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General Hospital: November 2022 Discussion Thread

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While it strains credulity that Port Charles is a small mid-Atlantic shipping town with several active mob families, an international spy agency semi-headquarters, and a training hospital , the fact that two out of three citizens also has a doppelgänger is still a stretch. 

However, it is worth noting that Paloma pre-dates Alex storywise (and I'm not just saying that because I predicted the Paloma twist when Holly first re-appeared).  Although, I am surprised that the long lost identical twin gets more pushback than the fact that Holly wore an Ana mask to shoot Lucy.

Edited by j swift
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Which is what I've been saying as well. Especially since all the storylines connected to him, some of which were dropped, are all coming to a head.


All we are missing is a big event to climax them on. 

Honestly, I was meh. lol. At first. But I've mentioned that I wanted to see Esme spinned off into Joss/Cam's orbit post Sprina drama. 


But now that the writers gave Dex a bit of backstory...not to mention how he's a double agent, too...I see potential in them. But I do feel for Cam. After all that buildup between him and Joss. 

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Can someone explain the insider trading issue that is forcing Carly and Drew to keep their romance a secret (despite half of Part Charles knowing about it)?

It seems like something Ned came up with, but I'm unclear about Drew's position at ELQ, as well as the percentage of stock that he controls, which would make him subject to such a rule.  As well as why the Q's would be concerned about insider trading when they've got mobsters and convicted felons as their stockholders?

I guess what I really object to is Carly still being written with the same juvenile romantic obstacles, despite her power and success.

Edited by j swift
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Didn't Jason's kids get his stock?  I would assume Sam controls Danny's, but I don't know who controls Jake's.  Liz I think?  

As far as the insider trading stuff, I think Carly knowing about the merger and investing a ton of money in Aurora before the merger was finalized is illegal and enough to get in serious trouble.  Any way you look at it, Carly was standing to profit significantly from a tip she got from Drew that the public had no knowledge of.   The merger didn't happen, but Ned could still report them if he wanted to.  My understanding is that it's much harder to prove insider trading if Carly/Drew are just casual friends and not in a romantic relationship.  Anyhow, I would assume the fact that Michael is Carly's son would be way more damning evidence than Drew/Carly's possible relationship, but whatever.  Obviously, someone with a better working knowledge of finance and this sort of thing can correct me if I am wrong though. 

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Thank you, I had totally missed that detail, although I don't know why Ned would risk reporting them?

Any way, my point remains that Carly is too old and has been in too many relationships to have her main roadblock to love being that she has to keep it a secret. Is she really still beholden to the whims of Ned and the Quartemains?

How about the differences in their financial status as a barrier? Or, the idea that now that her children are grown she wants to focus on her career, rather than romance?  Or how peri-menopause effects her libido? There are a million other stories that could be told with stakes that are more relevant.  As much I got bored by the idea of where Carly's mother should be buried, at least it was an attempt to demonstrate growth in the character.  This secret feels like she's a teen avoiding getting caught out past curfew.

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I don't think Ned has anything to lose.  He backed out of the deal because of it, so he's in the clear as far as I can tell.  Tbh, I don't really care about Carly being beholden to the Q's after all the hoops she made them jump through for Michael.  Idk why Ned cares though.  Perhaps he's doing a solid for his off screen bff Brenda lol?

I think Carly's son being a Q and part of the merger is much more damaging than Drew though.   At this point I don't really expect Carly to have any real issue based romances.  It still feels like we are biding are time until the inevitable Carson reunion, so why even develop the relationship beyond the usual?  I am not disagreeing with your solid ideas I just don't think we are supposed to truly invest in Sonny/Carly's non-Carson pairings.

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