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Well, I can't say the press doesn't have it coming, after the lengths they went to throughout the election to normalize Trump and make Hillary out to be some combination of Mrs. Lovett and the Sheriff of Nottingham.  Nevertheless, it scares me to think TrumpCo. is one step closer toward shutting down the press and eradicating free speech for good.



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The biggest joke is that the first article I read ended up centering around a Trump tweet from 2015 (over their retiring their elephants due to battles with animal groups). People will never realize that when they make everything about him, he always wins. 

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I am reading this article very quickly (as quickly as I can, as much as I can stand to read) and the fascinating thing is that I keep hearing the women featured in this article quoted as saying things like 'I don't think that he will set the women's rights movement backward...' or 'I don't think that he will take away healthcare from people who really need it...' or 'I don't think he's even really a Republican...'

The common words being "I don't think".

"I don't think"

"I don't think".

"I don't think" tells me a lot about what went into their thought processes before casting their votes.

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So apparently the incoming POTUS is having to hire paid seat fillers at the inauguration.




Also ^^ there have been rallies all day today organized by OURREVOLUTION(yes Bernie) on the ACA.  I am at the one in Chicago and there are people standing in line who could not get into the venue.


I was going to suggest you also see if your congressman or senators have any townhalls setup and GOTO them with your story. Face to face dialogue does matter.

Edited by JaneAusten
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I think that's true and what kills me is that at least two of the other extreme candidates were Latino.  I think that Trump did a great job at "racial priming". Something I didn't even know existed until this election, but from my perspective it's all a big con.  People who are already adults will always have white privilege to some extent. The education you received, the career you have are already a part of that. It won't change in the lifetime of these older people who are so worried about it. Before long a lot of them will be on social security and even Paul Ryan won't screw with it for those close to retirement (probably). 


So many of these manufacturing jobs that were lost would have benefited Latinos more going forward, just by the nature of demographics. It's a shame that it's not going to work out that way, but I agree it's never coming back. As other people have mentioned automation is going to screw a lot of people going forward. I feel bad for all the kids out there who just aren't academically inclined. There are going to be a lot of people stuck in low level service jobs, until those go away too, I suppose. 


For kids coming up they will be socialized under a new reality. It's going to be the only thing they know. All I hope for my own children is a meritocracy where everyone gets a chance to develop their ability. Yes, that's still a far off ideal, but I hope to see us get closer to that once these dark years are over.

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What's funny - I don't know if Face the Nation is broadcast nation-wide (I'm in DC) - but on Face the Nation this morning, they asked Mike Pence about this, and he said, well - the White House grounds are 18 acres, ya know...so it could be that the Press would be relocated to some other part of the property....they had to consider what to do with them, because ya know...the press room is small - you worked there, so you know how small it is, and honestly, our incoming Administration is just so popular that so many more outlets want to cover us that we need a bigger space.


I was like....My God.  There are people out there that will hear this and DEVOUR it....with 100% total belief!  LOLLLL.  This is where we are folks.  Uh, the press room is the size it is because they want only media there that is cleared to cover it...most of the bureaus have offices right there....I swear.  This administration can just say whatever the Hell they want and there are people that believe it.  They're so popular that they need more space for the MEDIA!???  You mean, the media that your President has spent time twittering about their unfairness....the media that he insulted at his first "press conference"???? 


What I WISH would happen, but it never will because of journalists always trying to get the scoop....what I WISH would happen is if they just didn't show up at ALL.  Have him walk out and see NO ONE sitting there. 

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As a rejoinder to Pence's nonsensical answer on press access at the WH, there's this:



Then there is this interesting nugget:


Compare this with 3,000 buses that applied for parking for Obama's inauguration.


200 Buses Have Applied For Inauguration Parking — 1200 For The Women’s March



Edited by DramatistDreamer
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A right winger asked this question on another board to the liberals


" Let's say after 2-4 years, the Trump presidency manages to be successful (booming economy, manufacturing jobs added. wall built, illegal immigration under control, treaties renegotiated in favor of the U.S., etc) will you be willing to admit that Obama was an amateur who could give a good speech, but was completely out of his depth and had no clue how to govern?

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