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I think it's going to be very close. Right now if I had to guess I'd say a narrow Biden win, with a lot of litigation and street violence, and a tied or R+1/2 Senate. I hope I'm wrong and it's better for the Democrats but I think there's just too much boiling under the surface.

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Does it seem like Senate Republicans and the White House are bent on mutual destruction where the stimulus is concerned? Granted, Trump is completely unreliable and prone to change his mind faster than the weather but he and Mitch McConnell seem to be locked in a battle of wills as far as their ceilings on the total amount for the stimulus package. 

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I know some on the right have claimed the early numbers are good for Republicans - I haven't checked as they always lie, but I imagine Democrats will have an advantage in that vote which is then matched by Republicans on Election Day. My main worry is how many of those mailed in votes are going to disappear. I hope most people, if they can, are voting on the day, but I am not one to make those proclamations as I am voting by mail this year. 



It's bad for Trump, good for Senate Republicans. They can claim they are the party of austerity (with various outlets like NYT already pushing stuff about the deficit again), crash the economy, and blame Biden for it if he wins, setting up a comeback narrative in 2022. I just hope Democrats can win the Senate because if they don't then Republicans will do nothing, other than investigate Hunter and wait for the clock to run out.

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I don't know about the mail in vote particularly in states that use mail in votes like Florida and Arizona. I was reading an article(can't find it) in I think WAPO about how mail in voting has the GOP in Florida very nervous particularly the numbers they are seeing. Trump has so many freaked out about mail in their normal mail in engine in Florida is having to retool at the last minute and they are extremely worried that a machine they had down is now being disrupted by Trump and are not sure of they will be able to account for it.

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