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I continue to feel little to no pity for these folks. Probably not nice of me, but hey... Maybe listen when an ass tells you...he plans to continue to be an ass if elected?


As Maya Angelou said, when someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them.


Now, though? To his voters, you broke it, you buy it. Have fun!

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All that "winning" is getting too much for him to brag about, I guess.

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In other news, it looks as if Congress didn't include constraints on the acceptance of refugees in the spending bill that they passed last month. They were probably assuming that since the flow of migrants has lessened under Trump that this the flow of refugees would follow but most refugee experts expect a large flow of refugees into the U.S. in the wake of the lifting of this cap on refugee quotas.


U.S. Quietly Lifts Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed In


I was also reading that many Republicans feel like Mitch McConnell, that healthcare may be too difficult to tackle since they have been unable to "replace" the ACA with a better bill. There are divides developing between GOP members that are almost as wide as the ones that exist between the two parties.


And remember this name--- Oleg Deripaska!  A Russian oligarch whom Putin and Trump have in common has just requested immunity to cooperate with Congress. We'll see what, if anything comes of this.

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Yeah, I don't feel all that sorry for those who voted for Trump and now regret it.  I'm just sorry the REST of us have to suffer as well.


Might as well get used to these "resets."  I have a feeling TrumpCo.'s gonna have 'em on a regular basis.

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^ What disturbs me is how many people don't regret it, including people he is harming through his policies.  The last poll I've seen didn't have high numbers of Trump voters who would do things differently if given a chance. I guess it's still early days and they may come to their senses.


This is a couple of months ago. 3%


Edited by Juliajms
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It's only been just over 100 days. I think those things need to kick in first before the impact is felt. We are already seeing signs of lower consumer spending, travel industry hit hard, Trump now ok'ing importing citrus from South America, undermining the citrus farmers in this country. All is going to take it's toll. And Trump now owns healthcare so if his undermining of O-Care leads to increased premiums, that will be on him. Ford and GM both cutting jobs(despite the "great" job growth). Ultimately this desire to be isolationists(unless you are a big company who wants to make things overseas) is going to take its toll. The countries that import American made goods are all those that Trump and company have snubbed. I don't believe Russia, the Saudi's, and the Philippines are huge US importers

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We've got to stop hoping there's going to be some magic event that makes these people regret what they did. If they were capable of that level of reasoning they never would've voted for that fraud to begin with. We need to keep reminding them of their foolishness but stop expecting they'll own up to it.

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I have now lost all respect for Nina Turner. I made the mistake of listening to her on SOTU on CNN this AM. She's blaming the DNC for Quist's loss in Montana. And talked about the dems continuing to lose due to Russia


Ok I actually phone banked for Quist 2 weekends and none of these local, state, or even house races are about Russia. Quist ran on universal healthcare, he is pro-gun, protecting public lands, pro choice, free college, increased min wage. Those are the things he campaigned on it Montana. Plus Montana very much likes their own.


He turned down a visit from Perez, embraced Sanders who was there for rallys before the vote, the DCC did give him about 500k, and he raised 6 million on his own. The large amounts Gianforte got was through super pacs who ran the negative ads(Quist had a lot of negative ads on Gianforte by the way).


Here's the thing - a progressive in Montana is not like a progressive in Vermont. I phonebanked and a lot of dems I talked to liked and supported. But there were also quite a few who felt he was a socialist, didn't buy into free college or Universal Health Care. I actually had one women tell me she supported those things but that the messaging on them screams socialism and socialism doesn't play well in a red state. So rather than blaming people, can we stop it and start improving the messaging so it resonates in some of these more moderate areas. Montana has elected democrats. They have a democratic Governor who beat Gianforte despite all his money and a democratic senator.


And for the all Russia all the time. Do the Turner's realize that keeping the narrative in Washington on this is preventing Trump from getting any legislation through. And the grassroots organizers are helping to hamper the healthcare plan. I swear with grassroots wins in places like Illinois, New York, Delaware, Connecticut you'd think people were just doing more than just Russia wouldn't you?

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Things are too polarized now for most people who supported Trump to ever admit they're wrong. There will always be someone else to blame. The media will scour around looking for tearful closeup photos of Betty Sue but for the most part it's going to be something that is either never said out loud or is only said to a few people. 


The problem isn't just Trump anyway, it's the Republican Party as a whole. Even if they do say "oh Trump wasn't really with us anyway," they will still nod along for Pence, Paul Ryan and friends.

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Of course the Berniacs want to downplay Russia. They benefited from the interference. 


Any attempt to moderate the message just gets us called "the elite" or "corporate shills."  That's why there's not going to be any unity. Bernie hates Democrats. He hates us more than Republicans. Now we're finding out that the murderer in Portland was a Bernie supporter who then flipped to Trump. We're going to see more and more of that. Google "horseshoe theory." The difference between the alt right and the alt left is negligible. In both cases it's feed by toxic masculinity and white supremacy.

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