because that's all she could up with since she was so hot and bothered. LOL at Kenya when she said 7 times after Nene said she went to college.

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Claudia Done chewed nene up and spat her out like a pro! She made her expose herself as the trash she is. I bet this is when producers realized she was in and other girl was out.

Nene nd Phe truly came off beyond awful in this episode. They are self I,poratnt, judgemental shrews who love to tear others down to make themselves feel better and are gigantic hypocrites. It was totally highlighted throughout the dinner scene. Nene accusing the other side of the table being on the same page and kenya having minions lined up when thTs exactly what nene/Phe/poorsha are.

Kandi as always stays flawless and in neutral.

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Nene said to Claudia "What you got, this half-breed [!@#$%^&*], it's nothing."

Clearly NeighNeigh had to result to racism because she couldn't keep up with Claudia verbally.

ETA: The poll question was who side are you on. Obviously Claudia has the numbers but Andy doesn't want to hear the end of it. It's not like we haven't known these polls are rigged anyways, especially after the whole Jill Zarin fiasco.

Edited by MrPrezident
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