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General Hospital: May 2023 Discussion Thread

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As they say in Bangladesh, totes mcgoats (aka I agree)

GH has such a weird relationship with legal authority.  The spies are constantly trying to eschew their superiors in order to get illegal convictions.  The police commissioners from Burt Ramsey to Mac Scorpio are either corrupt or former eco-terrorists.  The rich constantly threaten to bribe judges to win custody of their children.  And, of course, the most eligible bachelor in town is a mobster who won't sell drugs, but once owned a strip club with teenage dancers.  As an audience, we're never supposed to root for people who value civil rights, just those who want justice for personal reasons.

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Idk, I get why Ned is annoyed.  Not because he cares about Drew/Carly, but because no one including his close family members believe him.  Plus, not only is he being blamed, but everyone's acting like whoever turned them in did a horrible thing when Carly/Drew are the idiots and the people breaking the law.

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That's when you need Tracy to step in and say, "What is the MATTER with you people!?  Have we forgotten that Drew and Carly COMMITTED. A CRIME?  If Ned hadn't have turned them in, I would've!

"Ned and Drew are Quartermaines, and Quartermaines do not rat each other out!  End of!"

Edited by Khan
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Agreed.  If Ned had a few allies saying you are all idiots and no one cares about Carly after everything she did to the Q's for the last 25 years it would be nice.  

Carly/Drew aren't victims.  They are stupid.  

I swear GH just has such a warped sense of good and bad and it is Carly/Sonny/Jason's fault.  I like (and have often loved) Sonny, but he's a pretty crappy guy.  It's weird the entire town thinks he's great.  Same with Jason/Carly.  The show's moral compass got so twisted so long ago that it's probably hard to right the ship now.  But Ned shouldn't be the bad guy if he turns in people actually breaking the law.  A hypocrite?  Perhaps, but turning Drew/Carly in isn't inherently a bad act. 

Again, I think the show's morality is just so far gone that because this is small potatoes on the list of crimes Carly has willingly committed we are supposed to be on her side.  

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Morally, Ned trying to save the jobs of hundreds of ELQ employees and thousands of ELQ investors by avoiding an SEC fine should be celebrated over the need to maintain a romantic relationship between a man with a computer chip in his head and his middle-aged girlfriend who has already been married five times.  And, Olivia, of all people, should recognize that fact. 

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Does it matter though?  Ned didn't start this.   I don't really know how all this works, but Olivia would have to actively help cover the crime.   Ned recanting won't do anything.  Even if Nina recants the ball is already rolling, so I don't know how they could stop it without committing another crime by getting rid of evidence or lying.

Edited by carolineg
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At best, Drew and Carly would have to pay stiff penalties to the SEC and the U.S. Treasury.  At worst, they would serve prison time - and for some reason, I can't see either Drew or Carly or both going to jail, so they'll end up doing the former, which would be anticlimactic, lol.

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