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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I completely disagree about Heather. I don't think her cursing makes her trashy at all. I love the way she generally has good grammar, but can get down in the gutter when need be. She is so fierce to me and perfect. She is the new queen of New York. I haven't seen this week yet, but I look forward to her roasting Aviva and the return of Ramona. Ramona is an absolute goddess and not trashy at all.

I agree. This is what gives haters juice so I knew these twos would bond, being the ultimate haters.

OH I FORGOT!! Orange County! It was absolutely flawless. From the opening to the flawless production to how good the women and their (not including Tamra) fabulous homes! I feel this show is next to RHOA in terms of importance for Bravo. No matter what it's ratings are consistent, even with a big reboot the premiere had 1.7 million viewers, sure to rise in coming weeks. It doesn't matter what happens they always deliver. I thought the three remaining housewives all brought it in their scenes this week. I enjoyed Heather's ridiculous house plans, Tamra's gym looks like it'll provide her a decent amount of story and Vicki always has enough going on. I love the facial expressions Vicki makes when they bust her about Brooks. She is a damn mess.

I don't think the Heather pile-up will be too bad. I actually found myself liking her for the first time. I always found her to be too condesending and pretentious, but it worked better this season without everyone kissing her ass. I felt like because of her money and "career" the other ladies always acted like they looked up to her and sort of worshiped her because they wanted to be in her circle. Now that they're used to her they call her out on her BS and that makes her more likable IMO. It's not making me dislike the other girls, but I find her less humorless now that they're giving her something to work with. She kinda is reminding me of The Countess in season 5 of NYC.

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Gutter = Trash

And that's not a dig at Heather at all. I think she exhibited trashy behavior but I wouldn't call her trash either like JP is calling Ramona trashy for no good reason at all. But if we're gonna just fix labels onto people haphazardly like that then Heather's behavior at Luann's dinner would make her trashy to a lot of people.

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I agree about heather. This whole saying the word !@#$%^&*] makes you trashy thing is so odd to me. I love that hypocritical Aviva commits the ultimate sin next week of uttering the F word.

Ramona is trash. She may not be the falling over drunk in public, poor white trash definition of the word, but her treatment of others is pure trash and for me that speaks louder than any F bomb ever will.

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I don't think dropping the F bomb makes one trashy but excessive use of it is trashy. All the ladies say the f word but it's not classy to use it multiple times within a paragraph and default to it. Once here and there is fine. And I don't think Heather is trashy; she just exhibited trashy behavior. She doesn't live her life messy. Brandi is someone is consider trash. None of the NYC women are on that level

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I wonder if Ramona has a condition because some of the things she says are so unfiltered and off the wall. That is one of the reasons I love her. She seems smart, but socially awkward and not all there. I love her crazy eyed self.





Whats not to love?

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Hahaha... Thank you for this LOL. I haven't watched last night's show but I'm glad the Ramonacoaster is back.

I agree about the socially awkward comment. She blurts things out without thinking it through first, but I wouldn't call her trash. She ain't innocent, but she isn't vile and mean-spirited like some Housewives.

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Porsha is likely fired. I honestly think she was on her way out anyway, but this solidifies it. She's a liability. They will throw her under the bus and leave her on the side of the road as she isn't worth trying to keep on to help repair her image and do damage control. She's not a Nene or Teresa. Considering how much star power Kenya had this season, if it comes down to a choice of Porsha or Kenya, there is no way in hell, they would choose Porsha. She sealed her fate. I can see Bravo doing a disclaimer and Andy addressing it when the reunion airs and then try to move on from it. Its not a good look for the brand and it sucks that it had to be Porsha to drag things down that low

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Umm okay....moving on. Treatment of others can make you condescending (see Luann) or coocoo for coco puffs (see my gurl Aviv's) but I don't see how it makes you "trashy'. In most if not all definitions trashy is how you act and behave in public. How you conduct yourself with others.

Those Ramona pics are just LIFE. She's so awkward sometimes but I can't help but love her. Glad she's back and I can't wait to see the episode tonight!

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