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Y&R August 2023 Discussion Thread

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Except, Doug Davidson was credited as recurring. And Kate Linder, from my understand, has a lifelong main status deal, thanks to William J. Bell, so her credit is correct. CBS is pretty up to date on their statuses, and seem prompt in crediting those properly.

Considering they don't have an over-night set crew, I credit them in giving us what they can. Surprised they are, too.

Was this ever confirmed? What annoys me is that Vail Bloom's hair changed 2-3 times in the episode. Consistency is missing, and it's jarring.

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Catching up on previous replies…

I always thought Nate’s turn for the dark last year was brought on between a quest of revenge against Devon for what happened when Nate’s surgical hand was injured as well as Imani playing Lady MacBeth however JG never addressed the psychological reasons, something which is a terrible shame.

As for this week so far….

Shout out to the trio of actresses that is SW, AL, and ZS carrying the show at the moment for good performances this week.

FINALLY on Tuesday we got the scenes of AL Summer and Phyllis I was looking for way back in May I was looking for. Summer’s rejection on Tuesday and outright   cutoff on Friday were perfectly well done. Campy bad green screen roller coaster or not it at least allowed Summer to breath be fun for a moment….at Chance’s advice. We’ll    see where this goes.

I’m still for a Summer/Chance/Sally triangle lol.

It was minuscule but the scene of Diane confronting Audra at Crimson Lights was well done and played. ZS had done a great job of Audra on the defense this past week including her paranoia, yet ZS managed to hold her own against both SW and MTS. 

With SW Diane cementing herself into GC society I feel like Diane is a character we’ve needed to have for the last decade and it’s finally filled a gap. SW continues to be the lead and dominant actress on this show.


In regards to Phyllis I wish she would have had to don an orange jumpsuit again…I mean even Latham sent Phyllis to jail. At least Daniel & Summer still stood their ground in their rejection, but Phyllis & Lauren having a tea party in Chancellor Park was silly to see. 


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Doug Davidson's contract was terminated in January of 2018.   The credits continued to show him as a contract player for the next nine months.  In September of 2018, he announced to the media that he'd actually been on recurring status for the entire year.   ("My contract was not renewed in January.  I went on recurring.  My understanding was it just until new people were in place.")  A couple of weeks following his public announcement that he'd been recurring for nine months, the cast list was updated to reflect he was no longer a part of the cast.

Kristoff St. John was shown as a contract cast member until his death in February of 2019.  A few weeks after Kristoff's death, Bryton revealed that Kristoff had been "very depressed, as he felt he no longer had a job."  (Evidently Kristoff had been bumped to recurring as well, though it was never reflected in the crawl.) 

Christian LeBlanc, Kate Linder and Camryn Grimes haven't made any public announcements about their status, but it's pretty obvious they no longer have traditional contracts with realistic episode guarantees.

[In 2022, Miss Grimes had only 53 appearances -- approximately 1 per week.  Christian LeBlanc had 34 appearances --- fewer than 3 per month.  Kate Linder had 6 appearances all year.]    

Edited by Broderick
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@Broderick thanks for clearing that up.

From those numbers, if Camryn is on contract, it is with a 1 ep a week guarantee. I wonder if contracts still work on 13 week cycles ie with a once a week contract she wouldn't necessarily have to be on screen once each week but total 13 appearances over 13 weeks.

Edited by Paul Raven
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That seems like a terrible contract, IMO. Doesn't it mean that if she gets offered other work, they can prevent her from taking it if they need her to film that one episode per week, because she's technically on contract? I hope she's recurring or has "outs."


I also wonder why they can't give a contract or situation like that to someone like Billy Miller. I would take 53 appearances from him in a year over being subjected to Jason Thompson daily.

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Ugh. I can’t stand Lauren as Phyllis’s hype man. What a waste of the character. And it’s so forced and really underscores how desperate the show to make Phyllis sympathetic, which is a fool’s errand. We’re supposed to feel sad that Phyllis’s kids have abandoned her, when she deserves that and so much more.

It’s interesting that they have these characters who are parts of two families, but due to budget or lack of imagination, they can focus on only piece at a time (Summer and Abby are both Newmans, but they feel completely divorced from that side.)

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I tasked myself with watching Fri ep (must admit to some FFing)

The main thrust was Phyllis celebrating her freedom. It was unbearable for me to see her pity party of how hard done by she was and Lauren having to be her support. That nonsense of her collaborating with a criminal,  killing him, hiding the body to protect her kids! They are grown adults and thankfully gave her a serve for her psycho justifications.

Now the whole thing happened on the park set, where somehow Fylthllis had managed to set up a table for her celebration. There was Lauren keeping up the one shoulder dress tradition and, I'm sorry Tracey but the surgery and that awful hair is screaming waxwork. Lauren propping Phyllis was nauseating.

Summer and Daniel meet in her GCAC suite which is identical to Audra's. They don't bother to differentiate them with different accessories or furniture. But their next scene takes place in the GCAC entrance. 

Puzzling how set choices are made. Phyllis could have had a table at GCAC or CL. Seems like taping is all over the place.

Meanwhile Audra gets around-her GCAC suite, Crimson Lights, CGAC dining room and bacxk to her room. Lots of talk of mergers and takeovers but Audra doesn't actually do any work.

Sharon is channeling businesswoman vibes with talk of offices and staffing-from a table in empty CL.

And never a word on what these businesses are actually going to do.

This show....

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