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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Somewhere in that part of Bel Air that's a helluva lot closer to Sherman Oaks than Beverly Hills, Kyle just died a little inside. And somewhere else in Malibu Yolanda just looked like she sucked a lemon. And somewhere in a (rented) house in the Hollywood Hills, Brandi is kicking herself for torching her best relationship on the show.

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Nene did that with "So nasty and so rude." But going back to important matters, I still can't understand the support for Porsha. Let's not even acknowledge all the other baggage she has, but Kenya wasn't even featuring her during this reunion. The only time Porsha came up from Kenya was after Porsha's stupid ass kept butting into Kenya's personal life. People are acting like poor, evil Kenya drove her to that, but props or no props, Porsha was itching for a fight. She started it and she also finished it with her punk ass hair pull. That girl is a disaster, I could never be a fan of hers. I know yall used to get on me for my Porsha hate, but I'm so happy her tired ass might finally be gone!

Straight From the A is saying that Kenya is thinking of quitting before she gets fired. To further show their bias, in the actual article it says that she was offered a starring role on a TV One sitcom in development. Obviously nobody is going to fire Kenya, so why not just say she's gonna quit for an acting gig? Hate all you want, but keep it based in reality somewhat.

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Finally watching the OC premiere.

I have missed these ladies! And to not see Gretchen or Alexis, just perfect. Vicki is still as hilariously delusional as ever,loved her ranting about Oklahoma.

Shannon seems...off and not in the hilarious Lynne way.

The OC ladies just feel like home to me. Again another franchise off to a better start than BH.

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whats even worse is all the ignorant comments claiming that Kenya has been bullying Porsha. Porsha even insinuated that on the reunion, playing victim bc she has been through so much this year and Kenya keeps coming for her. Huh? Exactly how has Kenya bullied her this season? They have had virtually little to do with each other all season. They've only had 2 significant interactions and that was bonding in Savannah and later in Mexico when Kenya shut her down after Porsha came after her while jumping into a convo that didnt involve her. In 22 episodes, where was this bullying that people are talking about?

Porsha has been 100% irrelevant to Kenya's storylines this season. Porsha coming for Kenya has been a desperate attempt at recapturing some sense of relevance. Congratulations you got it by embarassing and making an ass of yourself. Seriously, people need to get the F out of here with that bullying nonsense talk if they are gonna go hard on Kenya to support Dumbo. The word bullying gets thrown around alot in recent times and there is NO evidence of Kenya bullying anyone except in people's heads

Edited by Cheap21
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OC is just on fire as always, but Melbourne is giving me EVERYTHING! For such a short season these episodes are packed with so much. One complaint I have is that they need to stop flashing back every time these idiots lie on Gina. It's comical how worked up they keep getting and Gina is right every time! This entire thing started out with Lydia poorly re-telling a story and it's just freefalled from there. They look so pathetic and Gina still gives zero [!@#$%^&*]. I LOVED her date! It's amazing that she's still able to have fun considering all the hate surrounding her.

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I've always liked/loved Miss Leakes but I also will call her out when she does something I don't approve of....I do think she was a bit stank with Andy from the get go because he called her Linnethia (which I thought he was just being cute with her). Overall though I thought Nene did a great job aside from her cold shoulder to Cynthia about the twerking and the whole weight issue with Kandi.

And I'm sorry but Nene SLAYED Kenya....and that's just the Gods honest truth. This whole "African Prince" thing is starting to sound very suspect to me and frankly I don't think its true at this point. Nene had me on the floor dying of laughter when she was telling the story. And I completely believe her. She decimated Kenya and made her look and sound so stupid. You CANNOT say that someone met your man when your "guy" (someone you probably PAID) just bumped into the woman outside the hotel and she could barely understand him nor did he introduce himself.

What a joke. Even the part when Andy was talking about Velvet sounded so FAKE and so rehearsed to me. The only genuine part was when Phaedra effed up and threw shade at Kenya bout the dog being her only friend....which quietly I think we all know is true. THATS when Kenya went REAL hood and got angry. I think she was upset but just doing more acting. That I will give the girl she's a grade A actress for the work she's doing on RHOA. But I think this first part of the reunion and her behavior with Porsha has made me realize just how conniving and manipulative Kenya Moore really is. Not saying Nene is perfect AT ALL. But at least she's real like her or don't like her

Never thought I'd see the day where I'd be rooting for Porsha! But the girl stood her ground and she made some VALID points about Kenya. And that microphone would have set ME off if I was on that couch with that fake lady talking about my marriage like that.

How does it seem pretty true? Some random guy comes up to you on the streets spouting some nonsense with a heavy accent that you don't understand and you walk away? Sounds pretty reasonable to me.

The whole point of that exchange was to show how OTT Kenya really is. She exaggerates sh*t to the TENTH degree. Its beyond ridiculous at this point. The way she was insisting that Nene had met this guy you'd think that they were in a restaurant and had run into one another. Or they were at some social event where people could verify this.

Instead it ended up being some random ambush on the streets of LA outside "the hotel that Nene likes" (loved the little wink she gave Andy before she launched into the story...LOL).

And speaking of Andy Cohen....that man is too cute and so funny. Its SO clear he loves Atlanta the most out of all franchises. He was CRACKING up the entire time and I loved every moment of it.

EDIT: Re Porsha

Porsha gets my support because Kenya was so rude to her and came across so fake in multiple things. Most importantly though is that Porsha made some very reasonable points about Kenyas Casper the Friendly Ghost Man. And the truth is that Kenya has been attacking Porsha for a WHILE now. Like going on two years. At some point enough is enough....

I think Porsha conducted herself foolishly and looked weak with all the crying but she was justified in dragging that heffa to the floor and I do wonder if more happened that wasn't shown.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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its really pathetic how desperate they are to take her down and like you, IU love how she gives zero f--ks about it. She doesnt give them the reaction. If they do a season 2, Im gonna need them to get rid of Andrea and Lydia. Lydia is a brainless twit with no substance and Andrea is just vile. Keeping her on would give me fear that season 2 will get too ugly like Vancouver did when they kept Jody. Janet's annoying me but I really think she has a HS mentality and just wants to be in with the popular crowd. I think she can turn around without those two on the cast. Jackie is hilarious and we need to keep her and her husband. Chyka provides fabulous balance which is needed amongst the craziness

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So she can talk all the mess she wants about Kenya, but when Kenya doing it she's not standing her ground? She's bulling Porsha. Okay...

So it was one-sided? You haven't seen the endless talking heads with Porsha and Phaedra making endless negative comments about Kenya, often much more-so than her, but of course it's all Kenya's fault. And I love how Phaedra gets a pass when she has been dragging Porsha in her talking heads all year long. Phaedra and Nene don't like Porsha but I feel used her for what they need.

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Kenya was rude but Porsha told her she had a rotten vagina among countless other things. Porsha is not innocent. Both of them chicks have been exchanging low blows for two seasons. Kenya did cross the line with the blow horn but it is not her fault that Porsha cant control her emotions. Kenya told that girl to hit her and get fired and Porsha did it anyway. She is so immature and I'm sick of seeing her getting coddled like a damn baby. She is 32 YEARS OLD.

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This isn't about Phaedra for one thing.....

And what mess was Porsha saying? She simply said the truth. No one has seen this character. NO ONE. There hasn't been a single sighting. She then claimed that someone told her that Kenya had approached some African singer with money to appear with her a few times. Which I think someone posted a link in this thread a while back about. I never said "bullied". I think that word is thrown around way too much and has lost its initial meaning. However I do think Kenya has targeted Porsha cuz she thinks Porsha is the weakest and won't fight back. Well she was clearly mistaken and honestly I was quite surprised at how turnt up Porsha was. I never expected that level of heat from ole girl.

Now please believe I still think Porsha is dumb and is very weak when it comes to make smart decisions regarding men and life in general. But in this one instance I totally agree with her. Kenya was asking for that a$$whooping and she GOT IT.

The most important part to me though is that I went into this reunion fully expecting to support Kenya in some way or form and very sad cuz I thought Nene was going to come across very ugly but by the end of it Kenya ended up looking petty, cheap, and the victim as usual.

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Kenya loves going for Porsha because she's the weakest link.

But the "you know you met my man" was embarrassing. Like you said, an ambush on the street by a total stranger is not a meeting! I loved Nene telling Andy that she will explain the encounter to him, and then Andy can determine if a meeting had taken place. Some fool in her face she does not understand going on and on about his pretend girlfriend? Yeah, ok!

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