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GH: February 2010 Discussion Thread

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Who is writing Helena's dialogue bc it has been amazing since she returned. Her scenes with Liz are gold

"I bet you are a liar. You would lie down for any man"

"You dont have the common sense to know that passion is used as a weapon and sex is best used as negotian"

"You are clearly a sexual predator. You want what, attention? You have everyone's attention now. You are the town tramp"

"3 little urchins by 3 different men and you arent married to a single one. You are ripe for welfare"

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No, that's not the reason he writes this endless parade of pregnancies. The worldview of GH (and apparently many viewers since they like and eat this up) is women are defined by their having children and ability to hold on to a man. In Liz's case, she lost Lucky and literally lost her mind. How ridiculous is that? Sam a few years back was shreiking how she was nothing without Jason, Alexis sells her soul for a little Jerry-Penis, Robin went all over town saying "please sir, spare some sperm?" amd they all get on an assembly line to pop out the next kid.

This is what makes Helena's comment to Liz today such a politically incorrect gem. Liz does resemble in many ways many a welfare mother.

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It's even worse with Liz because they have told us that the moment when she was at her best was when she was raped. So we have a woman who basically only really had a purpose when she was a teenage girl sitting alone in a park and some guy forced himself on her.

Then, according to the story, she first moved beyond the rape when she had sex with Nikolas. An affair which was proof of what a FAITHLESS WHORE she was and where she was struck down with mental illness and yet another pregnancy, and where she goes back to the place where she was last special -- the place where she was raped and left for dead.

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I still think that one main reason for most of these pregnancies is keep or put couples artificially together. You are the one who argues that Patrick is whipped by Robin. If she had gotten pregnant by a sperm donor, Guza would not have had an easy excuse to reunite Patrick and Robin. Liz's pregnancies have all gotten her the man of the moment, Ric, Jason and now Lucky or Nikolas. I think most of these pregnancies are plot points to put together specific couples for a period of time.

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I don't see how. She's a surgical nurse and could easily support 3 children on her own, if this show bothered to be realistic. I just thought it was one more way for the show to insult women, since any man with 3 children by 3 different mother's wouldn't be called a "welfare father". In fact, that isn't even a term, even though for nearly every mother who's child is on welfare there is a father who's child is on welfare. Woman aren't getting themselves pregnant(except in the case of people like Octo mom, but I have to believe that's pretty rare).

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What a boring show today's was. YAWN.

Oh yeah, I always see chemistry between The Stairmaster and Patrick! :wub: it could work. Loved their scenes in Shadybrook. As well as all of her scenes with Helena, i am loving Helena's return these days, she is doing better than usual. Love it.

LOL. Those scenes were perfectly put together, Love it. Hahaa :P always gets me laughin'!

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Wow, Liz and Patrick had mad chemistry yesterday. I remember thinking a couple of years ago that Liz and Patrick could make a cute couple...Yesterdays epi really made me think so again.

I think Patrick's scenes with her had MUCH more power and emotion than anything Lucky has had with her of late....

WOW, whoever is writing these Helena/Liz scenes is GREAT. They have been on fire.

The Liz scenes with Patrick and Helena were the only good thing about yesterday's episode!

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ITA with that.

No matter who the writers throw at Becky to be with romantically, she always knocks it out of the park. I think Becky has had chemistry with every man they have paired her with romantically...It's just a shame that they always butcher it so bad. Patrick/Liz is super cute...I feel more "love" between them, then between Robin/Patrick at this moment.

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