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Seeing the cultists stamp their feet on Twitter has been the tonic I really needed today. They are such disgusting people who emulate Trump and who constantly push conspiracy theories and spew poison even as they constantly claim to be voices of righteousness and goodness. They were so sure this was their big moment, years in the making, only for it to be gone forever. To know it was taken from them, and partly because of operations their dear leader insisted on implementing, is very satisfying. 


Whatever happens next, however much they ruin the rest of the election and try to give Trump another 4 years, I will always look back on tonight and laugh at these Very, Very Special and Intelligent People resorting to trying to make "Mayor McCheat" trend like they're writing a [!@#$%^&*] McDonald's commercial. 


Good times.

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Boy, I'm glad I didn't stay up to try to track this mess!  Yesterday, there were whispers that it was going to be a clusterf*ck and I believed it, so I didn't bother to try to track what was going on last night, knowing the mess would likely spill over into a new day. The Bernie Bros and the Trumpists are having a field day.  I've only been casually following things lately and even I've noticed this. 


It's really time for the Democratic party to acknowledge that we're in the 21st century and a 19th-20th century presidential primary system built solely for white men might not work that well for a party that tries to tout diversity. 

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With Senate Republicans on track to acquit Donald Trump on Wednesday, Washington is bracing for what an unshackled Trump does next. Republicans briefed on Trump’s thinking believe that the president is out for revenge against his adversaries. “It’s payback time,” a prominent Republican told me last week. “He has an enemies list that is growing by the day,” another source said. Names that came up in my conversations with Republicans included Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Mitt Romney, and John Bolton. “Trump’s playbook is simple: go after people who crossed him during impeachment.”


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So basically what I'm seeing on Twitter is that Bernie won but also lost, Biden lost but this was also good for him and Buttigieg worked with Hillary Clinton to develop the app. You know, completely sane stuff.


(Honestly all I can really determine is that the Berners are pissed off which always makes me happy.)

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Bernie's followers are braying for a witch-hunt over who is to blame for this (read: Dem hierarchy). It's a bad day for Dems all around. State of the Union tonight (and I'm sure DT will go wildly off-script in order to lay into his opponents), while Gallup has just farted up the Dear Leader's poll ratings for January, which were the highest they have ever been -- admittedly at a mediocre 49%.



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Wow.  So much to digest in this thread.  Apologies if I go "over my time," lol.



Exactly.  God knows this republic of ours ain't the greatest, but it's a far sight better than what others across the globe have.  I'm not ready or willing to throw it away or burn it all to the ground until I feel I've done all I could to make it better.



As I see it, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination, we're screwed, because Berners will be out to punish the rest of us like they did in 2016; if he does get the nomination and loses -- and he will lose, if he does get it -- then we're screwed, because no way will he be able to defeat Donald Trump; and if he does get the nomination and actually wins, then we're screwed once more, because I think we'll see right away how little that man actually cares about anything other than lining his own pockets with cash.


No matter how you slice it, then, we're just plain screwed.  So, yeah, from here on out, I think I'll be concentrating more on down-ballot races in my state.  Especially now that the clusterf**k known as the Iowa Caucus has happened.



If Bernie were to become the nominee, the only thing going for him would be, "He ain't Donald Trump."  But, would that be enough?


I've nothing to say about Rush Limbaugh...except, maybe Rosie O'Donnell was right about how lying gives you cancer.



Aisha Moodie-Mills made an interesting point this morning on NPR's "The Point"*: Democrats stay looking for another, galvanizing, Obama-like force to excite them into showing up at the voting booths.  Basically, she said, we gotta stop looking for that next savior, because he ain't comin'.  If our primary objective in 2020 is to get rid of Donald Trump, then we're gonna have to save ourselves.


(*Yes, I listen to NPR.  Shut up.)



They didn't really say "got the shaft," did they?  Because, if they used those exact words to describe a gay man's performance in a political (or any) contest, then they should be very ashamed of themselves.


(And I'm not even gonna TOUCH "a bump.")

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I admit I am relatively new to following politics, but it does seem to me that caucus-ing, rather than simply casting ballots, isn't exactly the smartest way to go about determining nominees and delegates.  And just how did we decide on IA and NH going first anyway?  Did we flip a coin or something?


How about if the states simply went in alphabetical order instead, or in order of admittance to the union?



Ugh.  You could only imagine how a Bernie vs. Trump election would go.  One side would win; the other would say it's rigged; and we'll spend the following four years going on and on and on about it.


I say, in the future, we play tag to determine our leaders.  It's much more efficient.



Why do we even NEED caucuses and primaries?  Couldn't we just cut to the national convention?

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If Trump wins re-election, the next four years will make the past four years seem like paradise by comparison.


I'm truly worried about the future of this country.

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Me too.  I'm DC so there is NOOOOO turning it off.  Politics 24/7 and I swear last night I watched a little and said - foreign countries hacking in again.  How do you NOT measure and count votes.  But Caucuses are stupid.  You show up and run from one group to another?  Just VOTE.  A bunch of people show up and basically run around and talk to each other and get influenced by people who.......may not be very smart.  They've assured us that no one is hacking.  But apps suddenly don't work, votes not counted AGAIN.  How many years does it take to learn from dangling chads?  We've been doing this for awhile now and there's always SOMETHING.  It's so ridiculous.  

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